pet scan result : treatment working herceptin + folfox for her2 positive relapsed EC
here is the latest news. Claude had his pet scan this morning and got the results, the treatment is working (herceptin + folfox) and almost everything has disappeared. he sees his oncologist next Thursday and we'll know more about what is next. All the best, danièle
Eating Question
My mother has an esophageal stent and recently asked if I could make her some blueberry muffins. Would anyone know if this would be okay? We have been avoiding bread, but wasn't sure if muffins would also be an issue (texture). Thank you!
Her2 positive esophageal cancer : trials
this might be of interest to people being treated with herceptin who are HER2 positive. all the best danièle: trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering NYC A Phase II Study of Afatinib (BIBW 2992) in Patients with Advanced HER2-Positive Esophagogastric Cancer Refractory to Trastuzumab --------- at yale cancer center here is…
update on my dad and question about brain mets
My dad is not doing well at all, his Esop cancer spread to his liver, lungs and now he has brain mets. He had a seizure last week. My dad has been so strong through all this and never complains even though I know how hard this is on him. He is now confused and forgetting people and words. Everything I read said that brain…
Hope found!!
Mayo results: 1. Told no evidence of cancer in spine. No lesion seen, probably old fracture at L1 with arthritis. Did light up on pet, but MRI confirmed no lesion there. It can turn into cancer, but right now NED there. 2. Echo and EKG is fine to start Herceptin-woo hoo!! 3. Starting Folfox, feels it has been proven to…
Good News
My Dad was diagnosed with localised esophageal cancer (stage 2 I think) back in April. As he is 78 years of age it was decided that chemoradiation would be the best way to go, although if the treatment wasn't successful surgery would be reconsidered. After lots of discussion with oncologist and surgeon it was felt that…
Help with Grief
Hi All, My sweet Mother died from this awful disease in early March. I'm finding this pit of emptiness to be nearly unbearable. Has anyone found an active grief support board? Any recommendations would be helpful. This is just the most awful feeling and I need to learn how to cope. I'm so sorry to read of the assorted…
HER2 & Hercepton for Stage 3
I wondered if anyone has received treatment (not in a clinical trial) with Hercepton at stage 3 N 1(locally advanced). We are waiting (impatiently) for the test results and if my husband is HER 2 U of M would offer a chance to be be in a clinical trial. However, if her turns out to be HER-2 positive we would want him to…
HER-2 Gene
Hello, I have heard that people who have the HER-2 gene may possibly be able to get more effective treatment. How do they test a person for the HER-2 gene? Do they perform a biopsy? My mother who has esophageal cancer had a biopsy done back in 2011. Would they be able to do the test on the biopsy they did back in 2011, or…
Update on Christine and Mike
Christine posted on Facebook Spouse Support Group recently. Her husband Mike passed away early Sunday morning. Please keep her and the family in your prayers.
Anyone with tips/responses to Herceptin tx
Ok, just found out today that Dad tested positive for this. When they did the biopsy of Esp. results were that he wasn't. So I pushed for it to be done again on the hip area. It's strange because I feel like Dad has been given another option that could be a game changer for survival, if he responds well to Herceptin, then…
Hi new and old friends
After reading posts of friends who lost the fight w/ EC on this site, I stayed away for a long time because it made me so sad. I've updated the About Me page to describe our journey. Mom is now on continuous chemo, had a stent put in, and is miserable and week. She spends the whole day trying not to cough and hoping she…
I have been absent for awhile. I have been reading all of your posts and still praying for each and everyone of you. Larry is up and down. Like I have said before...something is just not right. 188 at surgery, now 135. He looks awful. Yesterday was 4 months post surgery. He has blood in his urine, and now is suffering with…
Told 4-8 months left if lucky/looking for hope
I'm taking dad to Mayo for second opinion. Current oncologist said dad had 4-8 months without chemo, and 12 months with chemo. I just have a very hard time believing this. The spots are on R. Hip and a very very small spot on lower spine. They are only radiating hip because Rad. Onco. thinks chemo will rid of the spine…
New Met in his bones
They did another PET scan and the results were "more bad than good", a few of the lymph nodes and cleared but new ones are now lit up and they discovered tumors in his bones. His Dr, who had been very "pro treatment" is definately talking different. He has talked about pallative care, and keeping dad comfortable. Dad has…
Been down this road before
Started radiation today. It has been decided that 7 high dose treatments are than 30 low dose and as such chemo will not acompany. But it is a fall back if rad is unable to do the deal. I guess we'll see in a few weeks. God Bless and good luck to all!
