For Claudia and Patricia - notes from my last checkup
Claudia, I didn't get alot of info. Doc in a hurry!! But he is very "science-based". He would not order any treatment unless indicated. He did say there are "lots of treatment options" if recurrence. Small consolation. Patricia. I didn't ask the lymph node question. Sorry. I did learn that the CA125 is NOT a reliable…
anyone else have scalp pain?
I have scalp pain, guessing it is from when my hair ( the few threds I have left) move in a different direction than they are used to , like lying in bed , rub against pillow , or when I put on a bandana and set it back , or just to the touch, in spots, pain , short loud pain, goes away quickly but painful all the same,…
still looking for same type cancer with success story, none to be found :(
I have been diagnosed with metastatic endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage 4 b grade g3 have looked through many many web sights lots of stories about breast cancer survivors, stage 1 and 2 uterine cancers stage 1 endometrial cancer but none with stage 4 b , am I just hoping too much. I did have problems talking to my doctor,…
Brain mets? Combination Taxol and Tamoxefin is showing response according to this study
Randomized Study of Paclitaxel and Tamoxifen Deposition into Human Brain Tumors: Implications for the Treatment of Metastatic Brain Tumors http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/12/19/5770.full "...Purpose: Drug resistance in brain tumors is partially mediated by the blood-brain barrier of which a key component is…
1st chemo treatment-need help
I have Stage lll-C clear cell endometrial carcinoma and am having my first 6 hour chemo treatment on Tuesday Nov.17th. I will be getting Taxol and Carboplatin. Are there any opinions about getting a port put in because I will be getting at least 6 more treatments. I was also wondering if anyone has had this type of cancer…
what to say to people who are pesaamistic with your diagnosis?
I have a problem, the last three people I have talked to have been pesamisitc saying, well you do have 5% chance of survival, so "I wouldnt put money into your teeth If I were you" while talking to cancer cares ! of all people. My GP saying I need anti depressants because I am mad about the pains I have and alergies ( I…
endometrial biopsy
Hi all I am having some issues understanding my pathology reports. First’s pathology report found cancer through an endometrial biopsy on September 21 2009. On Oct. 20 2009 I had surgery. Afterwards pathology report said no cancer was found. How can that that be? Has any one had this happen? So did I have cancer or not?…
Moisture/Symptom (This was posted under another area, but I wanted to bring it up here too.... Tha
"Extra moisture after menopause" etc on an ealier post from Marie (who is a RN/UPSC survivor) caught my attention. I am so curious about that symptom. How many of us UPSC women had that symptom? It may have been there, but didn't trigger any awarenss/alarm unless we really think back to BEFORE CANCER ??? (BC!) If you…
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks to all of you who posted replies to my questions about my 1st chemo treatment.( hair loss - port - effect of just one infusion ) You all gave such informative, upbeat, and helpful advice to me. Especially since you have all been through this. I will definately carefully consider all the information you have given…
Dr. Barbara Goff to Discuss Ovarian Cancer on "The Dr. Oz Show"
Dr. Barbara Goff to Discuss Ovarian Cancer on "The Dr. Oz Show," Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Tune into "The Dr. Oz Show" tomorrow to watch SGO/GCF member Dr. Barbara Goff discuss the warning signs of ovarian cancer and what women should do if they have these symptoms. She also will discuss the importance of early…
Inspirational art by cancer survivors, caretakers, and oncology personnel
Originally I was just goung to email this to Claudia and encourage her to compete. But the artwork on the website waqs so moving to me (all done by cancer patients, caregivers, & oncology medical staff, all with a "cancer journey' theme) that I wanted to encourage you all to pop in and see the artwork:…
UPSC recurrence notes - You are doing so well ..."
The doctor said, “You are doing so well, I think we'll give you another three chemos.” “Gee, thanks, doc.” said I, Mary Ann. Context: I am 73 years old. I have had a recurrence of UPSC after two years. I had another series of taxol and carboplatin, 6 infusions, three weeks apart. CT scans before the first and after the…
Unusual Case - Third Opinion?
