Was told have esophagus cancer 3 weeks ago. Will have test to determine stage on 3-3-09.Was told by doctor cat scan looks good.Will have pet scan and scope with ultrasound.Will be treated at Roswell Park Cancer in Buffalo NY.Cancer is at bottom of esophagus. I am in Gods hands now.
Questions and very little information
Hi group- am new to this forum. Let me just put it all out there. My mom emailed me the other morning to say that she had had an upper GI and biopsy and the results were "not good". The GI doc said she had the "start" of a tumor in her esophagus and they could not operate because it would require they would have to take…
Hey Al's home-- had a touch of pneumonia --on avelox for 11 days. The chmo is on hold until we see Dr. Gibson on Wed. This may not be a bad thing his body could use the rest. I did rest while he was in the Hosp. So all is a little better. Thanks for listening. Hope all is well with all of you. Kathy
Has anyone experienced a bad mediport? My father needs to have his replaced, somehow it is now in a loop. They cannot draw blood from it, but supposedly it's still safe to use for the chemo. Thanks Erika
diagnosed 2 mos ago
My husband was diagnosed 2 mos ago with EC. We were so lucky that the Dr.'s referred him to the Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh. He has stage IV cancer and is on chemo therapy until he has a new PET scan in 9 weeks at which time Dr. Luketich will decide if he can do the esophagectomy. I guess what I want to know is any…
yesterdays chemo did not go well
Hi, I just wanted to let you all know that Al's chemo did not go well at all yesterday. He is in Shadyside Hospital in Pittsburgh. All wall was going well until he stood up after the EPi.he felt shaky and then couldn't catch his breath the gave he o2 and some ativan and sent us to the er to make sure he wasn't throwing a…
round 2 for chemo
Hi everyone, Tomarrow Al goes for round 2 of his Epirubicin and Oxaliplatin. He still has his constant 5fu pump. I am just very nervous that his labs may not be good enough for the 2nd round. I always get nervous the day before Dr's appts. You never know what the numbers will be if he's lost weight etc. On top of that he…
chemo post surgery
Has anyone had chemo after going thru the chemo/radiation/surgery protocol? Wondering if the 2nd go round of chemo is similar to the 1st? I don't think alot of studies have been done on this.... Katrina
mouth sores
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion about how to relieve mouth sores from chemo. Al has recently gotten one around his lower lip. I any one has a suggestion please right back. Thanks Kath
Stent info needed
Five days ago my mother had a stent put in and we would like to hear any info on what to expect. She was able to take clear fluids for the first 4 days but today has been vomiting and unable to keep anything down. Any suggestions or info would be appreciated.
We have begun our journey our surgery is scheduled for July 14, in Tulsa Oklahoma, we have a long road adhead of us, but I know with faith, friends, and GOD we will get through this. i will keep you all posted. I don't like the cancer word anyway but i know everyone don't like that word, but we somehow always know life is…
Hope Everyone is Doing Well!!
Hi everyone! Just thought I'd post a note...hope everyone is doing well!! I know Don has posted how he is doing after surgery and am glad he is recovering well, and Moe's husband is due to have surgery in a couple weeks...my prayers will be with them during that time! Has anyone heard how Fernando is doing?…
Stents in the throat????
My husband is having a heck of a time recovering from trtment of chemo/rad/lap surgery. Diagnosed stage 4 in July. His surgery was 11-28-08 and he is still hospitalized. He's got a fistula aka leak which has formed a pocket above his lung and they have a drainage tube which is draining green gunk. They just did an xray…
Update for DJ43
My wife DJ had to go into hospital 06/01/09--potassium had gotten low, some malnourishment. While there, did MRI because of back pain--found stage4 tumor in spine. If you are having any back pain, check it out. She had history of back problems, so wasn't looked at closely. Very fast growing tumor within last 3-4 months.…
Update to my Father's Condition - Stage IVB EC in the Liver, Lymph Nodes with Multiple Pulmonary Emb
Here’s an update for where we are. My father, Howard, has been diagnosed with Stage IVB Esophagael Cancer. Dr. Juergens at John Hopkins indicated that his tumor is inoperable, that his Liver is 30% involved and that it’s in his lymph nodes. She also indicated that there is a lot of calcium in his blood and recommends tests…
Fernando, I hadn't seen you post any updates lately on here or the colon board, I was just curious as to how your treatments are going for you?? I hope they're going well and you've been able to go to work, I know that's what you were striving for!! I have my follow up CT scan next week to see how everything looks, if all…
Husband stage IV in hospital...I'm having trouble with unknowns.
