Radiation- what to expect for stage IV patient
My husband will begin radiation for 5 weeks, mon- fri with chemo. What can he expect as he is a stage iv. What has been your experience and outcomes. What are the followups post radiation. Any long term success stories? Tx
Eating -still frustrated 10 months after surgery
I know that eating patterns have been altered forever, but I am so frustrated especially at night. I had a jtube reinstalled last Oct to supplement my nutrition. I am still undergoing chemo so I don't know if has a direct impact. Here's my routine. I wake in the morning and normally within a half hour I throw up mucus and…
Hi My husband was diagnosed 2yrs ago
My husband has big issues with his sugar dropping since the surgery. Drs dont know why. Anyone exsperince this also.
Just returned from Texas where the latest PET SCAN showed the chemo did not work. My husband was on Xeloda, Oxaliplatin & Herceptin. One supraventricular lymph node increased and a new spot was found on the right pelvic bone. The doctor now ordered Docetaxel, Irinotecan and Herceptin. I wish I knew how they decide to…
Low White Blood Count
My husbands white blood count dropped to 1.6. The doctor put him on an antibiotic although he doesn't appear to have an infection anywhere. He has had low platelets before but this new chemo must be the culprit. His temp hovers around 101 and he is extremely tired. Would appreciate anyone else's experience with this...what…
New here, watching dad suffer through EC too
Hi everyone, My name is Denise, and my 69 year old father was diagnosed back in July 2012. I am not sure why it took me so long to post, but everytime I would read the notes here, I just got sad and overwhelmed. So many stories sound just like mine. My dad started to have trouble swallowing, and next thing we knew, cancer.…
Questions regarding follow up
Larry saw the oncologist today. He said there is very little follow up for this. They plan on a chest x ray every 4 to 6 months and blood work for tumor markers. He siad the gastro Dr will do an endossopy at some point. No scans. This doesn't seem like enough to Larry or myself. What follow up protocol did all of you have?
Well 3 years now with stage 4 and still going!
I havent been on this site for a long time now and kind of try to forget about having esophageal cancer but always helps to read other peoples encouragment and to share my own experience...after nearly 3 years since a stage 4 diagnosis feels like im just numb to the whole thing so i just sort of get up and live my life the…
Problems with dairy and protein drinks?
Has anyone had difficulty after sx drinking protein/ ensure/ dairy drinks? They want dad to drink these but everytime he tried he gets terrible stomach ache. They said to only drink half the amount then but he still had it. He's only on soft diet and they wanted these to increase calories, any suggestions on other ways.…
Radiation and possible surgery for stage iv EC - is this normal
Hi Stage iv EC patients and caregivers, My husband diagnosed with stage iv EC Dec. 2011 has only received chemo to date, his recent PET scan showed no visible mets, however the esophageal wall has thickened, he has some intermittent swallowing problems, not major, still able to eat on his own. The oncologist recommends…
My husband has stage 3 esophageal cancer in the lymph nodes. He has 4 more treatments of radiation and no more chemo.. The doctor told us last week the tumor has shrunk a whole lot and he may be in remission by the time radiation is through with.. We are scheduled to go to UAB in a month to see about surgery but the doc…
AKRN2013; STANFORD Cancer Institute specialty-Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (MIE)
Heather, You had asked of hospitals in the San Francisco area that performs Esophagectomies. You mentioned STANFORD and UCSF. Stanford specializes in the Minimally Invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy (MIE) that was pioneered by Dr. James Luketich at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Stanford Hospital has a…
new to group
My husband was diagnosed Sept 10, 2012 of stage 4 EC that mets in stomach and liver. The cancer dr said she cant cure but help prolong as long as he is willing to fight she will help him and do all she do. He has done 20 rounds of chemo and has had 2 pet scans. Second pet showed the cancer in the liver had grown, so the…
How's Larry?
We met with doctor yesterday and dad's incisions healed, so they removed the staples. The couphing has improved, but he is having severe back pain. The doctor said it's normal from surgery so they gave us Tramadol yesterday for the pain, it's helped a little. Does Larry's back hurt?