Hi All: New to this site. Many brave and wonderful people here. It is nice to finally have someone who can relate and where you don't feel so isolated. Here's my story: Hope someone can help. (By the way I am 49 years old now and I have a wonderful husband and three sons) 2004 - pain - colonoscopy (clear) vaginal sonogram…
Emotional Help
I was diagnosed with endo cancer at the age of 28. I was told after my complete hyst. that there was no treatment necessary. The cancer was only staged at 1B and hadn't made it through the lining of the uterus. I have gone faithfully to my ob/gyn since this time. Every 3 months then 6 months. Every time holding my breath…
snotty Oncologists - thank goodness for this site!
OK...I'm ranting & apologize in advance..... but.... am I the only one whose Oncologists won't provide anything but vague replies & absolutely nothing positive? I understand I live in a "lawsuit happy" state....but...sheeesh! The only answer I get when asking specific questions regarding side effects,etc. is "Everybody Is…
what did I miss?
I saw a couple of threads with deleted posts. Just curious what happened??
Frans most recent post on facebook
Hi everyone, doing better but keyboarding with right hand isn't strong yet. Thanks for all the nice notes, prayers and thoughts. Dr. says I am responding real well and I let him know today that all options better be on the table for my treatment. I think I got his attention. He was encouraging. I do read email and…
Weight loss
I was diagnosed with uterine cancer last week. In doing research, my husband found there is a link between excessive estrogen from being obese and this cancer. He is now asking me to lose weight. I have been obese since childhood and never successfully maintained any weight loss. He says I need to optimize my nutrition…
hormone therapy?
My doctor wants me to go on hormone therapy to control my tumor. Does anyone know about Anastrozole (Arimidex)? He says it's used frequently to control breast cancer and helps reduce estrogen. Do you know of anyone who has taken it - and anything about the results? I'm already in pain and hesitate to take something that…
CA 125 rising
I finished my 6th and last chemo treatment on 8/4/09. I had the sandwich treatment with 3 chemo and the radiation therapy (both external and internal) and then 3 more chemo. I had lab on 9/1 and the CA 125 was 18 (normal is below 35). I had lab drawn on 10/20 and the number was 39.9. I had had a colonoscopy earlier that…
Finished Treatment but have a lot of body aches. Has anyone had this??
So I finished up my treatment plan which was surgery, chemo, external radiation and 4 sessions of Brachytherapy. I finished the last of my treatments about 3 weeks ago and just recently started getting lots of body aches, legs, lower back, upper back. What is making me nervous is that Fran posted not too long ago that her…
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cancer/MM00638 http://www.healthcastle.com/cancer_general_mets.shtml http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/about-cancer/what-is-cancer/grow/how-a-cancer-spreads…
Thickning of endometrial wall Could it be cancer)
Hi everyone im new to the site and im after a bit of advice or wanted to know if anyone else had these symptoms. I recently had a ultrasound/internal scan on my uterus this was due to me having very heavy periods and my iron level being 4 instead of being 10 (think thats what it should be). Anyway my results came back as…
Off remission
Hello all, I am back from being away for a out time from cancer. Well that ended yesterday when I got the results from my ct scans. I am now on Doxil every 4 weeks for how long who knows for sure. I knew it would be back but it hit me like a Sledgehammer" like someone else said on one of the boards. You know it will come…
scheduled CSN outage tonight
The site will be down tonight from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m Eastern Daylight Time for scheduled maintenance. Greta Your CSN staff
Roll Call and Privacy
I have one problem wiht roll call - privacy. I wouldn't mind sharing things if we were in a group that was protected. Anyone can access this information and sometimes I think that is a little worrisome. I wish our information we share here was more protected. While I think our stages and grades show what we are coping with…
Motivated people telling them our ca125
Hi Ladies, I have noticed most people are worried abt ca125.Please tell everyone ca125? Thanks Kumar
Went to the Oncol on Wed. for my three month and was presented with a one year survivor pin... My chest x-ray is normal and clean, CA125 went up alittle but they are not concerned, it's that time of year with my arthritis and inflammation. Just waiting for pap results but doc says everything looks great... She said I can…
Privacy and Roll Call
I get a little uneasy posting alot of personal information on this very open forum. It really is open to the public. I wish we could be a group with some other privacy factors built into this system. Sometimes I would be more open but think about anyone reading this; such as employers, disability claims offices, etc. Does…
Feels like a UTI but it's not
Hello ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question for y'all. I had my second and last brachy radiation over a week ago on Sept. 24. To back up a little more, during the last couple of weeks of my external radiation, I had what felt like the beginning feeling of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Just a little of…