Interesting article about dying at home
I‘ve already decided that when the time comes I’m going to an in-patient hospice. I understand Medicare fights you on it. Perhaps my long termed care insurance would cover. I know my husband could not deal with the stress of caring for me at home nor would I want to burden him with not only the with the day to day care but…
Stool caliber after radiation
It's four months since I finished pelvic IMRT radiation, and I'm finally mostly over the diarrhea. I'm not back to how I was before, but at least I can go out, do things, without worrying so much about proximity to a bathroom. But I'm a bit worried. The diameter of the formed stool is so small! The stools are not as wide…
Statistics of One
Often on this forum we advise each other not to pay attention to studies, survival rates, because they describe the average experience and may not reflect our chances. I enjoyed reading this article and wanted to share with you. Below is my favorite excerpt. New Yorker article: What statistics can and cannot tell us about…
Exciting story on local woman in my state
Hang on ladies, because I truly believe they are making headway for new, more effective treatments for cancer. This story was in my local paper today. For Taylor Cochrane, treatment using stem cells was floated by her doctor during her battle with a rare form of ovarian cancer, called small cell ovarian cancer. At the…
New problem
Hi all, I have been a member of the colorectal cancer board and now I have a situation that may be uterine cancer. I’m 66. 2016 - dx with rectal cancer. Had radiation/chemo until a fistual and had to stop. APR surgery to remove part of colon, rectum, anus and sphincter resulting in permanent colonostomy. 2018 - dx with…
Cheese Update
So new renal stent has also become intolerable. Nothing cuts the pain including medical marijuana. I’ve resorted to ice packs to the crotch. I’m seeing a urologist at Johns Hopkins on Thursday for a second opinion and I see my regular urologist on June 18. There’s got to be another solution.
Is This True?
I probably should not be reading "Dr. Google," but is it true that uterine cancer survivors have a higher percentage of cardiovascular problems a few years after their diagnosis? As if we don't have enough to worry about. Just wondering if any thoughts on the subject. I recently went to the primary care doctor and he said…
Looking for the name of a gyn oncologist
in the Atlanta area, preferably Roswell or Marietta, Georgia. I know a woman who lives there who is experiencing post menopausal bleeding for the second time in the last two years. Two years ago, she had a PAP and an ultrasound and a cause was not determined. She had unexplained spotting recently and has saught my advice.…
LizaL: Response to your request for information on uterine carcinosarcoma (MMMT) specialists
LizaL I created this separate topic since your original request was buried in the old, long thread on MMMT. Those old threads can be hard to navigate when looking for new posts or seeking others' advice. You asked: Hi I was recently diagnosed with MMMT in vaginal and cervix. I received two chemo treatments but the cancer…
Hello, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer five years ago with lung mets. Afer a histerectomy and two surgeries to remove nodules on lungs, I was put on Fermara. The side effects are bearable, however, seem to become worse with time. I don't know if this is " normal " or whether it's an indication of something else…
Hi, new here. 18 months post op
I'm 18 months post op from a total hysterectomy. I lost all the "lady parts" to uterine cancer. I had stage 1 and have many complications since then. I had a blood clot that left a huge scar and had the surgery done with Divinci robotic and have several scars all over the abdominal area. After the surgery, I got…
Menopause and hot flushes
Hola! I hope everyone is coping well with everything we all have in our plates. I was wondering if anyone have used “Black Cohosh” for hot flushes. I have been having a very hard time lately. I am not sure why, since I had a hysterectomy in December 2010. Since the after the surgery, I started to experience menopause…
Good News-Vag Brachytherapy advice/tips
Received call from Dr. this evening. Lymph nodes negative for cancer!! Praise GOD! So now I see him for followup on 9/3. I'm one week out from lymphendectomy. He will at that time schedule my vaginal brachytherapy radiation treatments. Any ideas as I prepare for these treatments? Continued prayers for you all.
Lynch Syndrome anyone?
