I just passed the one year anniversary of my esophogectamy (Spelling?). My surgeon put me on reglan 10mg/day after the surgery. My regulary Doctor has strongly suggested that I get off of it because of some long term side effects. She also discovered that I have a serious vitamin deficiency & has put me on 2000 mg of…
Mayo appointment
Clint and I are going to Mayo next week. We will be meeting with oncologist Dr. Grothey and surgeon Dr. Allen. Anyone know anything about these docs? We have an appointment with Dr. Urba at U of M this Thursday so at least we will have some idea where she wants to go with treatment. We are still waiting for appointments at…
New developments 2
Hello everyone, i posted on Oct. 8th about new developments in my ongoing fight with the after effects of " esophagectemy" . I thought i was well on the road to being cancer free. three and a half yrs and was doing great. Now i'm having problems..the posting i had on about my neck was minor compared to this. I don't show…
My Jim has passed
on Sept 10 early in the am hours my Jim lost his fight with cancer,,we did the hospice for the last two weeks and i can't even begin to say how horiffying the end was,,i watched him as he battled something called terminal restlessness,,i watched the light leave his beautiful blue eyes,,my house is so empty now,,i don't…
Cellquest??? Check out this video and discuss....
Hi all, Stumbled on this video from youtube the other night- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIpOmRhDKc0&feature=related About a stage four man who took a supplement called Cellquest. Apparenently it worked wonders for the gentelmen who took it (cancer free) and the report seems credible as it was a local news broadcast.…
Really scared
Clint and I went in for his pre-surgical consult today with Dr. Lin at U of M. A couple of hours earlier he had a CT scan. All seemed well as we went over procedures and questions for the scheduled Oct. 9 surgery. Then Dr. Lin came in and said there were problems seen on the CT scan. 1) Clint has a small pulmonary…
I lost my husband in 3months
My husband was diagonsed with Esphogas Cancer on May 09, 2013, the dr had told him a month ago it was just acid reflux and dont worry they would fix it with the scope procedure. But before May 09, 2013 he started vomiting and not able to swallow. He had troubles digesting food before, for about a 2 months but thought it…
Went to Mayo clinic for f/u yesterday. Dad had MRI of brain (thought possible cancer) and 3mo PET to re-stage after FOLFOX/HERCEPTIN. We were given great news. Dad's tumors (2) in hip area went from 8 uptake to 2.5 uptake. Significant shrink considering he has only had 2 sessions out of 12. The doctor seemed very pleased…
New Blog Site esophagealcancerfighters.com
All, Since the facebook site has limited ability to store historical stuff I am starting a new blog site to upload historical information and reference materials deleted from this site. I hope that people will provide critical information and participate in this site. It is esophagealcancerfighters.com and the email…
photodynamic therapy
my husband was diognosed back in january 2013 and the first two chemo's they tried did not work so we just started plan C. The doctors told us this is our last option and if this chemo does not work then there is nothing more they can do and if he wants to try a clinical they would help us try and find one in Boston or…
Pet scans what to believe.
Hi everyone, I haven't been on in awhile and hesitate to write now. But here goes. I've been feeling crappy all summer and was getting worse so went to my Onc last week. Lots of abdominal pain. He orders PET scan on Friday morning. Friday evening the office calls to say I have a partial bowel obstruction..go to ER if I get…
Treatment Options
Hello, I wanted to ask for your kind help. My mother is 88 years old and has had esophageal cancer for almost 3 years. The initial diagnosis showed that the cancer had spread to multiple lymph nodes and areas outside of the esophagus. She received chemotherapy over most of the 3 year period as well as 3 weeks of radiation.…
New Developements
Hello everyone, i saw my surgeon last week and he said the surgery had nothing to do with my neck problem.I did buy an obus form pillow and that seems to be helping. I have developed some new symptoms and i'm being sent for an MRI of the brain. When i was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2010, it was because of a series…
Anyone else?
