Anyone else had PET scan to detect recurrance?
I was wondering if anyone has had a PET scan to detect recurrance? Two body scans came back negative, regular bloodwork shows Tg at a 1 (It was always a 0.2 post surgery) Tg level after thyrogen injection is a 5.5 Ultrasound in neck showed small mass in neck, had biopsy done and that dr didn't think it was anything. The…
6 mos after 1st round of RAI, endo is recommending another...very upset and worried
I'm looking for some guidance from those of you who have been in my shoes or know about thyroid cancer. I had a TT in Feb. 2010 (papillary carcinoma, 1.2 cm tumor on right side) and RAI (101 millicuries) in March 2010. 10 day follow up scan showed uptake in my neck only, on the right side. They let me see the pictures and…
Parathyroid cancer
I had a parathyroid cancer removed two years ago since then I have suffered from lots of kidney stones due to the high calcium levels.I mean seven operations to remove them and now low function of my left kidney (11%) I have had a lot of different thngs said about this problem and more tests are being done on my biopsy as…
Isolation/ recovery
I have been in isolation for nearly 2 days, and the nuclear med Dr. wants 3 days out of me. I guess it had something to do with the dose. My question; does the constant queasiness go away? I sleep quite a bit, and it's there. I try to eat and I feel nauseated. I am drinking plenty of water, and the ocassional hard candy,…
reoccurance tyroid cancer
In may of 2009 i had a complete tyroid removal.And again in june of this year i had to have lymp nodes removed on both sides of my neck called a radical disection. My doctors told me they got everything and to my big surprise that did not happen... I went in for my routine follow tests of a whole week of injections and…
Turned non-RAI avid. Now what?
Hello all - Thank you, in advance, for your consideration. I have received 5 RAI treatments (putting me very close to my lifetime max exposure according the ocologist) even though there was never clear uptake outside of the expected areas (salivary, urinary, some GI.) In 2007 my Tg levels started at 236 six weeks after TT…
I am getting ready to do my Radioactive Iodine treatment and my Dr. hasnt given me much information. Most of it I have gotten from my nurse. They havent told me when it would be ok to go back to work. I have been working up until this point, a month after no longer taking my synthroid. I have to say I feel crappy. My…
Your Story Please.... For My 13 year old Daughter
Hello all! I am writing regarding my 13 year old daugher. She has not been diagnosed yet. I'm hoping perhaps some of you will share your diagnosis story. I will tell you her story so far.... In February 09 I took my daughter in for a routine physical. An enlarged lymph node was found on the right side of her neck, under…
Anyone have heart palpitation after I-131?
Hi everyone, Momomsa here and I'm new to posting, but not new to reading them! Been through ovarian cancer in January and now Thyroid in August. It's been a couple weeks since my I 131 treatment. I'm waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations since. My Endo lowered my synthroid, but it continues. Anyone…
Odd Scan results, Anyone heard of this?
Hi everyone! My scan was the beginning of September, and I thought everything was alright, but now I am really confused. My Thyroid area lit up of course, but so did both breasts, which was weird. My oncologist didn't get back to me for a week, and he asked if I was nursing which I haven't for years. He said the results…
Hi, I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. I just became a member and I live in a town and don't know many people I am just looking for some support and anyone that has any clue as to what goes on with Radiation I have to undergo radiation Oct 27th. I had my thyroidectomy Sept 9th. Just wondering about the side…
New test to determine malignancy of a nodule
Has anyone had this new molecular test to determine if a nodule is benign or malignant prior to surgery? It looks like it could prevent many surgeries when a nodule is suspicious for follicuar/Hurthle cell cancer after a biopsy. Dr Bryan Haugen of U. of CO Hospital presented findings last month after a thyroid conference…
Hurthle Cell questions
I am going to be having surgery since Hurthle cells were found on my biopsy. Haven't had the appointment with the surgeon yet. I read here somewhere that this cancer is slow-growing and aggressive. Isn't that contradictory? I have osteoporosis. If this is malignant and I need treatment, it sounds like your TSH level gets…
Menstrual Like Bleeding Post I 131
Hello All I had my first round of I 131 on Wednesday and was giving 100 mci. My menstrual cycle has been somewhat of a mess over the last four years with two pregnancies and breastfeeding for almost 2 years and now an IUD after the birth of my 11 month old. I am on day 2 after my treatment and I have started having some…
external beem radiation, papillary thyroid cancer
im going to be getting external beem radiation 5 days a week for 7 weeks. area is neck and nodes, had a reocurance on left side had neck discestion. pet scan revealed node in sternum , dr side zapping the nodes could help no more reoccurring, Can any1 give me there experience thru this, success, side effects. Thanks greg
When do Hurthle cells mean surgery?
