Circulating tumor cells
Has anyone had their circulating tumor cells measured? If you had circulating tumor cells, what was prescribed to reduce them.
Any advice on keeping my nails?
I met with a chemo nurse today, and she recommended that I put tea tree oil on my cuticles twice a day throughout treatment. She implied that this could save me from losing nails. I'm already planning on icing my hands and feet for the chemo, so I'm hoping that with less penetrance of the carboplatin/taxol to the nailbeds,…
Advice on wig and other head coverings - when to shop for one?
I'm starting chemo in 3 days. My oncologist gave me a scrip for a wig. I was thinking I wouldn't go shop for one until the hair fell out, but now, reading about how people say that the hair loss is very physically uncomfortable, I'm thinking maybe it's best to do it now. Any advice on when to shop for a wig? Advice on…
More tests ... Breast issues this time
Freakin' crap. Freakin', freakin' crap. I went for a mammo last week, and they want me to come in for additional testing. They want me to come in on NOVEMBER 7TH! Seriously? What madness is this? You make me wait more than a week, never tell my oncologist at the other facility, who really should have been the one to tell…
Portacath placement was very easy
I just had a portacath placed today, and I cannot believe how easy it was to have it done! I was a little bit worried about it, had been considering toughing it out with IV chemo, but my oncologist really encouraged the portacath to prevent extravasation (leakage into surrounding tissue) of the chemo, so I went ahead and…
D&C tomorrow-what to expect?—Update
So, I have my d&c hysteroscopy tomorrow. Starting to feel nervous. They are doing general anesthesia. Just wondering how I will feel afterward--will I be really tired? Will there be a lot of bleed ing or cramping? Just wondering what to expect. Any idea how long I'll have to wait for the pathology report? How quickly I'll…
Conflicting pathology
A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma, at least Grade 1 via D&C at a local hospital. I went to Johns Hopkins for a second opinion. They requested my slides from the local hospital to perform their own biopsy. I received the results. They are somewhat conflicting. The Hopkins Pathology report said…
Whoo boy do I need help
58. 7 years post menopause. Started bleeding, light colored. Stopped. Started again with what I can only describe as pieces of tissue. Stopped. Gyne appointment yesterday. Never had children so she could not get speculum open enough to get past cervix. Next up, transvaginal ultrasound then appointment to discuss those…
New drug combo for uterine serous carcinoma
I came across this today, thought some of you might be interested: New drug combo improves survival of women with rare uterine cancer
Terrified They Seem Reluctant To Do Surgery
I'm terrified that my doctor seems reluctant to do surgery unless my large tumor shrinks enough for lapriscopic surgery, will get imaging after chemo 4. I'm 42 and 242 in weight and in decent health as I've fully recovered from the Septis as far as I can tell. Granted my ca-125 has really responded to the chemo and I'm at…
June 4, 2011 - 1:51pm A lot of you are asking how to use turmeric or what curcumin to take. I'd like to share what I've learned about that subject from several books and online research. According to Schreiber (in his book Anti-Cancer), turmeric isn't absorbed in our bodies unless we cook it in a bit of olive oil (organic…
1st Brachy session today and having light bleeding
I'm 11 weeks out from my hysterectomy. I did not have any bleeding after 7 weeks until today when I had my first brachy session. My first session included the fitting along with the radiation. Did anyone experience bleeding when they had Brachy? If yes, how long did it last? Thanks so much .
Mixed Response Taxol & Avastin
I have been on Taxol and Avastin for the last three months. To refresh people's memories I am Stage IVB garden variety endometrial cancer. I have had three different chemo treatments, a hysterectomy, and two clinical trials, the last one was an immunotherapy trial. I won't be able to particpate in another immunotherapy…
UPSC Stage 1 Treatment
Hello All, Sorry for this 1st time, lengthy post. I've gathered so much helpful information from reading and rereading many of your posts these last several weeks. I wanted to share a bit of information that might help others. I hope I am reading it correctly. Please chime in if I'm missing something! By ways of…
Normal to feel so weak after lap robotic hysterectomy?
