Maggie, how are you doing?
Maggie, It's been a while since you've posted. How are you? Is the gemzar working or is it too soon to tell? Have your leg pains decreased at all? I miss seeing you here. bots
For Claudia & other tumeric devotees: new federal grant for food related cancer research!
For my work I have to check the Federal Register daily to see what new federal grants were announced that day. I saw this one yesterday and saved it because it is a federal grant for research related to FOOD and CANCER. It's long & boring, & none of us are eligible to apply, but you'll be interested in the cancer-fighting…
Is there anyone out there with a recurrance AFTER 2.5 years cancer free
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has had a recurrance of stage 3 uterine cancer AFTER 2 and half years post treatment being clean? I guess I want to hear that we are passed the point that it would most likely come back. The doctor said usually it is in the first 2 years after treatment but I wanted to see what "real…
sisters, since i've been taking gemzar, my right leg from ankle to hip as been aching and keeping me up at night. i've tried ativan, which helps a little but i can't be constantly taking that. has anyone found something that reduce the ache? it' just this knawing pain that doesn't stop. i know others have complained about…
Recurrences for those that have Endometrial Adenocarcinoma
Hello Everyone. I was wondering for those of you with Endometrial Adenocarcinoma, how many of you have had recurrences? My mom was diagnosed with this in Nov. 2010. It was staged 3c grade 2. She just finished 6 cycles of Taxol/Carboplatin. It was recommended for her to receive 25 radiation treatments. At this point, I…
CA 125 level of 208 2 weeks post surgery (one week before due to start chemo)
Hi all, I had my pre chemo blood tests and all came back great except for 1 high CA 125 level. For some reason, there wasn't a level taken in the hospital prior to surgery. I was a little shook up to see the CA 125 was 208. The nurse manager at my Doc's office said that it was possible that pre surgery it could have been…
pathology report
Hello all, Got my pathology report on 4-7. Stage 3, one tumor in the uterus and one in the right ovary. Both were said to be "superficial". Negative lymph gland involvement and pelvic washings were negative. I get a chemo port put in the l4th and start chemo on the 20th. One week, I get both carbo and taxol, weeks 2 and 3…
Good news at two month post six month chem protocol checknup
Yippee The Ca 125 went down from 21 to 13 from two months ago post chemo 6. Still anemic 9 No restrictions free to dance with NED for another two months till next testing sessions. Happy Easter and Passover to all, Sara
CA 125 levels w/in normal range being studied for predicitng recurrence
A few articles are out there for UPSC uterine & ovarian @ different stages discussing CA 125 rising in a certain manner for demonstrating recurrence. Question: Some doctors using 3 or more progressively rising CA-125 values doubling from a nadir (certin comparison starting CA 125) as a precautioner for cancer returning…
Does anyone know what the long term effect of radiation is on teeth?
I was just wondering if anyone knew or experienced problems with their teeth that may have been caused by effects from radiation. Recently, I just had a root canal. Now, several teeth have lost their fillings. I know in the past that during pregnancy I had teeth problems, but I didn't know if radiation could be effecting…
UPSC: full abdominal/pelvic radiation? - safe enough?
I have been diagnosed at UPSC 4B by my doctor (though pathologist is of the opinion that it's ovarian 3C). In general, ovarian patients are not getting radiation as part of the front line therapy for extra security measure. When the chemo is over, if the patient goes into remission, they go into surveillance mode with out…
daughter with clear cell carcinoma tumor in uterus
not sure if this counts as uterine cancer. My now 8yr old daughter just had surgery to remove her uterus, cervix and top of her vaginia. Now they want to do more chemo, we did 4 rounds of chemo prior to surgery to shrink turmor, and raditation within her vaginia. WE are ok with the chemo, she does ok, its the raditation we…
Any survivors of agressive uterine cancer after chemo??
