Hysterectomy and colon cancer
Hi,I usually read posts on colon cancer forum,but maybe I can get some opinion or advice here. I have a rectosigmoid colon cancer stage3 (T4N2),low grade,which had been treated with chemo (Xeloda) and radiation this spring. Because CT scan (done in February,before starting the treatment) showed the tumor being invasive…
abdominal discomfort and now vomiting, 6 weeks out from radiation
I finished pelvic IMRT external beam radiation for UPSC/clear cell about 6 weeks ago, finished chemo about 4 months ago. The diarrhea is intermittent, but for the past week or two, I've also had increasing GI discomfort whenever I eat (and I eat a very low fiber diet). Now, for the first time, I'm vomiting after having…
hello all, does any one have info about radiation cystitis and cystectomy (bladder removal). Any and all information would be greatly appreciateD. Thank you in advance. Best wishes to all cancer survivors. Thank you in advance!
Still thinking of you CQ
It's that time of day that I do a lot of meditating and praying and just wanted to let you know that I think about how you are doing all of the time. Hope all is going well with your recovery.
CBD oil
While I dropped my consumerlab.com subscription some time ago because I'm not adding new supplements to my regime at this time, I still get emails from them and this one about CBD oil caught my eye because I remember a prior discussion about black seed oil and cytochrome p450 enzymes. Below is from the email I recieved:…
Dilation after brachytherapy
Today I finished my third and last brachytherapy. I found out about dilators here and during the second visit, I talked to the nurse about it. She filled out some papers for the doctor, but didn't give anything to me. The radiologist will see me in a month. So, I have no dilators and I'm afraid a month is too long to start…
Happy day
Have to share my joy that I got my port out today! Finished chemo on Feb 15, finished 3 rounds of brachytherapy on April 1. My oncology/gyn said I could loose the port and I am so relieved to have it gone! It was a constant reminder of chemo, it itched sometimes and I hated that metal lump in my chest. I know some choose…
Dear neuropathy friends,
Dear neuropathy friends, What is everyone doing to help with their neuropathy. I have a slight dullness in my fingertips; but, my feet are wicked. I am taking gabapentin 300 mg 3 times a day, it may or may not be helping. My neuropathy is a bit better than it was in the beginning, I no longer get shooting pains up to my…
Affiliate Hospitals
And that’s why I didn’t go to Cooper. https://www.cancertodaymag.org/Pages/cancer-talk/When-a-Top-Ranked-Cancer-Center-Comes-to-a-Hospital-Near-You.aspx
Biopsy results
I have an appointment next Thursday to go over my results from my d&c I had done on the 23rd.but I’m getting nervous waiting.how long did you wait? Does that mean no news is good news
Henry Lynch, celebrated as father of cancer genetics, dies at 91 (Lynch Syndrome)
Anyone diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome may find this obituary about the doctor who discovered the gene mutation interesting. And even those who don't have Lynch Syndrome may have benefited from his genetic cancer research. “Nobody believed me,” Dr. Lynch said. “But I knew we had something here. I knew we could potentially…
Re: Good news regarding my tests
Hi Ladies: I just wanted to post some Good news. I had a second reoccurence of UPSC in the fall of 2016. I was originally diagnosed with stage 1 of UPSC in February of 2011. I only had an 18% chance of it reoccurring on me which is very very low odds of a reoccurrence with stage 1. My oncologist has been sending me for…
Recurrence of diarrhea after improvement following completion of radiation treatment - normal?
I thought I was out of the woods, but I guess not. I finished pelvic external beam IMRT about a month ago for UPSC/clear cell, isolated tumor cells found in one of the two sentinel nodes. I had horrible diarrhea during radiation treatment after the first two weeks. About two weeks after completion of treatment, the…
Avastin and Avastin/Doxil Side Effects
Hi Everyone, I am contemplating either Avastin alone or Avastin/Doxil as my next step along this journey. The published side effect look awful. I am looking for first hand information from you ladies that you might be willing to share on how well tolerated these drugs are......thanks.
How soon is soon?