Hello everyone, I had surgery April 10th 2010, stage 2...was in hospital 3 weeks and did have a leak. Had problems eating and did lose a lot of weight. I gained the weight back and have been doing great. Lately i have been having problems with my neck and my Doctor sent me for an x-ray. It showed i have air lodged between…
Ned remission cured
Can someone please explain the difference between Ned remission and cured. It can all be so confusing sometimes.
adenocarcinoma ( 4 CM) esophageal cancer stage IV
My husband was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma ( 4 CM) esophageal cancer stage IV which has spread to a lymph node in his neck also. Though so far it has not spread to any other organs. He is currently finishing his first round of chemo (surgery is not an option) They have him on Oxaliplatin and Capecitabine. Any one else…
Radiation long term side effect...what have you experienced?
My last high dose treatment was Aug 5th. For 5 weeks I had absolutely no symptoms or problems. Then out of the blue I began experiencing pain and discomfort in a radial line around my body at the shoulder blades and breast level. Having thought I had simply over done it or something I did not think much about it. But the…
TDM-1 for HER2 positive esophageal and gastric cancer KADCYLA
hello, i just called Genentech , makers of TDM-1 , also called KADCYLA . for people in the US,they have a phone number you can call 888 249 4918 for their GEnentech Access Solutions department. quote from their site :" KADCYLA Access Solutions helps resolve access and reimbursement issues for individual patients every day"…
Robot assisted esophagectomy
How many people have had robot assisted esophagectomies? What was your experience?
Hi All, My sister had her esophagectomy a few weeks ago. Her barium swallow looked good, but within 10 hours of being home, she wound up back in the hospital with a tear, more surgery adn all of that trouble. She now has an infection called 'C-Diff' and I am wondering if anyone has been through this experience and if they…
My sad goodbye
Last Monday my dear husband Lou passed away after battling this EC beast for 3years 8months. I haven't posted in a while, and though the people that helped me through this back in the beginning of our fight are no longer on the board, I felt the need to come back and say goodbye. Too often people stop writing and you…
Liver Surgery on Wednesday Feb 22nd
As you know I found out that my esophageal cancer had spread to my liver a few weeks ago on my 4th Cat scan a year after the surgery on my esophagus. The malignant tumor is in segment 7 at the top left of my liver. The surgeon at Mass General told me that without the surgery, there was a 100 percent chance of death so here…
Mom started hospice at home last week-refused feeding tube
We received results of a cat scan a week 1/2 ago and it showed that tumor at surgical site got bigger and has spread to kidney and liver. Oncologyst wanted to switch to a different chemo drug and get a G-tube immediately but mom refused the G-tube. She was adament that no more doctors will poke, prod, slice, or put her to…
It's over.. cancer won
Hello all, I have not been on the site for some time, my husband first diagnosed with EC, Dec. 2011, died six weeks ago. It was quite the roller coaster ride, while he was always hopeful, even though he had stage iv, I always had my doubts... I know he is at peace, no more appointments, no more chemo and no long stares by…
Has anyone used IP 6
Hi I was wondering if anyone has used IP6 herbal supplement.
My dad lost his battle
Wanted to tell everyone thanks for the advice and support you gave me while my Dad was fighting this horrible cancer. My dad sadly passed away on August 14th while I held his hand. Since I last posted here he did end up doing more chemo which was very aggressive he ended up having to have 3 blood transfusions and I don't…
Roche to share important oncology data at European Cancer Congress (ECC) including information on he
from http://www.biosciencetechnology.com/news/2013/09/roche-share-important-oncology-data-european-cancer-congress-ecc#.UkKMfijWFyM Kadcyla: Abstract #15: LATE BREAKING ABSTRACT T-DM1 for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Primary results from TH3RESA, a phase 3 study of T-DM1 vs treatment of physician's choice.…
Has anyone heard how he's doing? It seems like a long time since he has posted
Jawbone problem
Hi all...hoping good days are happening for all. It's been a while since I posted. I'm 6 1/2 years since chemo/radiat/hyperbar treatmenttime also have high level fibromyalgia, hypothyroid, HBP...but other than that have had the best year of my past 10!!! Until about 6 wks ago, started with ear ache, sore throat and fever…
My Husband:( Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus Stage IIb
Greetings all, I've been reading for several days and have finally gotten throught the techy difficulties (Have no clue what I was doing wrong!) We have our surgeon chosen at the University of Chicago and now after seeing their oncologist we are attempting to plan the chemo/radiation therapy. We have been asked to do this…