Eating and air pockets in the gastric tube?
I'm still trying to figure out my new normal. I'm 8 weeks out from my surgery and 2 weeks of eating soft foods moving into expanding what I am eating. I've started eating a sandwich on toasted bread for lunch. I've noticed the last couple days when i was eating that sandwich I start feeling pressure in the upper chest like…
Jr. is back in hospital, not good!
This is from Kathy: Pray for ray, today is not a good day, we learned that his tumor has completely blocked his esophagus...he can't even swallow his own salava they are going to do test tomorrow, to best give him palliative care ...they say that is all that can be done for him.... I went to see my brother today and he…
husband could eat and now can't
My husband with Stage III EC finished with six weeks of radiation and chemo on June 15 of this year. He does have the feeding tube, but was able to eat, and now again, can't eat by mouth. He has pain and lots of stomach acid. What would cause him to be able to eat, and then not? He had a PET scan today, and has the doc on…
Just Diagnosed
Hello, I am sure there are other posts similar to mine. I am so happy to have found this site. When the tumor was found in my husband (July 11) he was having problems swallowing. He has been diagnosed with T3N(0,1)M0...I think that is right. Thankfully, he can still eat but it has been challenging. They say that will…
Could PET Scan show False Positives?
Hello, I wanted to ask for help again. My mother is 87 years old and has stage 4 esophageal cancer (the cancer has spread near her lungs and tranchea). She received chemotherapy for over a year. Over the past year and a half, she was given a few PET Scans. Each of the PET Scans showed that the cancer was not spreading, and…
In urgent need of prayer for my mother!
Hi All, I am new here, I posted my first post yesterday asking about the leak in thoracic duct, and I did get informative info from William! And he asked me to give more information regarding my mother surgery. So I am writing this post. My mother had a transthoracic esophagectomy on 7/19, everything went well initially…
how is Don doing
Where are you Judy? I miss seeing you post Barb
heparin induced thrombocytopenia
Does any have experienced heparin induced thrombocytopenia ?
Wedge pillow
Finally, after 9 months post op...my dad decided he should order a wedge pillow. Does anyone have the link? Carolyn
Numbness in feet
I'm a 48yo man with Stage4 EC. I'm doing Doxetaxel, 5FU ans Cisplatin every other week since February. Also I see a lot of mention of lower back pain, what's the cause of this? I have recently notice numbness in my feet and hands. Anyone know what this means? Is this a side effect of the chemo or the cancer? Also, a bad…
A few thoughts...
I was diagnosed 10 years ago this October with Hodgkins lymphoma. I don't even remember what stage, I think it was II, but I was very fortunate; I got the "good" kind of cancer. After 4 rounds of chemo, and a month of radiation,I was cured. Truly cured. I feel so blessed. Ten years later, the love of my life, someone who…
Fluid retention
Hi all- Does anyone have experience with fluid retention? For the last 6 weeks or so Lou has been retaining alot of fluid. It started out just in his feet and ankles.....nothing to worry about, we were told. Now it has been throughout his body. Stomach, arms...everywhere. It was pretty bad for the last couple weeks.Though…
Complication with the surgery
My mother just had the surgery on7/19. She was in the CVICU for 8 days, then she was transfer to regular floor. But on the 9 th day, we found out her thoracic duck is leaking fatty acid and drain out from the chest tube. She may need to stay in the hospital for weeks or months for that to heal. Does anyone else have this…
Giving away Jevity
Hi All, We are moving and have a few left over cases of Jevity from my mom. Does anyone need any? There is a $14.95 flat rate box that will fit about a dozen cans, so you would just need to pay for shipping. Email me if interested. groffalicious at gmail dot com thanks!