I am scheduled for a complete TT. The FNA found Hurthle cells and I was told they can't know if it's benign or malignant without removing it. I was also told these cells are common in people with Hashimoto's, which I have. So how come some with these cells get a recommendation for surgery and others not? Sue
I really want to know if he can drive me? I live really far from where my radioactive iodine treatment is,and my car is not the greatest,with precautions,does anyone think its ok?
Reoccurance options...someone help me understand
I've posted recently about me having papillary cancer and had a total thyroidectomy w/lymph node remove (6 out of 8 were cancer) 2 years ago. Had RAI after that. My Tg levels have always been nondetectable. Had a sonogram done and it showed a small mass (7mm) that the sono dr very well thinks it is thyroid tissue. (I've…
After thyroidectomy I can't stand certain food I loved before
I'm curious... I had a complete thyroidectomy on August 6th and now I find that certain foods that I used to love I can't stand the sight, smell and taste. Has this happened to anyone? I haven't had my RAI as yet though. I loved french fries, I almost threw up when I had only a piece of one (I tried it yesterday). I don't…
Airports and RAI and security alarms
Hi All, I have a concern about RAI treatment. I was told that I will receive a letter stating what dose I had and that should get me through the detectors at the airport. I was told that I will set of the alarms for 90+ days. Thats a very long time. Anyone experience setting off alarms at the airport and how did you handle…
Surgery coming up on 26th all advice and experience appreciated.
August 26th will be my surgery. I will have the total thyroidectomy a well as a modified neck dissection on the left side for I have some spread to lymph nodes. I am scared to death. I have NEVER even had any kind of surgery none the less something like this. Please can any/all who read this share their experience with me…
Extremely high Thyroglobulin post surgery
Hi, Can you please help as no one seems to be able to give us an answer. 8 days after a total thyroidectomy (found 1 papillary cancer nodule 0.8 cm)the following test results came back. Thyroglobulin Quantitative - 1595.0 ng/mL Antithyroglobulin Ab <20 Thyroxine (T4) Freee (Direct) 0.97 ng/dL TSH 8.100h uIU/mL PTH, Intact…
After RAI, where should I go?
I have an RAI treatment coming up soon, and while visiting with the Dr. she said that I would have to use a seperate bathroom than my husband for several days. I told her we only have one bathroom, and was there any other option. Her reply was."Oh- well I guess you'll figure out something." then she left the room. Does…
breast cancer now medullary cancer
In June, I just finished all treatment for breast cancer. Now, I have medullary cancer. I am so scared. I went through so much and now this. Also the nodule in my thyroid is so large. I am afraid I won't survive. I just want to live a normal life.
breast cancer now medullary cancer
In June, I just finished all treatment for breast cancer. Now, I have medullary cancer. I am so scared. I went through so much and now this. Also the nodule in my thyroid is so large. I am afraid I won't survive. I just want to live a normal life.
4th stage Throid cancer
Well never thought I would be in a chat such as this but was just diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer.I went to a specialist my Doctor suggested and tomorrow I start Methimazole 10mg to bring down the thyroid count before surgery can take place.I will admit this is confusing to me.I am looking all over the web to see…
Amifostine prior to RAI
Hi All, Just hoping someone will read this and answer me. Did you have Amifostine injection before your RAI. I had severe damage to salivary glands last time I had RAi. So, I was thinking about Amifostine . Anyone experience this. Thanks..
RAI on the 25th and nerves galore
Hi all! I have been reading the posts here for a bit, and decided to finally sign up and ask some questions and get some support from people who know what I am going through. Just reading your posts have helped a lot. A little of my story: I was scheduled to have a partial thyroidectomy July 14th, due to a multinodular…
Swollen Chipmunk Jaw! Help, I need advice!!
In November 2009 I had a Total Thyroidectomy for Papillary Carcinoma; in December 2009 I had the RAI, 150mcgs. That day and the next from the RAI both of my glands swelled up and I looked like a chipmunk, very painful, went away after a few days. Yesterday May 16, 2010 (5month later) I woke up with pain in my right jaw,…
Low TSH?
I've been off my levo and on the LID for 23 days and my TSH level is still only 6.6. My oncologist says it needs to be >30 for me to take the RAI. I'm still feeling fine, just sick of the diet. I'm following the thyroid cancer survivors diet very strictly. I have recurring Hurthle cell cancer. This will be my first RAI…