Hi all. My Mum began chemotherapy last Friday and the side effects kicked in on Monday. Mum had severe pain in the nerve endings in her legs. Mum is very depressed and worried that the next 5 chemo's are going to bad. Are there any survivors out there that can share their stories to make my Mum feel encouraged? Please…
Good news -- not so good news with 3rd chemo treatment for recurrence
I went for chemo number 3 on Tuesday. The good news is my cancer marker went from 1530 - 439 (normal less than 35). So that was wonderful news. I asked the doctor what goal we were working for. He said ideal would be normal range. So with the big drop, maybe one more chemo will do it. I get the cancer marker results after…
Stage 1A with positive washings
I am looking for information/advice about others' experiences. I am 52 and had a total hysterectomy on Jan 5. The cancer had not spread to lymph nodes. It was staged as 1A. Although there were positive washings, my gyn-onc said that the new FIGO guidelines don't take that into account. So, I am stage 1A. He put me on 3…
AACR Seeks Public Support 4/06 at 2PM to Protest Federal Cancer Research Funding Cuts
I'm all for fiscal responsibility and keeping federal spending under control, but this caught my eye on OncologyStat today: AACR Seeks Public Support to Protest Funding Cuts Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Apr 4, S Worcester ORLANDO (EGMN) - The American Association for Cancer Research is rallying support for an outcry…
Hi Rosy: I chose to do a new topic since it is possible to get lost. I was diagnosed in October 2009. Stage 1A grade 3. I had total hyst everything removed. No other organs were infected. I did not chose any of my treatments, my doctor did and ignorant and devasted as I was, I did everything he wanted me to do. I am one of…
Read this today: Radiation 'Sandwiched' Twixt Chemo Cycles Combats Endometrial Cancer (UPSC particul
Someone else may have already posted this, & a lot of it is verification of the Yale study from long ago, but it just hit OncologySTAT this week: Radiation 'Sandwiched' Twixt Chemo Cycles Combats Endometrial Cancer Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Mar 14, D McNamara ORLANDO (EGMN) - Adjuvant radiation therapy that was…
Antioxidants may reduce radiation risk of CT scans and X-rays
The following interesting article appeared in the Globe and Mail on March 31st. X-ray machines and CT scanners are the double-edged swords of modern medicine. They are invaluable for diagnosing illnesses and catching early-stage cancers when they are still treatable. But exposure to radiation from this equipment can also…
Study Finds Few Second Cancers Attributable to Radiation therapy
Study Finds Few Second Cancers Attributable to Radiotherapy Elsevier Global Medical News. 2011 Mar 29, MA Moon It appears that only 8% of second solid cancers can be attributed to radiotherapy for a first cancer, according to a report published online March 30 in the Lancet. This figure varies somewhat according to the…
Bone Scan and FRAX score
I just had my second bone scan with my oncologist. First one was completed at my primary OB's office prior to my treatments March '09, showing "thinning at top of hip area". Most recent one came back marked "normal". My primary OB who did the first one didn't request this one as it's easier to go with my oncologist.…
Surprise on the ovary!!!
Hello All, I had a total DaVinci assisted hysterectomy on Monday, the 28th. We were shocked to hear that the "inconsequential" cyst on my right ovary was not a cyst at all but uterine cancer that had spread. Stage 3 no less. Anyway, lymph node biopsy results should be back in about l0 days when I go back to the oncologist.…
Treatment decision
I have not posted since I first came onto the site - trying to deal with all the issues related to making a treatment decision - a full time job! I was recently dx with a recurrence of UPSC - although they are not sure if it is the serous or not - since I had a mixed pathology of endometrial and serous - but whatever - I…
sisters, i know the convention medical wisdom is to not take any vitamins, supplements, etc. (maybe some vit b) while doing chemo because it interferes with the efficacy of the chemo, and protects the cancer cells as well as healthy ones. so, my question: what about all the vitamins, herbs, etc. we take while we have…
Louise aka Bigman43
Louise, Have you found out why you are having such stomach pain? I think of you often. Bots
Newbie with recurrence
Hi all. It seems like most members on here have UPSC. I do not, I have endometrial adenocarcinoma, stage 4B. Currently receiving Taxol/Carbo chemotherapy, which is working for now. I read someone's post on here and she said she was lonely & I started crying. (I can't find the post now). In spite of having a great support…
I'm dancing with NED
Ladies I had to share some good news with you all. Yesterday I had a meeting with my onc. and got the results of my post surgery/chemo CT Scan. The result - NED - is the best we could have hoped for. Who knows how long this will last - onc. says chances of tumour returning are "moderate" but hard to give stats as my case…
Abnormal Pap
Everyone I am new here to this board, myself am 16 months post for head & neck. Yesterday my oldest daughter got her results and they were abnormal. Her gyn is going to do biopsies this week, he seems to think that it just might be an infection and wont know until he gets a closoer look. He mentioned something about…
Obesity in Relation to Endometrial Cancer Risk and Disease Characteristics in the Women's Health Ini
Obesity in Relation to Endometrial Cancer Risk and Disease Characteristics in the Women's Health Initiative Gynecol Oncol. 2011 Feb 15;[Epub Ahead of Print], KW Reeves, GC Carter, RJ Rodabough, D Lane, SG McNeeley, ML Stefanick, ED Paskett Abstract Although this study confirmed the relationship between obesity and…
What's next if chemo/radiation isn't working??
Hi Everyone, This is my first post. I've been on and off reading all of your posts and stories and wonderful words of encouragement/advice. Thank you and God bless you all. I am on this board because my mom is battling this ugly disease. Some brief background -- in Aug 2010 my mom has had a recurrence of Endometrioid…