update from Kathy
Pray for ray,,cancer doc came in his blood is too thin to put feeding tube in..they gave him a vitamin k injection so that hopefully by we'd. Am he can have the tube put in. They say he will not come home til at least Friday..they are getting him an air mattress for his hospital bed at home, and a pillow that allows…
Mrs. Botch - have question
Ucsf_smile posted this under another thread - so pushing it to the top for you Barb. Thx - JR Mrs botch, In researching pasts posts I saw your husband had constant drainage of chest fluid. Sid he have a tap? What was prognosis at that point? I am so heartbroken to find my mom is at the same stage now and I'm trying to…
Information across the communication boards and the web
Hi All, My husband,50,was Adenocar. Stage IV, diag. 12/6/10, Chemo treatments, died 9/28/11. I'm on sabatial for a year and will be working on connecting EC information together across the web so its easier for people to find communication boards like this one. If you have an interest, I would appreciate some advice. Thanks
feeding tube questions
Hi. My husband was diagnosed last August with stage IV. He is HER2 postitive and really sensitive to chemo. He is currently doing well on Herceptin and Taxotere. Tumors and lymph nodes are responding and beginning to shrink. He had a J tube placed several months ago before he started chemo because with his first round of…
Judy and Don
Judy, I think of both of you so much and wonder what you have heard recently on Don. I have started to write you several times from my IPAD but that crazy pad does not do e-mails well for me and I just started back on my regular computer. Vince and I were avid motorcyclists so Identify with you guys on that. Is Don's pain…
Almost five years
Great news once again- my test results are once again NED. I am now on a once a year schedule for a scan. I was diagnosed 5 years ago this Nov. I am very blessed and want to tell the world! Hugs to all, Sandra
Question about Surgery
My dad was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Esophageal cancer. He has been through Chemo and Radiation and his PET scan shows "reduced activity" (not really sure what that means). We met with a surgeon at Mayo Rochester (Dr. Shen) and he recommends surgery in 2-3 weeks. My dad is hesitant to do the surgery and the surgeon…
Sharp Stomach Pain
Hello again, I have a question that maybe some of you can help with. Dave is about a week and a half into his treatment ~ continuous 5FU, oxaliplatin every other week, and radiation. He continues to tolerate it well, I am so pleased at how he is doing, but he does have one troublesome symptom, sharp stomach pain that comes…
Looking for answers, hope and miracles
Hi everyone, This is my first post here. I'm learning as I go, so I may not have all of the lingo or information completely correct, so please bear with me. I have been reading the boards for the past few days as I sit by my father's bedside at a community hospital in NJ. He has been in intensive care here for 9 days,…
Some pretty good news - a positive story
I havn't been on here for a while, I found that it scared me to death reading all the negative stories. Well mine is a very positive story. I had heart complications just after diagnosis, have had a stent inserted in my coronary artery and another heart procedure to replace a pacemaker/icd which ran out of battery at the…
Update on Dave
Hello everyone, Dave started treatment on Thursday (and yes, I did drive up from the beach to be with him, I couldn't not!) He tolerated the oxaciplatin (sp?) well, and is on a continuous infusion of the 5FU. So far so good. He's a little tired, but still has a good appetite. In reading the list of side effects I noticed…
Question about chemo/hydration
Hi everyone. I have a question about chemo and hydration. My dad had his last chemo treatment on June 18. During the 6 weeks of chemo he would often get very tired as a result of dehydration and end up at the cancer center to be hydrated. He has been doing ok lately but he has also been working very hard in the 90 degree…
Foods for early post surgery. I know it's been discussed before
I am struggling with what I can be eating at this point. My esphogetomy was 7 weeks ago. My withdrawal from the feeding tube was delayed first because my stomach was in rough shape from the chem and radiation, then I developed the neck fistula. I Was just given permission to stop the feeding tube altogether. I have a list…
New Kid on the Block and Question about Driving
I stumbled on the discussion board from googling different things I didn't understand about EC. I am T3N1M0 Stage 3. Supposed to start Combined Chemo/Radiation Aug 6th and I've been so anxious about it all. So glad to have found this to see that others have already been where I am headed. Drs were going to use Proton Based…
Esophageal Cancer Action Network
Hello everyone, I just received a phone call from ECAN (esophogeal cancer action network)this morning, to disucss how I can help their organization. Coincidentally they are located here in the Baltimore area like I am. I had gone on their website and offerd to help in any way I can. I hope to get fully involved in this…
Stent or Radiation?
Hello, I wanted to ask for your kind help. My mother has stage 4 esophageal cancer, and her cancer has spread to multiple lymph nodes near her lungs and tranchea. Since she was not a candidate for surgery, she was given chemotherapy for about a year. Unfortunately, however, her swallowing problems became worse and an…