trouble with this board??
Hi, Is anyone having trouble getting on this board? Been a member here for over 3 yrs and it is saying access denied to the general discussion boards but letting me post here. Just wondering, sometimes I can't get on the board at all but never said access denied before. Donna70
Second Opinion
Hello, I wanted to ask for your kind help. My 87-year old mother has been receiving treatment for esophageal cancer for over a year and a half. She is receiving treatment at a large and well known clinic/hospital which has a number of oncologists. Despite the good reputation the clinic/hospital has, we were not happy with…
Isn't it Ironic
It just occurred to me that William is no longer here, not because he didn't survive, but because he is a survivor. He is, however, a survivor with opinions, beliefs and 10 years of knowledge that apparently is something not valued by the American Cancer Society. Their website should state that only those who DO NOT…
New to the board
I'm new to this board..my husband was diagnosed with stage 3=4 depending on who you spoke with...in August. was misdiagnosed lst time around...his treatment since he had a maglinant subclavical lymph node was chemo and rad...which he completed October 9th..his treatment took place at the U. of Chicago..IL...he was in a…
Protest, move or put up with it?
Many of you are far more articulate than me in your open letters and tributes, but i need to say something. I am a newbie and was halfway through reading a massive post from William about my dads fight against ec and his post was deleted before I read all the links. I am furious. I am angry my dad has a cancer that is…
pet scan vs cat scan
Ed is almost finishing his third round of chemo and his ordered will be ordering a pet scan. This will be his third pet scan, he never orders cat scans with the pet scan and I am wondering why? Don't most oncologist order both scan to compare or am I wrong? He had one cat scan way back in last october when first diagnosed…
jtube for severe weight loss after removal of esophagus
I really need some advice for my 78yr old father who is 10 months post-op esophegectomy. He came home with a j-tube and continuous feed pump. Had that taken out 7 months ago. Has gone from 150 pounds to 110 pounds. Very frail, very weak. I live 1500 miles away and was counting on family closer by to monitor him ans assist…
I've been lurking for 6 months...
I've been reading this forum since mid-March when my husband of nearly 30 years was diagnosed with stage IV esophageal cancer, with mets to his liver and lung. I buried him a week ago. I often thought I'd post and introduce myself when things slowed down a bit, but they never did. Despite that, I was so grateful to have…
It's a very difficult and sobering time here on the forum now...
I'm sure that most of you who have been around for awhile are used to the ebb and flow as patients and caregivers come and go, but for those of us who are still newbies, I joined a scant 3 months ago, this is a difficult time. Reading about Judy and Don's situation has brought me to tears, learning of other more recent…
CSN Email
Wow, I just checked my email, and all my messages from William are gone. And that's a darn shame, because as we all know he furnished so many of us with such great information. Now I wish I had saved some of them, but didn't ever think it would be an issue. I have a feeling that all of what CSN has done is *technically*…
Dear CSN Site Moderator or whatever you are. RE: William and Loretta Marshall
Listen here Mr or Missus Moderator or whatever you call yourself. What an absolute atrocity you have just comitted in removing William and Loretta. You cannot be serious? You have absolutely NO idea of how much help, comfort and support William and Loretta have been for hundreds of Esophageal Cancer warriors, survivors,…
Hi As this space has always provided answers and encouragement, I was wanting to know what to be done for constipation. Even though my sister with stage four EC has fruit juices and fruits, she is consitpated. What can be done for the same? I have given her homeopathy medicines but to no avail. Any suggestions? Bawa
Contact Information
All, Please send me your personal contact information - email if you desire to a new email address I have created ECFIGHTERS@gmail.com. I will try to help those get on the EC facebook page it is a private group and you must be invited -- please friend me on facebook I am Cindy Collins in Wilmington Delaware - so you make…
How do you gain weight without sugar
Hello..it's me again. This time I want to know how you gain weight. I started at 185, very overweight. I didn't lose any lbs during chemo and radiation. But since the surgery in April 2011, I've lost. I feel pretty good. I'll loved shopping for all the new clothes shopping at first, so nice things fit. But I'm getting…
Words for Stage IV, just for support - my best day
So many new Stage IVs, If it helps , here are words from my husband (Stage IV) during his battle: Today is my "best day" and I have all of you to thank for it. Your support lifts me up everyday. My treatments are going well and I've even started to gain some weight back. There goes my newly found 34 waist. There are many…
Support services for UPMC person
Hi all, What have people used for supporting services for UPMC ? asking for PA family. ie are they any helping hands groups, or local groups ?
