Endoscope, dialation and a new Furbaby
The results of the endoscope showed the same thickening as before, it doesn't change. It showed scar tissue. They did do a slight dialation but it's still wide open. The CT scan will be next Friday. We've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new furbaby from Mobile, AL Needless to say Issac caused a delay. Then it…
We need HELP!! I need a NorCal EC Doc pronto!!
Okay... here's the story. My dad has been seeing the 1 of 2 oncologists at Kaiser in NorCal. She thinks she knows everything about what he is going through, and as good as she thinks she is... she IS NOT an EC specialist and she DOES NOT know what she is doing. So far, they have denied my dad an ultrasound for a blood clot…
Not the results we were hoping for
My 72 year-old mother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer on November 7th, 2011. After undergoing a multitude of tests, we learned she was Stage IV on January 31, 2012. She began chemotherapy in early February. She had 4 cycles(every other week) of Cisplatin, (5FU) and Leucovorin and then had another scan after the fourth…
Scared and lost!
Hi, I really need everyone’s help. I am so lost and scared for my brother. Things have not progressed in any way or form. The Oncology doctor is now telling us to get hospice involved and that my brother has only 6 months to live. We are devastated and are not willing to give up. No treatment has been attempted due to his…
Update from Judy plus she wants to know if anyone has had a similar experieance
Judy posted this on FB today. "Good news is that cancer was not found in fluid. Don is scheduled to go for dialysis at noon today. They had to stop the ng feeding because Don vomited all night and all this morning. They put him back on suctioning to get the junk out out. The md doctor said they are going to do another xray…
Martina McBrides, you tube video about cancer survival
Hi, Has anyone seen Martina McBride's video on Youtube, I'm gonna love you thru it. Beautiful and so meaningful for the patients and caregivers. So many of us are lucky to have had our family and friends, my hubby especially, Loved or are loving us thru it now. take care, Donna70
Adhesions from Surgery
Has anyone experienced bowel adhesions after the esophegectomy? I have had one follow up surgery to straighten my gut and clear obstructions. I am now having the same issues (cramps, constipation, uncomfortable) and the doc says this may be an ongoing thing due to the adhesions. Going for another CT scan today to see what…
my husband
Hi my jim was diagnosis with his esophageal cancer on march 28th of this year. he had a chemo port put in his chest and a feeding tube put in his small intestine on april 27th .his esophagus was shut off by the tumor,it is at the top of his stomach it has grown out and around his main artery,and into 4 lymph nodes. he has…
Well we got the news that noone waits for. My husband was sent home on Hospice with less than 6 months. The Dr, stated that now that he has a lesion on the brain that it will be far less than that. The Hospice nurses that come in and check on him gave him 2 weeks. He has not ate anything in 7 weeks, and does not want a…
My Mom was just diagnosed, what now
My name is Tracey and my 69 yr old mom was just diagnosed last week with EC. My sister and I traveled from Ohio to Illinois to meet with her oncologist yesterday. He said she needed to have a endoscopic ultrasound done and that they could not do it there and gave us the names of a few hospitals that could but also said…
My Dad was just Diagnosed with EC- Please help!
Hi my dad who is 77 years old had trouble swallowing his food about a month or so ago would have to throw up every time then the liquids would not stay down, Dr thought it was from his pradaxa so sent him home until it got so severe he got another dr who immediately sent him in for an x-ray which did not show anything so…
Esophageal Cancer Metastasis and Local Recurrence
I have just found this site, and wanted to share my story. Maybe someone has had a similar experience or may have encouraging advice or information. I am a male age 51. In May 2010 I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer stage III ademocarcenoma. I had a j-peg feeding tube implanted in my small intestine, and underwent…
Big Problems
On Sunday I got juicer from a friend. We made about 40 oz. of juice using beets, carrots, spinach, ginger, grapes. Like an idiot, I drank about 32 oz. over about an hours’ time. One hour later, severe cramps started developing. I was soon doubled over with severe pain that, I am not joking, lasted 7-8 hours. I do not take…
Dads surgery in the morning, advice needed on what to say
my dad is having a esophagectomy in less than 8 hours and I am an emotional wreck. I went to see him this afternoon for a few hours and didnt want to leave, all that was going through my mind is what if this is the last time I see him (horrible I know) it has just got all real to me that he may not survive surgery and ive…
New Here just want to get acquainted.