My husband was told stage IV spread to lymphnodes and lungs on 4/23/09. He is 32 years old, and we have two small children ages 4 and 1. Our families have not been as helpful as I hoped or thought they would be with the kids. I am having a hard time not being with my husband at the hospital. Also, It seems he has fallen so…
anyone else in or around oklahoma fighting this kind of cancer if so i would love to chat with you and get your input. thanks Moe
I had my follow up CT's and bloodwork, all that jazz on Thursday....all looked ok....and my port was removed on Friday. I hope everyone else is doing well too!!! Cathy
Update # 2
Finished radiation on May 13. Was reevaluated on 26,27. Have surgery scheduled for June 15. Surgeon will do MIE surgery unless he runs into problem then will do Ivor Lewis. I am ready to get this over with and try and have a somewhat normal life.Those of you who have been just diagnosed it is a heck of a ride but keep the…
Question for WilliamWMarshall
Good afternoon... my dad had esophagectomy at UPMC with Dr. Luketich. He is not recovering as well as we had hoped... The procedure was April 15, he was in ICU for a week, stepdown for 3 days and a regular room for 3 days. He came home on the 29th. Dad owns his own company and has not been interested in returning to…
Newly diagnosed
My husband was a 45 year old man very healthy hadn't been sick in 20 years never been to a doctor and worked anywhere from 45 to 50 hours a week, worked outside when he was off from sun up to sundown, and a very impatient man. When we got the news that he had cancer we were devasted we never expected that, for this man to…
Edward A. Mantovani 6-25-30 - 5-6-09
It is with great saddness that I tell you my father of my dear father's passing. My father passed away May, 6, 2009. Dad braved this beast and fought hard and strong all the way. He had a goal to see his beautiful twin grandchildren be born he was there that day stronger then ever. He had 9 wonderful weeks with them then…
Fernando...How Are You Feeling??
Fernando, How are your first day of treatments going for you? I hope you are doing well!! Cathy
Diagnosed April 8 with BOTH Adenocarcinoma of Rectum and Adenocarcinoma of Esophagus. Started Chemo
I've posted this on the colorectal board as well On April 7th, 2009 I had rectal bleeding from 7pm thru 5am prompting my visit to a gastroenterologist on the morning of the 8th. I had dismissed prior blood in stool as being related to hemorrhoids for over a year. Aside from an obvious need for a stat colonoscopy, regular…
Started treatments April 1st. Chemo cisplatin , ironotectan , radiation.April 14 ended up in hospital. Severe vomiting , diareha. Spent a week in hospital. Was told side effect of ironotectan. They have since cancelled the last two treatments of chemo.Still on radiation 17 more. Then will have surgery.Was knocked down but…
update on dad
It is 2:30 in the morning, I am holding one of my 11 week old twins in shock. We were told that Hospice is the next step. Dad was hospitalized early this week, he has had many tests and the beast has taken over, he is retaining fluid in his stomach and thereis full involvement in his liver, his dr was less then kind in…
Post surgery complications
I had an esophagectomy w/ a gastric pull-up in June of 2007. Things were fine untill Apr of 2008. I started getting abdominal pains occasionally after I eat. It is different foods I have already had and at different times. I also am having the hardest time putting on weight even after trying high calorie protein drinks.
My dad's EC Stage 3
Hi, I'm new to this board. My father was diagnosised with EC on 12/12/08. He's scheduled for surgery on 3/30/09. He is 70 years old and his finished 4 rounds of chemo., FOLFAX and had a fanny pack for 48 hours. The chemo has done a great for him. The tumor has shrunk. He's been able to eat again and has gained some weight.…