Hoping for some perspective...
Hi All, I'm new here. My dear sis was diagnosed about a month ago. Stage IIb adenocarcinoma. Very aggressive plan being put in place... 28 radiation treatments in conjunction with chemo (not sure of drug choices) which will be 6 weeks in duration followed by the esophagectomy. My sis is only 55 and healthy. From what you…
planned CSN outage
SN will be down for a couple of hours this morning beginning at 3:00 AM Eastern Time for planned maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. Best to all, greta aka Your CSN staff
Finally a good day!!
Dad finally seems to be turning the corner for better days. I got to take him to bingo on Sunday for a 4 hour adventure and he was able to hang in there. I was overwhelmed with joy because I never thought I would see him get out and do something so soon. He's learning what he can and can't tolerate as far as food but he's…
I just cannot not let the people here know about the success story so far on salvestol ....I have been following the post on Salvestrol in cancercompass.com for a longtime (bought a bottle last year but didnt give it to my dad untill 4 days ago, luckly hasnt expired yet lol), and I wanted prove that is really helps in EC…
Update on Larry
Up and down. I wrote a long rant, then deleted it. I am beyond frustrated with my husband. Mixed emotions. I love him so very dearly. Have so much admiration for him and his battle, yet am so discouraged that he just will not follow orders from the medical staff. Which affects me everyday. I am exhausted. Drs are concerned…
New but not really
Hi everyone, I have been reading this site for almost 2 years now (Sept 2011) when my husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at age 48. Over the years I have turned to this site whenever I feel the need. After slogging through this for what seems like an eternity, we are battered and rough around the edges and maybe…
My GI doc has been watching atipical cells in my Barret's escphagus for awhile. My last endoscopy showed high displaisia and I was referred to a Dr Alfonso Ribeiro with the U of Miami Medical Center. I need to know if this is the best doctor/hospital in my area, south Florida, for treatment of possible GI malignancies.…
no answer on voice??
This is the second site I have been on where no one can answer about the voice coming back.It must be a rare thing ? or it means your things are not good.We are having a good week so im not going to get upset.It is frustrating though that no one with this cancer has had this problem?? except for my friend who's husband…
Thank You and Larry updates
Well first I would like to say thank you to all of you that responded in my moment of frustration. Larry's CT came back as... Looks like blood clots are nearly gone. However the is fluid in the lungs and surrounding the lungs. The oncologist said to watch for a little bit, then they may need to biopsy fluid. Larry walked…
What a Beast
I have had many experiences with cancer in my family. My mother suffered with breast cancer as a test subject for 28 years with 12 recurrences before cancer won. My father died from cancer of the throat. My sister survived kidney cancer. My other sister breast cancer. My uncle colon. I thought I had seen the worst. Cancer…
My 1st post here.... I had I/L surgery Dec. 22nd last year. I've struggled with nausea and no appetite off and on since. I was eating better and thought It was finally inproving but then I found out I had to have my gallbladder removed. I had the surgry about 3 weeks ago and a bile leak sent me to emergency the next…
A couple of questions
Hi. My Dad has begun chemo and radiation together to treat his esophageal cancer. Although the cancer was relatively small and had no spread together with the medical team Dad has decided not to go for surgery at this point. He is 78 and it is believed the risks (including quite a high chance of reoccurence) are too great…
will voice come back?
Hi My hubby was diagnosed on march 27 and he has had radiation and chemo.He still has his hair but has lost most of his voice,He struggles to talk.It doesnt help that im 40% deaf in my left ear.Its been a hard raod so far but we r enjoying our little break here.dont go back to hospital till june 17th for a ct scan then the…
No surgery for my dad
Hi, We have just learned my dad has an Esophageal cancer( T3 NI, m0) and the doctor said due to his age(85years old) he can not do surgery on him, so my questions is is chemo or radiation can get rid of the cancer cells and the person be cancer free? Thank for helping me on this difficult time.
Memorial Day
Blessings to all you who someone special they are thinking about today. Not just members of the military. As I always say I think all who have fought THIS battle are some of the bravest soldiers I have ever encountered! You are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
My Dad and surgery?
Hi everyone, I have been checking out this forum for a few weeks since my Dad was diagnosed with early stage esophageal cancer and it seems everyone is supportive and informative. We have only just got the full picture - stage 1 (I think), adenocarcinoma of lower esophagus with no spread according to ct and pet scans. He…
Folfox Chemo begins
8 months after surgery to remove my husband's esophagus and pull his stomach up to make the new one, we learn the cancer is back. It is back at the connection site in the esophagus and is some lymph nodes on both sides of his neck, in the lining of his lungs and around his heart. We could not undersstand why in a matter of…
How's Larry?
Been thinking about you guys, how are you doing?
no surgery or chemo for my dad
My dad was suppose to have his surgery on Feb 28th but Pet scan came back showing mets in LIver and lungs then was told he would do chemo (EOX) now Dr are saying that won't help so no surgery or Chemo for my dad. I can't believe they would just give up on him like this, I know some here have said qualitly or quanity but he…
My mother has stage 4 esophageal cancer, and she has been getting chemo for the last 2 years. Two of the last three chemos caused heart problems and landed her in the hospital. The third chemo (the most recent one) caused a colon infection and low white cells. Based on her age – she is 88 years old – and the problems she…
I've been workin' on the railroad
i'm eric. i'm bugged. After an annual endoscopy to see my 12 cm-long Barrett's tissue, the physician(#1) noted a "nodule" and scheduled an endoscopic ultrasound. I decided to go to a larger city where the GI docs were more practiced. My Barrett's tissue was further mapped using 45 biopsied sites. Only the nodule had high…
Should we be concerned?
We are not due for a f/u for 3 Weeks and I'm not sure if we should call to be seen or not. Dad wants to know if you guys experienced a "lump" like feeling near Adams apple when swallowing. He says its not all the time, started today. He said he took a pill this morning that kind of got stuck but eventually went down. Ever…
Need Help finding a doctor who can help with a very severe esophageal stricture
My husband had chemo and radiation a year ago for stage 4a oropharyngeal (esophageal cancer that is high up at the base of the tongue, not the stomach end). He developed a severe stricture almost immediately after radiation was complete. Basically he has been unable to swallow much of anything since except maybe a few thin…
one yr ned.
Just had ct,no evidence of cancer. I am going to Dr. for dilation 05/30-13. This will be my first. Thank God for Dr Orringer he saced my life.
Anyone have updates on how he is doing? He hasn't been on the board in a long time
Advanced Esophageal Cancer
Hi, I am doing research for my sister and her family, we are all devastated. My brother-in-law, a Vietnam Vet, was just diagnosed with advanced stage of squamous cell esophageal cancer that has spread to his lymp nodes and his spine. One doctor told him it is not operable. This has all come as a shock to us since he just…
I have been thinking about you. How did your latest scan turn out? Praying for great news.
J-tube Removed
Dad was so happy yesterday to get the J-tube removed. It started to show signs of infection and since he gained 4 pounds since the visit 2 weeks ago the doctor decided to pull it out. I couldn't be happier, my father didn't like the feeling he got in his stomach after a feeding and it was sometimes a battle with him to use…
More on my dad and questions
A quick recap on my dad. He went through 35 rads with 5 weeks of chemo last year which he finished around December, he had a stent put in, that helped him some since he was unable to eat or drink, then had to have that taken out and had weekly throat stretches , went for consol in January to see surgeon who ordered another…
Has anyone heard from Jerry? Have been thinking about him a lot lately.