Clint's plan
We finally have a firm plan of treatment. Clint is feeling well right now and we are walking daily for 2 - 3 miles. In addition, he is using an "inspiration spirometer" to help maximize his lung capacity in preparation for surgery. We have decided (after many doctor visits to Beaumont, Jackson, Munson and Ann Arbor) to…
5 Years
I just had my 5 year appoingments at MD Anderson and all is good. T3N1Mo 5 years ago. Chemo/Rad then IL with no problems. Back to job as firefighter in 9 months and hiking Appalachian Trail. I am doing well and hope all others do the same.
Told today that they believe Dad has bone cancer. We went to ortho today for what I thought was tear in ham or quad. Actually dad broke his hip and xray showed lesion and leasipn probably cancer. Stat pet tommorrow and results with oncolgist tommorrow. I guess this answers my question about post op chemo. Chances dont seem…
Muscle loss
I am so confused. Hubby is 11 weeks post ivor Lewis suppose to go back to work in 2 weeks. He has lost 50 pounds and a lot of muscle tone. He cannot walk across the room without tearing is Achilles. He is constantly icing something, ankle, shoulder, knee. Doctors only say it will get better with time. I am trying to figure…
Diagnosed with recurrence
I was just diagnosed with a recurrent esophageal cancer. The tumor is a bit lower than the original site. I am not a candidate for surgery because of poor lung function. Will be starting chemo again next week. Last time was 9/2011 with 5 weeks of chemo and 27 successive radiation treatments. The radiation was the worst and…
How and where is the Facebook site? How to I get on there? I know this has been asked alot...sorry!
Mother with EC - Newly Diagnosed
I just came across this chatroom and am very grateful that I found this. My mother was recently diagnosed with EC and is in the process of having tests done. They are not sure at this point what stage it is in, they think stage 3 or 4. The tests in the next few weeks will confirm this. I have done so much research on the…
Question about Lymphnodes
Dad only had 12 lymphnodes removed during surgery, all came back clean. Then I've been reading where some have had up to 20 removed and 1 was positive. I guess I'm second questioning if anyone had had chemo after surgery with no postive nodes detected. I'm thinking if more were removed maybe 1 would have been positive. All…
bone cancer,advice hope?
Stage 4. Bone cancer in hip ans sm. Spot in spine. Is thete anyone that has lived long time with this. Can chemo and radiation work?
One kick after another
So today we saw the new Pulmonologist who spent over an hour with us going over Mike's CT scans from Wednesday as well as his results from his spirometry test which shows his lung air level is 41%. It appears Mike has a few factors that are contributing to his breathing issues. On top of having Stage 4 reoccuring EC is he…
Any long time survivors of Mets to bones?
Desperate to find survivors of bone mets.
Gatoraid's Final Update
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted though I have been in and out reading. It's been quite a journey since 8-17-2010 when my brother Jim aka Gatoraid, was diagnosed. We thought he might be one of the lucky ones that would beat this monster, but sadly, he did not. He passed away June 7th @ 10 pm, just 8 days…
Update on Larry
Almost 3 months post surgery, more problems. The guy can't get a break. Yes he is cooperating a little more. Yes he is feeling crappier everyday. He was sent for a chest xray today and cried. His voice and swallowing issues are lasting for longer and longer periods of time. INR for blood thinner is finally stable. So now…
Class of 2011 - ROLLCALL!