Stage IIb
I was diagnosed on 7/17/2012. Had surgery 8/23/2012 followed by chemo and radiation. Was in and out of the hospital this spring with pneumonia 5 different times. Lost over 100lbs from my pre-surgery weight but now have quit losing and maintaining. I've been back to work 3 months now and feeling good. My last scan came up…
Question for Eternalife
How is he doing? Can you tell me what chemo he is on for the mets? I'm also waiting to get results if dad is HER2+, so that he can also get herceptin. I read that he has been NED, that's awesome. Praying for you always :)
Mike's Update
Hi Everyone, Since it has been awhile since I have been on here but as those of you who have followed me I am sure you can understand why. Mike is sleeping at the moment so I thought it would be a great time to catch you all up. This past weekend we had all the kids over for a visit and when Mike took his normal nap, we…
Post Ivor-Lewis
So, post-chemo/radiation PET showed no sign of cancer. Dad had the Ivor-Lewis Procedure yesterday. 9 hour surgery. Today he has had fevers (up to 104.7) And muscle spasms above the level of his epideral. We are taking things one step at a time.
new discussion board
A new discussion board is available to report and discuss technical problems. Please give it a try. It is the last discussion board listed on the page with all the boards, please bookmark it for future use. The URL is http://csn.cancer.org/forum/200. Best, Greta aka Your CSN staff
Decided to stop chemo
The last few days have been hectic to say the least both physically and mentally. Mike's breathing has not improved since going on the Prednisone so we started morphine. The side effects of the Prednisone were horrible to the point Mike's entire peronality changed, he was having horrible dreams, kept repeating himself and…
Gluten Free Diet
Has anyone tried a gluten-free diet? We met with our GI doc today after an endoscopy earlier this week and he said that the small intestine looked like the beginning of celiac disease (allergy to wheat/rye/barley) and would like him to try a gluten free diet for a while along with putting the feeding tube back in for a…
Dilation's Again and Again and Again and Again...
Esophagectomy was December 10, 2010. Recovery and all was pretty good until October 2012 when swallowing difficulties resulted in my first dilation. Scar tissue had decreased opening to about 10mm so I went thru 4 dilation's in 5 weeks eventually improving swallowing. Then in January 2013 symptoms began to return and I…
New Scan
Had a good scan (I think). Lymph nodes decreasing And the metastactic bone disease has not changed significantly. The doctor feels the current chemo is working. He took him off one drug because it was causing myelosuppression: delaying his treatments to three weeks or more. We got the report as we were leaving the doctors…
Hospice no longer means end of life
First a BIG BIG thank you for everyone who has been so kind and responding to my posts about Mike and his battle against EC and now emphysema. He was determined to be that miracle but his body is not cooperating so July 3rd, we officially terminated all medical treatments and went on hospice Juky 4th..While it was a hard…
Important treatment advise I have learned!
I see many post where patients had surgery Before radiation. Issue may arise if a recurrence occurs in the same general location as previous treatment area that additional radiation may not be possible due to where, amount, type and bunch of other stuff concerning the first exposure. That leaves chemo which is not…
When to start hospice
I logged on to discuss this and saw Christine's post and realized so many of us are going through such pain. I wish you and Mike peace Christine and will keep you in my thoughts. We are in a similar situation I believe. My husband (stage IV, 2 yrs in treatment) had emergency surgery 11 days ago due to a perforated bowel.…
Skin care
Four days ago, my husband accidentally pulled out the needle going from his chemo pump to his IV port. When the needle goes into the port, the nurses put a film bandage over it. The chemo dripped out and condensed under the film. We did not realize what happened for a few hours. By that time, his skin was significantly…
Update on Dad (dudley22)
I have not been posting in a while but I have been reading everyone's updates. I am so grateful I have found this site where everyone is so supportive. I wanted to update on Dad's treatment plan. He completed 5 rounds of chemo (paxil and cisplatin) and 27 radiation treatments. He handled it like a champ! He has some nausea…