Lou Ann m please
Can you give me your name for a discussion in primate on Facebook? Messenger or mail? Thanck you
Back Pain
Merry Christmas! For the past 3 weeks I have been suffering with back/hip pain to the point that I am having trouble walking. I finished with my radiation in October. Before this happened I did have some degree of arthritis and osteopenia deterioration in my back, but never suffered this type of pain. It seems to be a…
Not opérable
I thank you for all your support. Here I find a lot of answers to my questions. Is there any women with uterine cancer who have not had surgery, who have not had a hysterectomy? What is your treatment ? Ans résults?
Do you know if chemo is failing? Just paranoid...
I have a question, I would ask on the ovarian board, but it's not as active as this one. Last year at this time, I was diagnosed at first with stage IV cancer. I had a significant pleural effusion, about a week later, I had my debulking surgery, three weeks later I started on chemo. My pleural effusion came back really…
Chemo and constipation
Hi everyone, New here and have been reading older posts. I start chemo on Monday and several have talked about constipation afterwards. I am still healing from my hysterectomy, so constipation at this time would be extremely uncomfortable Should I take the stool softener or dulcolax the morning of my chemo? I was given the…
Update on sonohistogram....Learned nothing! Arggggggggg
Just got off the phone with my ob and I am no closer to an answer than I was a week ago. Turns out that not only did the sonohistgram not work, but taking the fluid for biopsy revealed nothing....just fibrous tissue. So, I still have to go back for a full endometrial biopsy. I am disappointed that I didn't get an answer…
RF Uterine Ablation can cause uterine cancer
I just joined this board today, and I was moved by the tamoxifen stories. I don't think the medical community to this day takes women's health as seriously as men's health. I never took tamoxifen, but have recently been diagnosed with uterine cancer, stage 3C already. It has spread around to the lymphs in the torso, but…
Grateful for good news
I saw my gyn onc yesterday and got the results of my post-chemo scan. There is no sign of cancer, and the few lymph nodes they were watching either shrank to normal or remained stable. She actually used the phrase "complete remission." This is a better result than I ever dared to hope for. I see my medical onc on Tuesday…
Ladies I received the news that my one solitary nodule that they took 1/2 my middle lobe out for was a recurrence of UPSC. So now I wait to see my oncologist this coming Thursday. I've been reading all the recurrence posts seeing what line of defense is used. Has anyone went on Social Security disability with this? I am…
Thankfully Still NED
I went in this afternoon for my quarterly checkup and thankfully, all is still clear. These quarterly exams are sure nerve wracking but necessary. I asked about another scan since it's been a year since my last chemo but my PA said unless there's some kind of symptom, they just don't do them routinely anymore. So....as…
Happy New Year
Wish for the new year, that the powers that be find a cure for this disease and that all the ladies get to be NED forever. Trish
I do have some "temporary" good news from my oncologist visit on 12/27
Hi Ladies: I wanted to update you ladies on my oncologist visit on Tuesday. My CA level went down to 63 down from 134 in Sept. I was "shocked" the level came down so much. I was on Tamoxifen for 8 days so I am wondering if it has something to do with my level. I had to discontinue this drug because it caused burning in my…
Thankful to find you!
I have searched off and on for over 3 years for a group of women like myself who are experiencing serous carcinoma . every board i saw was from 2011, 2013 that I gave up until yesterday when a dear friend suggested i try again,and here you all are! I was diagnosed in May, 2013 and have been under some treatment ever since-…
my journey
Hello there. I have been following this forum for a few months now, and finally managed to set up an account (due to internet safety controls at work, confirmation emails kept getting rejected). I have learned so much from all your postings, and I am grateful for the support and hope it offers those that are sharing in…
Change in treatment plan carcinosarcoma MMMT
Interesting development here. While external radiation to follow chemo had been discussed since my staging (3c2) after surgery, my doctors are now re-evaluating that. This morning I talked with the radiation oncologist I had consulted with back in October. Right now, he says that the most recent studies and research do not…
I know she is not on the Uterine board, but she posted a lot. I knew Wholfmeister went into Hospice. Does anyone know how she is? I missed a lot while having my own "mini-meltdown". I saw that she last posted on Nov. 17th. Thanks all, Debrajo
Cancer really sucks.
