Top 3 hospitals for EC? can someone help?
Hi, On another post Threesenough (welcome to this board, everyone here is helpful and have much experience) wanted to know the top three hospitals in the USA for esophageal cancer, I know many months ago early in my search I saw that Johns Hopkins was #3 but I am not sure of the other 2, thought one was definitely Mayo but…
I have a special friend on this site, and for her privacy I am not going to mention her name some of us know her and some of us don't, you see she is a young woman and fighting for her life. This wonderful person, has been an inspiration to me when I didn't think I could handle my husband's surgery she was there, she…
My dad
Hi, My parents are leaving for Pittsburgh again this morning. Tomorrow my dad will have a CT scan to see how he's progressed. I'm very nervous. Can I please request some extra prayers for him!!! We really need to get his some good news. I know I'm always saying that, but we never seem to get the good news we need. He has…
Mr. Bill Marshall, You haven't answered any replys lately, or offered your usual advice. Have you forgotton us, or just been too busy, I know having a part time business of FAITH FEDERAL EXPRESS, and making sure THE BIG GIRL PANTIES, AND BIG BOY UNDERWEAR are getting shipped out right can be a little time consuming, but…
Hi,I have been burping constantly for a week now,i will see the doc next week, is this always a sign of cancer?also a pain in my upper stomach and back, so if it is it has spread to my lungs! Also a feeling of something stuck in the throat and real hard to swallow stuff...i doubt i have a chance with these symptoms
Pretty rough time in hospital
Hi, Well I just got home 2 and a half days later than planned. Was getting ready to get discharged and asking where is the IV nurse to de-access my port when started a whole lot of shaking, fast heart and not breathing right. Just like a curtain fell. So, after a pint of blood and that wbc injection stuff finally got out…
Things are looking up ?
It took me forever to write a concise version of what I wanted to post and ask the members here yesterday. My work promptly disappeared when I put it in for a preview read. So no preview today and hope whatever it is makes sense. I have been grateful to have found this site. Esoph. Cancer is a tough one to locate for…
My Dad ate a BIG MAC!
WOW--isn't that something weird to be excited about??? My dad who was Dx'd with stage 3 or 4 EC (long story) in August just finished 6 weeks of chemo-radiation at Duke. He gets to go home today (3 1/2 hours from Duke)!! HE so needs to get home to rest and recuperate. He sailed thru the first 3 weeks, but week 4 & 5 did him…
help CSN FEEDBACK--this is affecting real people
I sent this to CSN feedback---maybe it will make a difference???: K_ann1015 sent a message using the contact form at http://csn.cancer.org/contact. Hi---you may have gotten this info already but for that last few days the Esophageal cancer area of this web site is getting unknown posts from "anonymous" or "username 32",…
What to take to hospital
So, I am going to be leaving in a week or so for Houston. I got to thinking--some of you would know better what I should take with me! Soooo...what should I take with me? Of course, we will have jammies for him, a robe and slippers like the hospital said. I have jammies and a sports bra to sleep in...I am also taking some…
I am not the spammer or the stalker or any other ridiculous ignorant creaton thank you very much for
I said I would not post again, but got one, yes 1 positive reply to my blogs. to you who think I am some weirdo, thanks for the support. If you read my posts, actually read them, you would be ashamed of yourself for attacking me. I have a loved one who is battling for life as I type this to those of you who insulted me. I…
What is up massive posts on this website???
yesterday it was username 32 and today anonymous-- what a shame to minimize the posts of the nice people on the website by whoever is doing this????
