Another 5 year survivor
Hi people! First off , a huge thank you to all who post regularly and with so much knowledge, you are all angels. i was diagnosed 02/23/12, had a scan mon 2/20/17 and all was good. I am now in the 5 year survivor club. i was 48 when diagnosed, chemo n radiation, esoughajectomy 6/18/12 and an insurance round of chemo to…
Hubby's PET Scan
Just an update on hubby's PET scan of Friday 2/3 - we received results from Dr. today and hubby is in "complete remission". He has to go on maintenance therapy and received another herceptin infusion today but no chemo. Hubby had fever Saturday and I insisted he go to ER. Once there a "mild" case of pnemonia was found in…
Tho't provoking article by Erma Bombeck & European trial results re breath test that detects EC w/o
Hello my fellow Cancer sisters, brothers, family members & friends: Aren’t we all wishing some new research would come along that would give us some hope, for both those actively coping with Esophageal Cancer, as well as a preventative kind of test that could be administered for those having symptoms associated with…
Got diagnosed 2 weeks ago. Age 30, otherwise perfect health
Oh man. Was having heartburn for ~3 months before doing an endoscopy. They found a mass, stage III esophogial cancer, not spread to any organs, but in probably 5-7 lymph nodes. Starting chemo+radiation next week, followed by surgery. Surgery is the goal, although 1-2 lymph nodes seem to be in dangeorus spots. Needless to…
Radiation Cough?
Mom is coughing like she's totally congested. Is this from the radiation? She was also put on Lisinopril, which I understand might also contribute to a cough. Next week she starts Radiation Boost. I wonder if that will intensify the cough. Radiologist gave her a syrup Rx, but she sounds terrible. Is this common?If so, how…
Welcome "ElleGonzalez" ~What questions do U need answers for?
Good morning “Elle” ~ I note that you first joined this CSN site on August 11, 2016. But I believe this is the first time I have seen a letter from you on this site. May I say that none of us want to be here, but we would love to “only” be dealing with Stage I Esophageal Cancer. I write as a Stage IV cancer patient, so I…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Eighteen year and really scared
So 5 months ago I had a terrible heartburn and was diagnosed with acid reflux to the visit to Er and was prescribed omeprazole which only "kinda" helped during the day time but sleeping was the worst nightmare constant heartburn. What i am really scared about is that I have been passing black tarry stool like probably a…
My dad just started a Cyramza drip on Januray 20th. The last few days hes been experiencing EXTREME fatigue. As in, he falls asleep sitting up...nods out while doing things like filling out paperwork or buttoning his shirt. He literally cannot keep his eyes open. Its REALLY bothering him and he reached out to his primary…
Amino acids and Vit C during chemo??????
A friend of ours who went thru chemo for brain cancer told us she took a combination of Vit C powder mixed in juice, 2x a day, along with amino acid pills to help the Vit C get absorbed into the system. She said it helped her through the chemo treatments. She said it helped her body replace what the chemo sucked out of…
New to site......
Hello all. My dad was diagnised Sept 2015. Stage 4. EC. Hes been thru 2 rounds of chemo. Taxotear and Oxyplatin? Hes beginning a 3rd now. First drip was yesterday. Cyramza. He had a tumor that the first round of chemo got rid of, and he had spots o his lungs, liver and stomach. The cancer went away after the taxotear but…
* Hello to all my dear friends dealing with a cancer diagnosis A year ago, January 4, 2016, I posted this article written by the Mayo Clinic. (http://csn.cancer.org/node/299199) As you can see by the date on the bottom of this article by MAYO Clinic is February 20, 2006, I have kept this on file since then. And rightly so,…
Jevity cases (unopened - ready to donate)
Our dad passed away last week from Stage 4 Esaphogeal Cancer and we have boxes of Jevity, unopened, that we would love to donate to anyone who needs it. It would make him so happy to know someone else will benefit from these. Please let us know. Geri & Denise
Esophageal cancer metastasis to brain
My best friend's husband worked through stage three esophageal cancer and had chemo, radiation, surgery, and was on a feeding tube for three months. He just has a seizure on Christmas night and they found three tumors in the brain. They are doing radiation and cannot operate. Just looking for anyone who may have heard of…
Hope after cancer diagnosis!!!