This is my two week surgery-versary. I had a complete laporascopic hysterectomy. I'm doing okay now, but had TERRIBLE, EXCRUTIATING pain the first few days. And the anesthesia made me so dizzy that I couldn't stand or walk for about 18 hours so stayed overnight in the hospital. When I got home, I saw that the hospital…
Medicare Advantage and Step Therapy for Part B Drugs
I'm looking forward to signing up for Medicare next year as I reach 65. Since I was born one year too late to get a Plan F Medicare supplement policy, I expect to select a Plan G supplement policy. While I prefer the flexibility of a Medicare supplement plan, others also nearing 65 may also be considering a Medicare…
New Drug w/FDA Approval Based on Tumor Genetics
The FDA just approved the 3rd type of genetically driven, "tissue agnostic" cancer treatment. Pembrolizuab (Keytruda) was the first. This article gives the details; an excellent reminder of how important genetic tumor testing is when developing a treatment plan.…
clinical trial for me, I think
Thanks to MABound and LuLu who opened my mind to genomic testing and clinical trials. I am screening for a trial of an immunotherapy drug. Same as LuLu, I'm MSS but have some mutations that make this look promising as a treatment for me. Hoping to stabilize or even better. If all goes as expected with screening I begin the…
Chemo doable?
I will be starting treatment soon. I keep hearing the inspiring message that chemo is doable but I also hear so much of the side effects. Many have said to ice hands and feet during treatment. Ice packs? Bucket of ice? Dealing with anxiety of this whole traumatic ordeal?
A hot mess!!!
Hey Ladies, the 1st week after 1st chemo treatment I only was really tired for a few days. Then I had a great week and a half. Doing regular routine at home , running errands and enjoyed getting back to my walking routine. By Day 15 I have UTI and day later Thrush. UTI med not working after 4 days so got a new script.…
Diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer
I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer by my GYN after a biopsy. I see the GYN ONC tomorrow and am scared, nervous and confused. There's a part of me that feels like I waited to long to see my GYN after first symptom, but at 43, I really thought I was pre-menopuasal and that what I was experiencing was normal. It wasn't…
Adjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Superior to Radiotherapy Alone in Women With High-Risk Endometrial Cancer
Link to a detailed PDF: https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S1470-2045(19)30395-X TAKE-HOME MESSAGE * This post hoc survival analysis of a phase III trial was designed to compare outcomes following treatment with adjuvant chemoradiotherapy and radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone among women with high-risk…
New clinical trial for advanced or abdominal/pelvic recurrent UPSC
https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04030000 This trial will be opening soon. It's open label. It will utilize intraperitoneal chemo combined with radiation, in a protocol similar to what is done for serous ovarian cancer. It appears that the oncologist running this is in Manhasset, on Long Island, in Nassau County. I…
Ovarian Torsion
I was diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinom, Grade 1 Stage 1A with a robotic hysterectomy in November 2018, with no further treatment. Last week I went to the emergency room with lower right abdominal pain. It turned out I had an ovarian torsion and had emergency surgery to remove the enlarged ovary that had a large…
Article on lymphadenectomy
This is a link to a good recent article on the deicsion to perform lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6189438/
Hey Ladies Any suggestions on how to get through insomnia ? Only sleeping 2 hours a night for weeks now, Reluctantly got a script for ambien this week, 3 nights later and it's not helping, I've been doing meditation for deep sleep from you tube but relaxes me but doesn't put me to sleep. I hate putting things in my body so…
Hair growing back
I forgot to mention that my chemo went fairly well although I realize we are all different and react differently to it. Just wanted to let anyone just starting that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Take the nausea meds and keep food on your stomach even if it is crackers or dry toast. On the days where your taste…
Saw dentist two months before start of sandwich treatment but not since. It's been about a year and know I should go in for cleaning and checkup. But am afraid to face likely need for major work as a result of chemo; have heard that chemo can wreak havoc on our mouths. Can any of you report what kind of dental problems you…
Dandruff? In a post on uterine cancer? Well, here it goes: When I entered puberty I began to have dandruff. I did all the usual things and used all the OTC products. It continued to get worse and worse during college and grad school and my first positions. It got in my eyebrows, even. I'm sure any number of you know what…
Treatment Update: Torisel
I'll be having my third weekly round of Torisel in a couple of days and thought it was time to post an update. Torisel is a brand name for the drug Temsirolimus, which is administered via IV. (Everolimus is the version that's taken orally.) They're all versions of an mTOR inhibitor, geared to my genetic PI3K mutation. Thus…
Uterine cancer metastasized to lung - looking for others to talk to with similar condition
My uterine cancer metastasized to my lungs. I went in for bronchitis; otherwise I would still be walking around with it spreading by the day, as I am in otherwise excellent health. I start chemo. on Friday. Just wanted to enter the forum and be part of the community. I have a fantastic support team with family and friends…