Father 83 one year in severe secretions
friends my poor father in law has had a feeding tube a year now: he was diagnosed a year ago. My husbands family refuses to discuss stage of cancer (?) so I am flying blind. He's suffering so bad mainly from secretions just tons of mucus (they stopped chemo and radiation nearly a year ago) he can't speak due to mucus so…
"Small hiatal hernia present" (September 2005) And what might have been..
During the initial phase of testing in 2010, the doctor who performed the endoscope tried to prepare us for what he suspected. "I don't like the looks of this", he said; "You probably had this for years and never knew it". Later testing confirmed Stage IVb esophageal adenocarcinoma. Really? Not know having Barrett's and a…
Leaked Chemo
I recently finished my 2nd and last 6 day cycle of pre surgery 5FU and it appears the chemo leaked to my hand! I've been referred to the burns and plastics of a neighbouring hospital. They've prescribed 500mg Flucloxacillin to be taken 4x daily. Has anyone else had this happen?
Stage 4 spread to lymph nodes & Brain
Hello my name is Shannon I have some questions regarding my Mom. She is 74 and wa diagnosed about 5-6 months ago. Stage 4 esophageal cancer (GE junction) spread to a few lymph nodes and caused a small lesion in her brain. We did radiation on her brain and it shrunk a little bit. On July 5th after her 6th round of chemo…
Five Years Since Stage IV Diagnosis
I had an appointment with my oncologist yesterday, which is five years since I was diagnosed with a Stage IV recurrence in my left lung of the original EC. Five years ago I was told to get my affairs in order (sooner, not later) and told that most folks live 7-8 months from where I was. Fortunately for me, that prognosis…
Esophageal Cancer discussion re stages & treatments & informative videos for Ellie1229
Dearest Ellie, First, let me say that I am putting this answer to your entry https://csn.cancer.org/node/310205 on a separate post for this reason. My answer is extremely detailed, and others who come here for info will benefit by being able to read its contents more quickly if it is on a separate line by itself, rather…
Stage IV- Liver involved
Hello. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal in September 2016. He had 5 weeks of radiation and 5 chemo infusions. The follow up PET scan showed clean esophagus/ stomach junction/ lymph nodes however there were spots on his liver. He's in the 6th cycle of 1 infusion (oxaliplatin) followed by 2 weeks of 4000 mg…
Mayflower18~Special ltr 4U w/multiple references re Esophageal Cancer & treatments for Dad's cancer
Hello Mayflower Pardon me for not getting back to you sooner, but I have so many thoughts after reading your letter posted here: https://csn.cancer.org/node/310084 There are so many things I would like to share with you that I’ve decided to post them on a separate topic forum for this reason. It takes a great deal of time…
Should I be concerned?
Hi, I just had my first follow-up pet-ct scan post my esophagectomy. They found several new and and enlarging pulmonary nodules. All are small right now. My Dr. is presenting it to the board for a decision on whether to do a biopsy or just keep and eye on it. He said it is very possible that it is not metastases and not…
Side effects eox treatment
Hi my name is julie im from the UK . Im a 25 yr old daughter that is looking for support for both of my parents who have both been diagnosed with cancer in feb of this yr. My mam has lung cancer stage 3a nsclc squamous and is having chemo currently with no side effects or very little. My dad on the other hand has…
No one tells you what happens AFTER treatment
My husband has just finished treatment. Surgery, 3 rounds of chemo and 39 radition treatments. The docs say he is cured--yay! I knew he wouldn't be "back to normal" a few days after treatment. But I did not know that he would seem like a stranger to me in so many ways. He is angry, short tempered, depressed, fatigued,…
coughing up phlegm and foamy mucus
Please help.... My mother was diagnosed with Esophageal/stomach cancer April 2015. She is 87 years old this year, and surgery was not an option apparently. She has had chemo and radiation and after those treatments was told there would be no more. She had a g-tube inserted shortly after diagnosis and my Dad is feeding her…
For those of you that remember Loretta and William Marshall
For those of you that remember Loretta and William Marshall; I wanted to let you know that William had a stroke yesterday and is in the hospital. He seems to be doing better today but I am sure that Loretta and William would appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers. William is in Northern Hospital of Surry County. The…
Philosophoenix~U can find survivors here - but B prepared-it's probably 1 of the toughest battles Da
I have chosen to make a new topic forum for "Philosophoenix" and to give my answer here. So her entry will be first and then my remarks. __________________________________________________________ "https://csn.cancer.org/comment/1582230#comment-1582230 Philosophoenix I am a hopeful but terrified realist Just found out this…
"In2Angels"~My personal comments on alternative vs. traditional treatments for Colorectal cancer
Dear “Believer in Angels” (In2Angels) First of all, I have chosen to answer you on a new and separate topic line from the one you first posted your plea. https://csn.cancer.org/node/245049 This post began with a question from “Amjosmom” (Jayme) with whom my husband and I corresponded innumerable times before her dad…
Renewed gagging, nausia and lack of appetite 2 months after treatment completed.