My name is Len. I have been cancer free for 13 months now after chemo/radiation and surgery for Adenocarcinoma of the Distal Esophagus. I have read some of the posts and can relate to some but not all of what has been posted. I noticed someone about to have the laproscopic surgery, in my case unfortunately, I had the full…
Early termination of 5FU!
Dave's doctor discontinued the 5FU yesterday, saying it had been 4 weeks, the affects of it are 99% complete on eradicating the tumor if it indeed has (won't know for sure until PET mid-September)and that the side effects were doing him more harm than good at this point. We are finally seeing some light at the end of the…
What next?? J-Tube came out...
After telling my Dr. specifically that my J-Tube sutures are loose, she just shrugged it off telling me that they are fine. Well today while showering the entire tube fell out!! I called my Dr., and she told me to put it back in myself, but don't wait too long...can you believe this? Well, I tried to no avail, it started…
Update from Judy about Don
For those of you who do not have facebook, Judy posted the following today (this was following an MRI and an ultrasound of the kidneys) "We received a lot of information today - almost too much to process. The surgeon called a family meeting at 2pm today. A family meeting? Hmm. He came in and brought the medicine doctors…
Energy levels
I feel beat a lot of the time, and I sleep a lot. Of course, I >AM< on chemo, which might possibly (ya think???) have something to do with it. Anyway, looking for suggestions to get me some energy. I start teaching next month (Sept 24th) and it WOULD be nice to have some energy. Suggestions from the great brain trust???…
Xloda - Blisters on Feet
I wonder if anybody has experienced this side effect of Xloda ... comes under a general heading of Hand and Foot syndrome, which covers various symptoms like itching, redness, peeling etc. But in my case, my heels, and the balls of both feet have turned into big blisters. 2 big deep blisters on each foot. Tried lancing but…
Did anyone see this on an old post??? FREDERICK EMIL needs help...
Hi good day! I am Frederick Emil R Tapawan from the Philippines, I am 31 year-old male and was diagnosed with a tonsillar cancer last March 2010. I went through a lot of treaments already. Radiation therapy, chemo, cryosurgery, etc amy, i am happy that your husband evan can eat already. I am so happy to see your posts…
Stage IV EC with SIR treatment?
Hello everyone - it has been a long time since my last post. My dad is 14 months fighting his battle with EC, he has done well with his chemo overall. He first was on Folfox now on folox. His ec tumor has been stable but his spot on his liver has increased to the point where his oncologist had him meet with Dr. Eric Reiner…
Feeling better...but gettting worse?
Hi all, So I had CT scan on August 7th and at that point I was not doing well-extremely weak, low blood levels, ect. But since then great things have happened! I was able to eat solid foods again and liquids. In fact I have been indulging in burgers and fries and any other high calorie foods and have finally gained some…
Still in hospital-possible bowel perforation
Ed was going to be discharged today however they came in to tell us that they were concerned about a possible bowel perforation. He has increased air in his stomach compared to yesterday. A swallow test looked okay. Every day this seems to become more unmanageable. Dr. Gibson, the oncologist Dr. Luketich sent over was the…
Coming to terms
Before my diagnosis of stage 4 inoperable EC that's spread too far for radiotherapy, I found it hard to believe others in similar positions seeming to be facing up so bravely to what the docs were predicting for them. And then I joined the gang. After maybe 2 days of shock or something (can't remember now) I entered a…
Surgery did not happen--undetected liver met
My husband went into surgery on Weds. feeling pretty hopeful. The combination of EUS, PET and CT scans had shown no distant metastisis. Right before the surgery they told us there was someting questionable on the Ct scan they had done the previous night. He went in to surgey and they came out two hours later to tell us it…
Woo hoo a partnership between my library and ECAN
Just wanted to let you all know that my library has partnered with ECAN (Esophageal Cancer Action Network) to spread the word about heartburn and cancer. I am so proud of this, and hope that this is the beginning of many partnerships between the organization and libraries all around the country. We need to get the word…
6 years!
I just wanted to tell everyone that August 18 marked 6 years for me. I just celebrated my 38th birthday and am thankful to be alive. There is hope. Thanks be to God!
Has Calloloo (LU) Posted
I havent been keeping up with all the new post lately. Has anyone heard from Calloloo aka LU. I've been thinking about her and the fight she is giving this nasty cancer. Thanks, Chrissy
Judy please read
Hi I read you post and like Sherry am concerned. As I mentioned to you before you and Don remind me so much of Vince and I with the motorcycles and the chain of events that have happened. Vince had severe stomach pain too. He had fluid in his ankles,legs,chest and abdomen. This was causing his pain, especially his abdomen.…