Big Problems

ryckej1 Member Posts: 28
On Sunday I got juicer from a friend. We made about 40 oz. of juice using beets, carrots, spinach, ginger, grapes. Like an idiot, I drank about 32 oz. over about an hours’ time. One hour later, severe cramps started developing. I was soon doubled over with severe pain that, I am not joking, lasted 7-8 hours. I do not take the pain scale lightly, and this was and 8-9. Very close to calling 911. It is now Tuesday, and I am still having stomach issues. Not as bad as it was, but something is not right. In addition, I have not had a bowel movement since Sunday morning. You would think that I would have had diarrhea or something by now. I am not sure what to think. This is all on top of the fact that one month ago I had follow-up surgery to straighten out my guts that had twisted up since my esophagectomy on September 1st 2011. My health has been relatively good other that the stomach issues and the fact that I still have a hard time getting food past the “connection” site of my old/new “esophagus”.
Is it possible that the overdosing on the raw vegetable juice could cause so many problems? Scary.
I have a follow-up meeting with my surgeon tomorrow, so hopefully he will have some insight.
Has anyone had any sort of similar experience with juicing?
Don’t get me wrong, I am still freaking grateful to be alive, and I will get through this, but sometimes the EC and its little friend-side effects piss me off.
Any insight would be appreciated.


  • BobHaze
    BobHaze Member Posts: 165 Member
    Help from surgeon's staff?
    I don’t know if they all do, but my surgeon has a PA and a couple of Nurse Practitioners on staff who I can always contact for problems like yours, which I did several times in the first couple of months after my surgery. Maybe you can call the surgeon’s office and ask someone? I wouldn't wait until tomorrow.

    Good luck. Ouch!

    Dx 8/3/11
    MIE 9/23/11
  • NGC1514
    NGC1514 Member Posts: 46 Member
    I am 11.5 years out from surgery and couldn't put 32 ounces of ANYTHING in my modified digestive track if I wanted to. I don't think it was the juice itself, but the amount you tried to cram down there.

    Eric in Atlanta
    DX 10/6/2000
    Surgery 04/09/2001
    Still hanging in.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thinking of You
    Hope today finds you feeling somewhat better! I agree, that is waaay too much liquid to have
    consumed in that short amount of time! Remember small amounts of food and liquids in your future.
    Thank God you were able to have the EC surgery and it was a success! Just slow down and take it easy for
    your and your new esophagus/stomach's sake! Keep us posted.
    Tina in Va