I had a robotic laparascopic hysterectomy with laparascopic inspection for visible metastases about ten days ago. No mets found (and CT of chest, abdomen, and pelvis before surgery also showed no mets). The tumor is mixed serous/clear cell, and was graded 1a. One sentinal node had isolated tumor cells only, the other was…
Reoccurance Rates
While I am still going to chemo to even make it to surgery to even get past my first discovery of the cancer, I am wondering what kind of chances of reoccurance people were given by thier doctor for various stages of Endrometral cancer? I wonder how much this study vs what doctors told people. I also wonder if Uterine vs…
Up at night to urinate
I had my hysterectomy 10 weeks ago. I was put in surgical menopause. My symptoms such as night sweets came on gradually. For the past 4 weeks I'm getting them every night . This week, I'm now waking up in the middle of the night to urinate. Did anyone have this issue when newly in menopause? Being awaken at night to…
Someone knows how we feel
Just watched A Million Little Things. Two of the characters have breast cancer - one is a male. Both are having to deal with the uncertainity cancer brings into our lives. Those 3 month checks... I am facing one on Tuesday and while I am doing water aerobics the thought flies through my mind - why am I working so hard to…
Treatment Update - Radiation
After 4 cycles of carbo/taxol, now my mother has been prescribed 25 doses of external radiation (5 each week, for 5 weeks) and 3 doses of internal radiation (one each week). So total 8 weeks. She has been asked - 1) Eat Bland Food 2) No milk/dairy products except curd/yogurt 3) 3 litres of water/fluid daily I have read…
dilator and Eliqus
Any of you on Eliquis and also using dilator - also had Bracky radiation? Doctor has just told me to use - and I am getting bleeding. Not sure I want to do this if always worrying about excess bleeding. Have messages in for my hematologist and rads doc as well as Gyn. But really would like to hear from any of you in same…
Update Janae
I dont come post about me too often any more but wanted to today. I had a follow up appointment today. Its been almost two years since i finished treatment. Every thing looks good according to the physician assistant ho did my appointment. I have no new symtoms. About a year and a few months ago i had a cat scan that was…
Nausea from radiation
My Mom started radiation yesterday. A couple of hours after radiation, she suddenly felt very weak and feeling a bit of nausea even 24 hrs after. She had the second radiation today but could'nt meet the doctor as the doctor was busy elsewhere and Mom did want want to wait around too long. Anyone experience nausea due to…
Scanxiety article from Cure Magazine
Just noted this new article in Cure magazine. As we all know it is so common that we experience this due to fear of reoccurrence or new type of cancer. https://www.curetoday.com/community/doris-cardwell/2018/10/scanxiety-fear-of-recurrence-whatever-you-call-it-its-real I hope the link works! Lori
Waiting on biopsy results
Hi, everyone. I'm 53 and hadn't had a period in 2.5 years. Started bleeding last Monday--thought I had a UTI; bleeding got much heavier on Wednesday, so I went to the ER thinking it was a kidney stone. They did a no contrast CT which showed no masses anywhere, then determined I was bleeding vaginalky. Saw my gun on Friday.…
Brachytherapy (radiation)
Helloe everyone. I am noe wto the group and was diagnosed with uterine cancer about 8 weeks ago. I had surgery, with a total hysterectomy, about a month ago. I was stage 1c, Grade 2. The cancer went 60% into the lining, but fortunately all lymph node biopsies came back negative. I need to have 3 treatments of brachytherapy…
Should I be concerned?
I had an ultrasound a year ago, and a more recent one due to ongoing 'constant' mild period type pains, and intermittent sharp pains both lower left/right pelvic, abdominal bloating and nausea. After researching I am a little worried that my doctor doesn't think there is anything that requires additional tests, am I right…
Afraid to hope
I am early in this process. I have my second opinion appointment at Hopkins on Monday. After that, the hysterectomy will be scheduled. The first Gyn oncologist I met with earlier this week seemed confident that I would only need surgery (praying this is the case). The logical side of my brain says I should just focus on…
Newly diagnosed stage 4 uterine serous upsc
Hi all Just after some advice as this is all new to me. Three weeks ago my mother who is 62 was having bad stomach pains. We went to emergency room at the hospital and they found ascites and drained 4 litres. It was malignant. She had an endoscopy and colonoscopy which were clear. She had a ct which they said didn't show…
Three years ago today
Three years ago today I had my hysterectomy. I went into it thinking it was an early stage, low-grade cancer. After the complete biopsy, I was Stage II, Grade 3 UPSC. My oncologist/gynecologist thought he got it all but he didn't take any lymph node, so who knows? I consider that day, my first day of NED. I only made it…
Is it possible to see an individual's profile, I thought i read that you press their photo! Unfortun