My name is Ray Pilkington. I was diagnosed with esophogeal carcinoma in 2014. Had my entire esophogous removed and my stomach pulled up and re-attached in march 2015. I lost my voice for a long time. I could only speak in a very high-pitched screach. The surgeon said he might cut the nerve feeding my left vocal cord during…
Detailed info re Esophageal Cancer from start to finish including stages and statistics~from "Cancer
Below my name are some “startling” facts and statistics. It is just something that should be considered once you have heard the words, “You have Esophageal Cancer!” What do I know, you might ask? For starters, after a couple of months of one pesky HICCUP each time my husband took his first bite of food, I decided that we…
We got my Dad's PET scan results the day before Thanksgiving. He went in for biopsy the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. The doctor had to intibate him due to the tumor and swelling. Ended up with a trach. He is not a candidate for chemo due to his liver function is too low. He has received 10 rounds of radiation. I don't want…
Stage 4
Does anyone have any advice for us? My young husband was diagnosed with stage 3 EC in April. He completed 6 weeks of chemo and rad, a several week wait, and then a new PET to tell us it has spread to the lung. So the surgery was taken off the table. He has now started aggressive chemo (I believe cisplatin, taxotere and a…
Newly diagonosed and so very scared
Hello everyone My husband was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer(adenocarcinoma)with metastasis. We go for the Pet scan tomorrow. He is 38 years young and the most wonderful man I have ever known. He doesn't meet any of the risk factors. No gerd, never smoked. Ate a pretty good diet. He has no symptoms. He developed a…
digestion after esophogectomy
Wanted to share some info... My father had esophogectomy about 18 months ago. He has been doing remarkably well being able to return a normal diet, however he was often suffering from a lot of stomach pain and gas after meals. It was difficult to pinpoint what food or foods where causing problems. I found on another…
Well, I would like to share my final story from the hospital, we passed our swallowing test today, we had the NG tube about 3 pm today, and we are now eating our first foods, it is only soup and tea but it is a start. He is thrilled he said it taste like "GOLD" he is doing so good. We will still have the feeding tube and…
Esophageal Cancer Survivor
Look at my attached webpage! My battle with Esophageal Cancer! Be opimistic and treat life with a little humor! My motto from the start: 'Cancer is not a Death Sentence...It is a Will to Live!' Interested in comments about my webpage! I am 75, now cancer free, had operation on March 16th, 2016! Cancer free before the op…
Just Diagnosed (UPDATE)
Well, Chemo and Radiation was completed on Dec. 21 and my mother had a 6 week break. On Jan 29 she had the almost 6 hour surgery to reconstruct her esophagus. Almost all of her esophagus was removed and a small part of her stomach (DX: EC of the GE Junction). She was just discharged but since the surgery, she has…
Just Diagnosed
My mother started her treatment today. She will receive Cisplatin and Radiation 5 days this week. The 5-FU will be given via an infusion pump 24 hours a day for 7 days. Is anyone on this particular treatment? I don't know what next week plan will be, it's not stated in her chart yet. The nurse says that the doc will see…
Life after cancer
Hello, I would like to talk to any and all cancer survivors, or those going through treatment. I had a two year battle followed by massive depression. I am different now and I want to live life to it's fullest. I want to talk to others who feel the same way.
Dads gone now what?
So my dad was diagnosed with cancer last year around may 2015 he saddly passed in october. between that time i was his main caregiver i took him to and from the seattle VA about an hour drive each way. i spent many night sleeping in the hospital with him. i made sure he had his medcations and stayed up to makesure he took…
Facebook group
How can I join your Facebook group? I tried searching for it but couldn't find it. I am a wife of newly diagnosed esophageal cancer patient and I would love to be part of your group and share our journey. thanks, LL
Dad's early cancer and EMR
Hi! My dad has diagnosed with early stage esophageal cancer when he had he's endoscopy. He had what is called "inlet patch" in hir upper esophagus and it was causing him pain. it was small, about 1,5cm wide but there were SCC found in it. Anyway, then he had EMR and pathology tests were made again and now there weren't…
Newly Diagnosed here
Just found out last Tuesday, April 12th. Still don't know stage or many other details. Had a stint placed in so I could swallow better but still not able to eat very much. Had CT scan in the hospital and also have some nodules in my lungs. Having PET scan next week which I guess will tell more. Still so many questions to…
Esophagectomy post-op pain
My Dad is POD2 from his esophagectomy. They did a minimally invasive procedure with laproscopic approach through abdomen and thoarcic cavity. Stage 3, 2 lymph nodes, no spread, they found no mets, and got clear margins, but had to attach stomach to esophagus at last section before entering the neck. He still has NG tube as…