Endometrial Advocacy Group
Good morning! I am returning from California; I went to the Rose Parade, saw my daughters, and celebrated New Year's in sunny California. My first trip after treatment; and I did it! I am getting home and sorting email. I called Marsh Wilson at 301-332-0117 (mwilson@the gcf.org). She is interested in feed back from us and…
Time for a good laugh
HE4 as a Biomarker for Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Management
I read this today and thought it is significant for us. If any of you will be meeting with your doctors soon, I'd be interested in what they know about this information. If any of you are interested in the complete research article, let me know. Abstract Ovarian and endometrial cancer will be diagnosed in over 63,000 women…
Cramping, bloating, nausea
I am almost 2 years out from my total hysterectomy, (endometrial & upsc, stage IB) and it's about a 1-1/2 years since my last chemo treatment (no radiation). For the last 7 weeks, I've been experiencing menstrual-type cramps (I keep feeling like I need to run to the restroom to see if I've started my period, LOL),…
Why UPSC patients need to INSIST on tissues assays; (from my new recurrance perspective)
All this research recently posted plays into the research we did way way back into EGFR and how this factor GREATLY changes the prognosis of anyone with UPSC. And yet it is so hard to get the assays done! I pushed for it unsuccessfully after my initial diagnosis, but they just weren't doing that where I go. Now I see that…
Had my 5th (11th?) chemo today & REASSURING review of my 'symptoms'.
I came home from my 5th weekly taxol infusion for my recurrance today, and climbed right into bed for 2 hours to sleep off the benedryl they give me as a part of my chemo cocktail. Now the steroids will take over and I will be up all night, so I like to get the sleep ahead of that. Vic and I watched 'Taking Woodstock' when…
groin pain
Has anyone had groin pain on both sides after radiation both 25 external and brachy. Doc said probably arthritic pain going into the inguoinal groin area. Scans were negative. Surgery- Davinci one year ago and radiation done May. Nothing else but just wondering. Thanks
Here is a positive story for all
I thought I might like to share this story with you which was in our local paper. Dec. 10--When Washington County Common Pleas Judge Mark Mascara was diagnosed with stage four esophageal cancer this summer, he was told he had a 2 percent chance of survival. His family was told he probably wouldn't make it to spring. But…
Probably an oldie...
and has probably been posted before, but I love this saying and I am going to tape it to my bathroom mirror just so I will be reminded everyday: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's learning how to dance in the rain. Love,love, Cecile
burning at the end of urination: recurrence or radiation damage?
My mom has 4 days now that complains of some burning sensation at the end of urination. She does not have frequent urination to suggest infection. I wonder if any of you are aware of this symptom as a sign of recurrence or radiation damage.
This drug trial for recurrent ovarian cancer is over.
Since ovarian cancer is a serous and the separate arm of the uterine was determined til the mid eighties, I'm putting the link to information on this trial. It is my understanding that once you have gone through chemo/raditation, you are eligible to take drugs that might not yet have FDA approval for the cancer you have.…
Cancer Issue: Why Cancer and Inflammation?
I simply cannot stress strongly enough the relationship between cancer and inflammation. The first step in getting a handle on cancer should really be to get a handle on inflammation that is going on in your body. Please have your CR-P LEVELS tested. It is your body's inflammation marker, is a simple inexpensive blood…
Hi Everyone, As most of you know my wife was recently diagnosed with stage 4 b Unterine cancer,Well my question, is Now she has decided to not have Chemo, and I support her decision , but now she is getting Dizzy spells and her Eyesite is changing,she says blurry sometimes, them ok, then blurry again, Can Cancer cause…
possible mets to the brain
In the case of mets to the brain, conventional therapy would be something I would strongly consider in that situation. Even if I wasn't fond of chemo or radiation therapy. some times you really have to go for the gold. Claudia
I had my open abdomen hysterectomy on December 29, 2009. Can hardly believe tomorrow is 2010 and get this. All biopsies came back with NED - No evedince of disease. The Pathologists even went BACK to the origial biopsy of the endometrium to verify that there were cancer cells there, and there were definitely Papillary…
Aloha....Happy New Year
Aloha All, will keep you all in my heart as the new year begins...wishing you all, above all peace, and the confidence to face the new year fearlessly and with all the joy you can feel in this body which is STILL ALIVE (don't forget to dance; we're going to a fancy resort hotel for a luau, then go dancing under the stairs;…
The Importance of Menitoning that you've had a recurrence on this network.