Well, just wanted to post a few things, Jeff is doing good since surgery, but still sore and the doctor said its becasuse of his extensive surgery, I am a little down tonight I had a car wreck on wednesday night coming home from work, some kid pulled out in front of me and here in OKLA. was a wet misty rain, and I had no…
We have decided to try the Xeloda
Hello all, We saw the dr today. We have decided to try the Xeloda. Charlie has already had 4 rounds of chemo (5-FU, Taxotere, Cisplatin.) He is not a candidate for surgery.....stage 4...mets to lung, liver, lymph nodes, and peritoneal cavity. Dr suggested we try Xeloda to try to keep the EC in remission. We figure it is…
In the Hospital
Hi everyone, I just thought I'd let everyone know that I am in the hospital again at Mercy, in my local town. At this point I don't have any surgical needs so we are staying in town because they did not think I was stable enough to make the trip to Mayo. As for why I'm here....I was throwing up bile all night (Thurs.…
Had my MIE Surgery on 6-15-09. No problems.Awoke next day in icu.Toke me up to room on tuesday afternoon. Was released from hospital on saturday afternoon.Sore and stiff but feeling better every day.Had one swallow test and passed willbe back 25 for second swallow test if pass will be allowed regular food. Thank you to…
"stalker dude"/concerned woman who has a loved one with cancer attempting to show good will..sheesh
ok, now i have heard it all. "stalker dude" really??? sheesh, never in a million years would i have gotten that type of negative response to a such a positive blogging. my heart felt blog was just that and hopefully brought some peace and smiles and hope. I really like the new song "Happy" by Leona Lewis and the lyrics are…
Just wanted to update everyone on our status. Jeff has been home one week today from the hospital and doing so much better, you would never know he was knocking on heavens door about 2 weeks ago. He wasn't eating nothing but vegatables until thursday, when his surgeon took out his feeding tube and said eat whatever you…
I just wanted to update everyone on Jeff and his surgery, when I first started this site i was scared chitless, and to think my husband of only 3 years had CANCER, and esophogeal on top of that, we found out on him in April, and by May I was at my wits end, until I joined this site, and have met so many nice people, but my…
pneumonia making Al very weak
Hi all, Al is on this antibiotic called Avelox, it is one strong antibiotic. It is making him weak and moody. He knows that he is supposed to be resting and drinking lots of fluids. He keeps arguing with me that He is going to stop this medication if its going to keep making him feel like this. I'm so confused he never…
My Brother Stage IV giving in............
May 2008 my 44 year old brother was diagnosed with stage 4 andmnacarsonoma(?) at the junction of his stomach and esophagus with cancer in the omenum ,well when the first doctor said no hope we left there immediately and never went back so he went to another hospital which gave some hope and they treated him for several…
Just Diagnosed - strap me in
On the day of my 51st birthday(12/29), I received the diagnosis of Stage IV regional esophageal cancer. It has been a hellish end to the year. In early November I started to experience a lower leg cramp, been on the treadmill too long to prepare for a 2nd honneymoon with my husband. Treated it as tendonitis - went to the…
EC with mets to liver and lymph nodes
My husband had been scheduled for surgery on 7/21/08, but after another MRI and liver biopsy, it was cancelled. He now has mets to liver and lymph glands. He will start a different kind of chemo this Friday, 8/08/08. Has anyone been through this or knows of someone that has? I am wondering how they are doing.
Has anyone used Xeloda to keep Esophageal Cancer in remission??
Hello, This is my first time posting on any kind of discussion board so I apologize in advance if I am not submitting this correctly. My husband was diagnosed 4 months ago with stage IV esophageal cancer. The tumor is very close to the opening into the stomach. (He had NO symptoms.) The cancer had spread to the lung,…
Well we had our follow up appt with the radiogist and everything looked great, he could not see any tumor, cancer, anywhere around the esophogus, he said no radiation, in his opinion, we could have not gotten better news than that. Once you have cancer no matter if its been a week, a month two months or a year, you always…
Fatigue and diarrhea
John is now finished with his chemo and radiation treatments. He finished up with chemo on 9/25 and radiation on 9/28. He did pretty good through his 5 weeks of treatment but now it seems like he is being hit with fatigue and diarrhea. He was infused with fluids on the 25th, the 28th and again on the 30th. He is now taking…
My Dad
Hi, I don't have any real new news to report on my dad. He finished his 6th round of chemo and is home resting this week. They will fly back up to UPMC next week. He'll have a new CT done to see how this clinical study worked on him. We are really praying for no liver involvement. His spirits are good. He's a little tired.…
the meaning of life and remembering all we ever really have is this moment
I think that Joseph Campbell put it best: "Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning." To All Who Read This: You are love and you are loved. You are heros and you have heros. Today is what it is, a moment in Time where we beautiful…
going back to hospital on 10/5 for last chemo cycle
Hi, Well I am getting ready to wear an extra pair of my big girl pants!! Cant believe I have to go back for 5 days of no sleep and no baths etc. My last chemo cycle will be the old 5FU and cisplatin and keep up my radiation treatments also. I have had a bumpy ride and sitting here wearing a Holter monitor for my heart…
Biopsy results
No cancer in the esophogus at all. There are remnant cells in an adjoining node, but they are not active nor growing, and they are coming out on Oct 29. Yippee. We are cleared for surgery and we are hearing only good news, which we LOVE. Have hugs to our nurse and our onc who are so amazing, and we are headed to Louisiana…