Hope this Helps! Heather (AKRN2013)
Hello Heather, So sorry to hear about your dad, how horrible for him to be diagnosed with this dreadful cancer and for all of you. I know this is a journey you all do not want to be on. This month (April), just so happens to be Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. So many have never heard of Esophageal Cancer, I know I…
New. Positive vibes & Prayers.
Almost 2wks ago my dad was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer then had a CT scan done. It showed that it has metastasized into his liver & lungs. He was then told he is Stage IV with a year or less given. He had a cyst on his head that complained about, but was told that it would go away. This was almost 3 months ago. He…
Welcome newbies
Welcome, to all the newbies. I haven't checked in for a while and was surprised at all the new ones. I decided to address you all at once. I know how shocking the EC diagnoses was, but know that cancer is not a death sentence. You are all going to go on a rollercoaster , and sometimes you'll think it will never end. We are…
Esophageal Oncologist Recommendation
My husband was just diagnosed with T3, stage III EC. Who do you recommend for esophageal oncology, no matter where in the U.S.?
Wife's cancer
I just found this site and it looks like a good place to be. My wife, 54 years old, was told she has Stage 4 cancer December 1st, 2012, and at first they called it undifferentiated cancer. It is in her ovaries, a mass tumor by her liver and clusters of cancer. It took 3 weeks for them to determine that. She had 7 litres of…
Hereditary EC
I hope this post finds everyone having the best they can under the circumstances. I haven't posted in 9 months. My dad lost his battle June 15, 2012. My grandfather lost his in November 1984. In the last month, both my dad's brothers have been diagnosed with EC. Staging for the younger was yesterday - Stage IV. I haven't…
My brother 41 years young was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer that they found in his liver. when they first found it they told us 3-5 months with no treatment 6-12 months with kemo treatment. they told us that the cancer had mets and that it did not originate in the liver therfore they were not certain wich type of kemo to…
The path on the nodes came back, NO CANCER!!!! It's a miracle!!! I'm so thankful we fought for dad to get this surgery and thankful that he was a canidate.
Larry has question, help!
Larry has terrible abdominal cramping, with or without eating or drinking. Across lower abdomen. It does worsen with eating or drinking. How long does it last? Are there any remedies?
Pet Scan Results
Recap - My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 EC in October, 2011 and given 6 months. He did 28 days of radiation and has been on chemo ever since with the exception of a 2 month break this winter of his choice. Until this most recent pet scan, the chemo seemed to be keeping the cancer contained from spreading. Thursday's…
Larry's Update
Larry has been home now for 10 days and I believe he has finally stabiized. What I mean by this is every morning he seemed to be a little worse than the day before unttil yesterday. It was the first morning that I didn't see a decline. He has lost 38 lbs since his surgery March 22nd. I can't believe that he has managed to…
Gastroparesis/delayed stomach emptying?
I’m two years, three months out from my MIE (unfortunately I’ve had recurrences) and over the past six months have suffered with frequent vomiting. My doctors have diagnosed the issue as a gastroparesis and have recommended a dilation of the pyloric valve to allow food to empty into the intestines more rapidly. We have…
18 months post-op
I had my 18 month post-op CT scan on Tuesday, and just got back from picking up the radiologist report: NED!!! I know it's only been 18 months, but does the scanxiety ever go away? I opened the envelope as I was walking down the hall from Medical Records, and when I read the last line: "Negative finding for recurrence or…
How's Larry?
Been thinking about you guys. How is he doing?
Dry cough
Dad gets to come home today!!!! He has a terrible dry cough any suggestions?
My Father has Stage IV - Esophageal, Liver and Lymph Node Cancer -- Where do I start?
I have always been aware of various cancers and have had two grandmothers and many friends with cancer, but Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 I was made aware of a cancer called esophageal cancer, which was new to me. My Father called to let me know that the Doctor who did a endoscopy just told him that he had a tumor in his throat…