I'll start :-) Nick, age 48, diagnosed T3N1M0 on May 19, 2011. 28 rads & 2 weeks inpatient Cisplatin/5FU. THE 09/08/2011, Clean Path 09/13/2011. Since then? CT on 12/13/2011 Met with surgeon in January - surgeon says "new node in upper right lung noted in CT. Not to worry, you're doing great. You are my poster boy." Met…
Newly diagnosed, looking for advice & inspiration
My sister was just diagnosed, and we were all shocked - she had no symptoms with the exception of a swollen lymph node. my sister is only 43, and has a young family, she has an extremly active lifestyle. They have currently staged her a IV, is it possible for this to change once we get the finalized pathology report? What…
Good afternoon! Hope everyone is doing well. My mom just got dx with EC SCC Upper esophagus (20 cm from incisors) and we have an appt. Thursday at MD Anderson with dr Hofstetter. Has someone used him before? I would appreciate any opinions you are able to give me!!! she is probablys tage 2, but dont know for sure. we are…
So it's been 6 months since my husband's diagnosis and he is getting ready to go back for another scan. Time with the doctor always seems somewhat limited so I want to get as much information as I can. It seems as though we come away from appointments never fully understanding just accepting the PLAN. This is his second…
Restrictive Pulmonary Disease
First of all thank you to everyone who has follwed my stories about my husband Mike and his fight with re-occuring Stage 4 esophageal cancer. I can not thank you all enough for the support and prayers which has helped me in more ways than I will ever find the words for but thank you!! Today was suppose to be our 2nd round…
Things could be worse I guess
For recurrence originally treated surgically, surgeon does not recommend at my age of 56, additional surgery due to complications, dangerous possibilities and even the D word. So it's back to radiologist to determine if I can have a second rad session. Depends on how much, where and type of previous rad treatment. Chemo…
Sleeping and Acid Reflux
I used to see a lot of post about suggestions of sleeping. My husband is almost 6 months out from his surgery and finally seems to be doing better. He just started back to work today! The biggest issue he is having is with acid reflux at night. He seems to slope down from the wedge pillow and other mound of pillows on the…
False Positive PET scan
I have posted about my husband who was diagnosed with Stage 4 EC that tested positive for HER2 (the most aggressive breast cancer gene)back in April 2012, went through chemo and radiation from the end of April to June then had surgery in August to completely remove his esophagus and pull his stomach up to make the new…
ER visit again
So Larry told me late last night that he has been having blood in urine and clots. When I asked him when it started, he said yesterday morning! He showed me (sorry graphic), it was pure red with many clots. Called the .dr and he sent us right to ER. Urine showed no infection, INR for coumadin was way too high again. Blood…
Vocal Chord Paralysis
Larry really has done pretty well this week as far as moving forward with strength and endurance. His mood is beginning to change for the better...a wee bit. He went for another dilation on Monday and the surgeon tried but there was no resistance and no strictures. He still loses his voice and ability to swallow even his…
What a crumy roller coaster that I'm waiting in line to ride.
ct/pet Today indicated one small recurrence at anastamosis, a hot spot in the lower spine and also in right hip. Doctors do not believe it to be cancer related but are consulting bone specialist. We caught it early enough to classify as stage 1...with a stretch to stage 2 but no distant events and no lymp node involvement.…
How much weight do you have to lose before you are in the danger zone? Larry continues to lose weight. He refuses to make an appointment and he eats very little due to his throat issues. When he does eat he usually eats too much because he is so hungry. Always dealing with either dumping from overeating, or he is in…
Life 10 months down the lane
hi guys, i was a regular here about a year back.....my dad passed away on august 5th 2012 ....i still see him when i close my eyes.....n when i am drunk.......a lot has happened since my dad has passed away ...my son was born in novemeber .....so all i can say is life goes on ....n as i was a son i lost my dad ....but than…
Anyone have a Stent
My husband is 6 weeks Ivor Lewis post op. EC sucks, I really have no other words for it. Anyway, we have had several dilations that only last a few days. Now the Doctors want to put a stent in. I would appreciate any information pro or con. Hubby is stage 1, other than 50 pound weight loss, and the host of normal post op…
Father recently diagnosed
I never thought I find myself on one these boards, but it is great to see there is such a willing support group. My father visited the gastroenterologist in metro Detroit where he lives to investigate some severe reflux, and after an initial endoscope/biopsy detected cancerous cells they ordered a endoscopic ultrasound and…
pet scan report 6/3/13
OK here goes I had my pet scan on Monday 6-3-13 and when I seen my results I went off the wall and stared to call all my doctors about it ask what does this all mean. So when I seen my Rad doc not because of the pet scan and results it was a follow up that was made a long time ago. Any how she reassured that the doc that…
Please Help!!!
Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I've been on here. My father who was diagnosed with T3N1M0 last November underwent an Ivor-Lewis mid-March. The surgery went great and he recovered fantastically. He was almost able to eat steak after a month. Well, post-surgery, his oncologist recommended that he continue chemo even…