3 months ago I experienced heavy uterine bleeding. It lasted for 2 weeks. There was a gap of 3 weeks, then I experienced it again for 2 more weeks. There was a gap of 3 weeks, during which I made an appt with an ob gyn. I wasn't able to see her for a few weeks, and by the time I did, I'd had a 3rd bout of 2 weeks of…
Herceptin UPSC
Hi All, I was hoping those of you who have been on Herceptin would chime in and share your experience. With the support of many of you on this board, I pushed for genetic testing for my mother who has recurrent UPSC and is being treated at Kaiser. Her results came back Her2/neu positive and she has been approved for…
Good news for me bad for a friend
Hello from Texas, it has been while since I posted. Still NED August will be 8 years from MMMT stage 3 grade 3 with no recurrance. So that is my Good news. Bad news for my friend Jon, just had surgery for a brain tumor, very agressive, radiation starts tomorrow along with chemo pills. Father of 4 amazing boys all still in…
Looking for Suggestions on dealing with Metal Taste in Mouth
Assuming many who have had treatments have suffered from the side effect of the metal taste in the mouth that will not go away. Any suggestions on how you are dealing with that or dealt with this in the past are appreciated!
Re: Good news regarding my tests
Hi Ladies: I just wanted to post some Good news. I had a second reoccurence of UPSC in the fall of 2016. I was originally diagnosed with stage 1 of UPSC in February of 2011. I only had an 18% chance of it reoccurring on me which is very very low odds of a reoccurrence with stage 1. My oncologist has been sending me for…
Minimally Invasive versus Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer
I posted this on the Gyn Cancer board for cervical cancer, but I thought you woud all find it interesting as well. The below study was known as the LACC Trial, Laparoscopic Approach to Cervical Cancer. As scary as it is finding that you have cancer, be sure to ask your gynecologic oncologist (and that is the specialist you…
How to manage radiation-induced diarrhea?
Well, it's begun, and I can only assume it's going to get worse. I'm trying to eat white rice, white potato without the skin, and meat/eggs. Any other recommendations for what I can/cannot eat? I already know that I should avoid fiber.
MD Anderson
Hello All, My mother is experiencing a recurrence of her UPSC (originally stage 1a with no adjuvant therapy recommended after radical hysterectomy). Fourteen months after surgery, her CA125 jumped to 240 and the resulting pet scan showed widespread metastasis to multiple lymph nodes, mostly around her lungs, and nodules to…
Pten gene mutation article-really interesting
As you can see i've been reading the NYtimes this am and came across another really thought provoking article to share. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/17/health/gene-mutation-cancer.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage§ion=Health What caught my attention is how impossible it may be to eat enough of our…
How low did your CBC go with external radiation?
I finished 6 rounds of chemo March 1st. I finished external radiation (IMRT to the pelvis) June 6th. I'm still on Herceptin. Three weeks ago, my white count was low, at 4.0, my hemoglobin was low, at 10.2, and my platelets were in the low 80s. But today, three weeks later, everything was lower! My white count was 2.6,…
Carboplatin only for chemo for 1a grade 3 undifferentiated cancer
Hi I was recently diagnosed with a State 1a and Grade 3 undifferentiated endometrial carcinoma. I had a total hysterectomy and will soon begin chemo. Because I already have some very mild neuropathy and balance/gait issues associated with cervical stenosis, my onc felt the risk of falls/gait problems wasn't worth the…
After I had this procedure done which was to remove polyp and get biopsy.The doctor told me there wasn’t a polyp but other test showed polyp or endometrial mass. So I was confused. Has this happen to anyone else?
D&C and hysterscopy
I am going to have my procedure done on Thursday and I just started my cycle today will they still do it?I hope I don’t have to reschedule I waited long time.
3 years
I was in getting a mamagram on Friday. The technistion asked me about when was my last period. Accually she just wanted to know what decade. It made me think. It was 3 years ago just before mothers day that i was having my hysterectomy. I was in the hospital for mothers day. Sometimes 3 years ago seems so far a way and yet…
Test results. What does "not identified" mean?
I had a radical hysterectomy on April 15. I got some test results, although I'm supposed to wait for final results to discuss with my gyno oncol. I'm just trying to make sense of some of the reults and a lot of the lines have "not identified." Tumor site: endometrium, less than 1cm in diameter, on posterior wall, close to…
I bought some CBD oil
A few of the ladies here at our 55+ community here in Florida are using the CBD oil or cream for everything from sciatica, arthritis, insomnia, and shoulder pain AND, they all report it's working! So, I got the name of the place they bought theirs at and went there this afternoon. The lady behind the counter at the…