A December update: Everyone, I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, no one does. However, I do feel it's very important to mention a recurrence. What I'm thinking is this. If everyone just hangs around til things go wrong, and then just quietly slips out of the picture, then we all have false hope that we'll be fine if…
A New Year's Wish
May the coming year bring back joy to our minds and health to our bodies and the strength of heart to fight this diagnosis, to us in their fullest, is my wish for us all. With love and caring, Claudia
Alkaline and Acid Food List
http://www.essense-of-life.com/moreinfo/foodcharts.htm Here's what i typed in google" alkaline acid chart and I picked one of the sites that showed up. This site had some very helpful information. Towards the bottom of the page there is some reference to whether a food is highly, moderately or slightly alkaline of acidic.…
Dear Friends, I'm flying out tomorrow to spend the New Year with my dad in Florida. I'm not sure how much computer time I will have and I couldn't leave without wishing you all, "A VERY HAPPY HEALTHY!!!! NEW YEAR!" You are all in my heart. Barbara
Where is Reddie? Has anyone heard anything at all from her? I do hope she is doing well. Cookie :)
I am wondering if anyone here has heard from Kimby? Several of us who have corresponded with her here on CSN have been concerned about how she is. The last I heard she had just been released from the hospital. Please let me know if there is any news in regards to Kimby. Kimby if you are reading this we care deeply about…
Linda/ Update?
Linda, How are you after your second chemo? Did your port settle down and were you able to use it this time? Miss hearing from you. Hugs and Holiday cheers.
Putting us on a map. And giving the stage you were diagnosed with as some are doing now.
Could each of you write the area or the town, and state you live in so we can get a feel for how spread out or close we are to one another? Would be a real shame if some of us live in the same town and don't know it. Some of you have added your stage. GREAT IDEA! The year and month you were first diagnosed, if this is a…
recently diagnosed
My wife was recently diagnosed with endometrail cancer (uterine) stage 4b, Dr just performed a massive surgery on her and removed Cancer and all her female parts including Lymp nodes, she has been told it comes back 80 % of the time, Dr says National average is 15 to 18 mths survival. They want her to start Chemo. She is…
Looking Younger
Wow Claudia those herbs, green tea, and grape juice must work. You look fabulous and you must be getting younger! What a hot babe! I need to get around and get a hair picture since now I have some. Diane
Jill, was wondering why you've been pulling your prior posts.
Hey, was just noticing your posts are disappearing. Looks rather odd, what with people responding to something you've said and there being no post to respond to. Is something wrong. I had always thought what you had to say offered a lot to the discussions. What's up? Claudia
"Lap" tops
A couple of people have talked of using laptops on their laps!! On "The Doctors" TV talk show recently they cautioned about using these directly against the body because of the heat generated - for men their sperm count can be effected. And who knows if the electricity is harmful in this day and age of everything being…
ok 5 weeks after my last chemo, I seen new hair growth, where? not my eyebrows, not my eye lashes, not my hair or even legs, I got my MUSTACHE back!!! bold black hairs coming back on my upper lip! ok why why :0 hoping that my eyebrows and eyelashes come back and of course the head! still waiting to get an ultrasound , the…
Did everyone have MERRY CHRISTMAS?
I had such a lovely Christmas! I think everyone in my family said it at least once: "Best Christmas ever!" There were lots of hugs and lots of laughter and even lots of sentimetal tears over the special homemade gifts and thoughtful choices and tpuched reactions. The grandchildren were more grateful than greedy; more…