I really hate this disease. Dec 11, a good friend at work was in the hospital, some posted that she had Pneumonia. Dec 13, I see her at work again and I recognized the hair cut. When we talked she explained that it was not pneumonia but stage 4 Lung Cancer. She had already started treatment and had her first chemo, she…
Carcinose péritonéale
Hello I am looking to talk with women who have endometrial cancer that is spread to the peritoneum. (abdomen) I have peritoneal carcinosis, with nodules on the intestines and on the diaphragm. I hope the chemo will help me.
Playing the waiting game
Labs, Doctor's appointmen, and Keytruda infusion yesterday. Mostly everything went well. My oncologist went over the CT scan in detail showing me the pictures. Not much different from what my GP had to say last week, Only the tumor in my neck is growing. He says that happens with immunotherapy, where most will stop growing…
Last chemo - not done yet - some good news though
I had what's supposed to be my last chemo treatment on Thursday. (I still feel like putting "last" in quotation marks because I can't believe it really will be the last.) It went well and I got to ring the bell. The nurses at my infusion center kind of made a fuss over me and gave me a teddy bear as a gift. The less good…
Has anyone had a breakout of lesions as a recurrence? My mom has some lesions on her ankle,arms and back and it's making me afraid. I'm going to call her doctor to make sure it has nothing to do with her UPSC.
Re: Meeting with Oncologist on Tuesday, December 27th
Hi Ladies: I wanted to update all of you ladies on the Tamoxifen. I stopped taking Tamoxifen on Sunday, December 11th as I was on this medicine for 8 days. It caused BURNING pain in my eyes and pains in my head so I stopped taking it. I immediately called my oncologist on Monday morning, December 12th and mentioned this to…
update for a bronscosopy
Hi, now that they found breast cancer in the lymph node above my ear I have to get a advanced diagnostic broncosopy on Friday. It is called Super D. Has anyone had this done? It is done in 3 D and there is a person there that can tell what kind of cancer it is while I am still on the table.. They test it at the time I am…
Todays another day
In march I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Grade 1 stage 1a. Had a di-vinci total hysto with no followup care require other than to see my normal gyno every 6 months for first year. My first 6 month check appeared to have been well and good (no pap smear or anything, she just took a look inside to make sure I was healed…
Adénocarcinome endometriale stage4
Hello everyone I am really allergic to taxol then I will give taxotere. Does anyone know the taxotere? For my history with cancer I have an endometrial adenocarcinoma. I have Stage 4 because the cancer is spread to my abdomen and diaphragme. The surgery is not possible in totaly and i am very afraid. Scuse for my english i…
I had my 5th round of Carbo/Taxol about a week ago, the 2nd chemo since finishing radiation (28 external & 3 brachy). I am finally dealing with the fatigue that everyone has warned me about since beginning chemo. I went out on Saturday but since then have been more and more tired, to the point that I get winded walking…
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
To All of my wonderful partners on this board...... MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope we all find 2017 will bring us much happiness, joy and a sense of peace. Thanks to everyone for the support, love, guidance, friendship and understanding that only we can provide to each other. I'm grateful for each of you. Love and Hugs, Cindi
Update from Lou Ann
December 3rd was my 8th infusion of Keytruda. That is still going well with almost no side effects. I still have some side effects left over from the chemo,. My Neuropathy is still there and bothers me a lot at night. My oncologist said that he does not believe that it will get better because of all the Taxol that I have…
Allergie reaction
Who has an allergic reaction to taxol? My first chemo with taxol I made uneasiness and fall of tension
6 Month CT Scan Results
Went for my first 6 month CT scan after frontline yesterday and got the dreaded call this morning - there is a 4 mm mass in my chest. Going for a PET scan next Wednesday, 12/14 to find out more. This is the pits but there is nothing I can do about it at this moment so I'll do my best to let my doctor worry about it while I…