Hello, I was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer this past year. On Feb 24th 2017 I Completed my 35 radiation treatments with 3 Chemo sessions. Now its been 2 full months since my last radiation treatment. Very slowly after about 5 weeks my pain was getting managable and I was eating more foods (was able to avoid feeding…
Story of HOPE for Esophageal and Stomach junction cancer
I wanted to write a story of Hope, courage and fight. On January of 2010, our world was shattered when we learned that my dad of 58 year old was diagnosed with Gastric Esophageal junction Stage III cancer. First few days were that of helplessness, anguish, anger, sadness, and anxiety. It came from nowhere, but looking…
Is surgery typically recommended if there was a complete response to chemoradiation?
Hi, I'm 38 years old and was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer in October 2016. MD Anderson recommended a treatment plan of 6 weeks of chemo and radiation, and then surgery. I completed my chemoradiation in January, and went for my first endoscopy since treatment and it shows no signs of the tumor! I have a PET scan…
Recurrent Esophageal/Cardia (upper stomach) Cancer in Remission Using Nutrition
Hi my name is Joseph Marx and I was diagnosed with Stge T2B esophageal adenocarcinma in the lower GE junction in the Fall of 2013. Had standard of care chemo/radiation for 5 and 1/2 weeks through January 2014. Had a complete response: the esophagus had completely healed, there wasn't even any scar tissue or Barrett's in…
I think that I have Esophageal Cancer, I am extremely scared
I wanted to reach out and receive some opinions/assurance on a couple issues that I am having and see if you can alleviate some of my concerns. I am a 29 year old male, average build. I do not smoke or chew but do drink alcohol. I have reason to believe that I might have esophageal cancer. And the reason that I say that is…
Fundoplication post esophagectomy
I know reflux is a big issue with post-Esophagectomy patients. Does anyone know if fundoplication has ever been done post Esophagectomy to help control this. I've noted that in Australia they have done it at the time of Esophagectomy when completing the anastomoses with mixed results. Thanks. Have been trying to get used…
Losing Battle/Need advise
I first posted here when we found out my husband at age 52 had stage 4 esophageal cancer (months ago). We initially did chemoradiation and were elated to find the original tumor was completely eradicated at the follow up biopsy. But unfortunately, the chemo had not been effective and the cancer had mets to the liver and…
Hi guys..... Ive posted before about my dad. Stage 4 ...metastisized (sp)? to stomach, liver, and lungs. His only form of treatment right now is herceptin only. And he was also taking Rick Simpson oil. He hasnt had a whole lot of improvement on the cat scans....He has been experiencing major pain in his back that radiates…
Colonel Frank W. Hicks USMC(Ret)
6 April 2016 __ Update
Vietnam Vets
Hi to all of you. As I watch this board I am saddened by some of the new posts but also sometimes uplifted with some of the good news. I reached out to you awhile back asking any of you if you knew of anyone who was in Vietnam and exposed to agent orange and has EC. I am asking once again . I have been made aware that…
after surgery/
my husband has esophageal cancer stage 3, he had his chemo and then surgery, my doctor never went over the pathology report with me but i did get a copy of it from the nurse when he was in the hosp. (he was in the hosp. for 9 weeks). the report says 2 out of 16 lymph nodes are positive for Metastatic Adenocarcinoma... what…
New / 6 mo post diagnosis
Hi everyone - first day here on this board, so I'll be reading through some historical posts, but wanted to introduce myself. DH (41) diagnosed with T3 Esophogeal Cancer on September 23, 2016. He had rapid weight loss and at the end wasn't able to swallow water. Earlier symptoms were choking/gagging. He has had history of…
#.5 months since diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer.
Starting about the middle of Septenber 2016 I started noting an increase in hiccuping when eating. This progressed to discomfort behing my lower sternum. the last week of October 2016, People at work were telling me that I was loosing weight. on Sever occasions I ended up having Nausea and vomiting while eating. I went to…
Just diagnosed...
Hi...my husband was just diagnosed (about 2 weeks ago) with stage 4 esophageal cancer. I'm in shock. He's so healthy and we thought he had a simple case of acid reflux. We've found an oncologist but everything is moving at a crazy pace and I don't even know where to start. We tried to get him into a clinical trial but…
Back from Vacation
Hello all, We had a wonderful few days away in warm sunlight and have now returned to cold temps and wind. My husband was thrilled to have been able to take this time off and enjoyed himself thoroughly, eating almost everything and even having a few glasses of red wine(!) I thought the oncologist would scold him for the…