Is any other treatment available aside from Chemo/radiation?
Hello, I wanted to ask for your kind help again. My mother is 87 years old, and has esophageal cancer. According to her oncologist, the PET Scan showed that the cancer existed in lymph nodes along the trachea (windpipe) and near the lungs. My mother’s cancer was diagnosed about a year and a half ago. For about a year, she…
Esophageal Cancer Surgery
Hello, I am Active Duty Master Sergeant in the US Army. To make a long story short. My DR. saw Barrett's in Jan and it came out + for ESO CA, I had 2 GI Procedures to remove it and 2 Negative Biopsies' for Feb - May. The last appointment I had on Aug 7th is showing "High Grade Dysphasia" in the mucosa. With that being…
I was taken off the cisplatin after 7 months. The doctor said it was because I was getting too sick from the treatment. Scan coming up on the 5th. has anyone ever had meds changed before a scan is done? I don't feel much change to the tumor in the esophagus. Any thoughts? Is this a good or a bad sign? Still doing the 5fu…
Hi As this space has always provided answers and encouragement, I was wanting to know what to be done for constipation. Even though my sister with stage four EC has fruit juices and fruits, she is consitpated. What can be done for the same? I have given her homeopathy medicines but to no avail. Any suggestions? Bawa
This is just my personal opinion but since I was first diagnosed about 18 months ago with EC I did a lot of research about the disease. I started working with the old Univac Computers back in 1965 and have used a computer is some shape or form since then so when I say researched I mean RESEARCHED. One thing I noticed but…
need suggestions please
My husband was diagnosed Aug a year ago with stage 4. He has done OK as far as this disease goes. He had some major issues at the beginning but now is having some pain issues. He is currently on Fentanyl 200mcg every 3 days and oxycodone for breakthrough pain. He also takes a muscle relaxer Skelaxin. I saw the list…
August 30 Jerry's Update
Well, frell... Got the results of the CT scan. Not good news. The chemo isn't working. The mets to the adrenals, especially the left side, are growing. I have a spot on my lung, and a nodule under the right shoulder blade. These are new. My gum and chest tumor, even after having been blasted by radiation, aren't shrinking.…
Hi My sister, 33 years old found out about stage four cancer of the esophagus when she was planning for her second baby. For almosta month she thought the symptoms were of pregnancy and took it lightly. Its been two months she has been diagnosed of stage four cancer which has spread to lungs, liver and brainn. After two…
Chest Fluid...I Still Don't Understand How....
Not really looking for answers...just jotting down some repetitive thoughts from my head. Its been 2 weeks since my mom took her last breath on this earth. Maybe it's part of the coping or grieving process, but I keep going through everything that happened in my head. All the questions will never really be answered, I…
A Quick Update
I did see Jr on Friday and he was sitting in his chair listening to his gospel records. I was surprised to see how much better he looks compared to what he looked like in the hospital. His eyes are more clearer and wider and he talks with more strength. But he is in pain 24/7. He held off on taking any pain meds until…
Have a question for my dad
I posted yesterday on my dads esophagus cancer and got some great advice. However, I have some more questions please. MY dad is going in Friday to have a port put in for his chemo treatments and also suppose to have a feeding tube put in. He was in the hospital all day today for dehydration he has been unable to even have…
Sleeping and Reflux Issues
Hi all-- I had an esophagectomy two months ago and am still marching up a sometimes slippery learning curve about many issues. I am hoping I can get some advice from those who know best. To keep stomach acids from migrating up to my throat, I have been advised to not eat for three hours prior to sleeping, sleep on a wedge,…
I am curious if anyone has had success with Erbitux? I am convinced it is responsible for my successful outcome. Here is a website that provides information on the drug: www.erbituxhcp.com
Eating Food
I have finished all of my treatment and am currently cancer free. I still have the eating tube because all foods taste so horrible that my Dr. is reluctant to take it out until I can eat regularly. I try different foods periodically but have yet to find anything I can actually eat. Has anyone else experienced this problem?…