Interview with Dr. Nick Gonzalez, MD
Alternative cancer MD in NYC speaks about his successful cancer treatment with Dr. Mercola: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWTHbGu8JSY&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL2F898C5972E83D49
PRRT for carcinoids
Have just been diagnosed with @ least 1 carcinoid tumor 2x3 on the liver with other lesions showing on the liver. Enlarged lymph nodes. So far they have not found the primary tumor. Have an Octreoscan scheduled with the VA in November. I have read about PRRT with Lu-177 treatments in Germany & I understand they have them…
Has anyone with this type of cancer been treated @ Loma Linda Medical Center in Loma Linda, CA?
Palliative Treatment Question
Hi all, I just found this discussion board today! We are new to GB cancer; my Mom is 85 and was diagnosed in mid-April with Stage 4. It has invaded the liver and some local lymph nodes. She had 7 infusions of Gemzar since June to no avail. The CT scan on July 23 showed the tumor had grown about 1-inch all around. The good…
Stage IV 4 months post surgery
Well, it has been 4 months since my surgery. I am doing very well. I have lost overall around 60lbs. Weighing 207 right now. Just had PET scan July 29th. NED...THANK YOU GOD!!! Doctor's say I am looking very good.i will have scans every three months for about the next two years. I start back to work tomorrow. Just for an…
Xeloda is helping
I am new here.....i saw that someone asked about longterm effects of xeloda. I have neuroendocrine pancreas cancer... Is not "pancreas cancer" which is "exocrine"....i have tumours in my pancreas and liver and others in lymphnodes. I was diagnosed last november 2010. After 3 months of chemo in IV form that didnt work for…
Issels treatment
Hello I would like to post my opinion if anyone is looking for an alternative treatment and is considering the issels treatment. My mother was had endstage gallbladder cancer and she was giving only 6 months to live and was in the hospice program. I was not ready to except that there's no other ways to save her and just…
Question about Pancreatic Cancer
I am a 55 year old male in very good physical condition. I was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer after having some abdominal pain for a couple of weeks. I am in stage 1. I am in my final week of both radiation and 5fu therapy. My hope is to get to M.D. Anderson and have the tumor removed. My question is should i go ahead…
Lynch Syndrome - HNPCC
Have you tested positive for Lynch Syndrome/HNPCC? How long have you had your positive results? How often do you think about cancer? I tested positive a few months ago and can't stop thinking about my increased odds for the syndrome of cancer. I go for my CA-125 every 6 months, colonoscopy once a year, have changed to a…
Questions for You...
Hi, I'm from the Breast Cancer forum. My husband's uncle was diagnosed last month with Stage 4 Cancer of Unknown Primary. The cancer was detected in the lymph nodes in his neck. His entire lymphatic system is infiltrated with cancer. He is beginning chemo next week, but has been made to understand it is only palliative at…
Secondary Peritoneum Carcinoma from Gallbladder Cancer - Need Information
HI all: I have recently been diagnosed with peritoneum cancer that resulted after seeding from a gallbladder tumour (removed with surgery April 2010). My latest MRI (March 2011) shows 6 nodules on the upper right quadrant of the peritoneum and on the omentum. One nodule was excised April 2010 and was cancerous. I have had…
Has anyone heard of clinical trials using egf-r therapy for bile duct cancer? I was told there has been some success with this treatment.
Spots on lungs after treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Finished Treatment three weeks ago and had a CT Scan last week. This is coming from my general doctor, the results show that the pancreas, liver and stomach are all fine, but they found several small spots on both of my lungs. The previous CT prior to starting treatment showed several small spots of indeterminate size (…
Pancreatic Cancer - types of adjuvant chemo
My husband had a Whipple for pancreatic cancer in May and has lost alot of weight before and since then. Surgeons think they got all the cancer they could see (but who knows with adrenocarcinoma). He tried one chemo week (Gemzar) and it kicked his butt (fatigue, nausea, no vomiting) so he is not doing that again. What…
Insulinoma with mets to the liver
Hello to everyone. My father has been diagnosed with malignant insulinoma. It has spread mets to his liver, which is unresectable due to the volume and the location of the lesions. He is not a candidate for SIRT or TACE. If the insulinoma itself can be surgically removed, is there a hope that we will be able to manage the…
Use of Creon 12 in pancreatic cancer
My husband was diagnosed with cancer of the bile duct in February 2011. His doctors refer to this as pancreatic cancer and apparently every abdominal organ has been affected by the spread of this disease. He is 89 years of age and was not considered a candidate for chemo, radiation treatments or surgery. I was to bring him…
pancreatic cancer / Creon - 24,000 Units
My husband was diagnosed w/pancreatic cancer on 05/26 and since has had his pancreas removed and is at home recovering. He now has to take Creon - 24,000 Units with every meal. He only has Medicare A & B coverage but not D. We paid the full price ($589) through Rite Aid. In our search for assistance to help us pay for…
spindle cells
Hi every one!!! I was just reading all the post and concerns on the spindle cells.. i was sent to do a biopsy this past wed and they gave me the results today ... that everything was ok that it was not cancer that it was just what its call spindle cells but that they were not malignant and that if for any reason my pain…
Pancreatic cancer and liver lesions
My husband has finished his chemo and rads treatment for pancreatic cancer. We waited four weeks to do the PET scan and it showed up that the tumour in the pancreas reacted to the treatment. So, it should be operable. The problem is that there are now lesions on my husbands liver showing nup on the PET scan. I am told by…
primitive neuroectodermal tumor
hi i've been diagnosted with a primitive neuroectodermal tumor in my ankle ,i'm new on this website and i really want to share my story with you ;i started chemeotherapy last monday and i went out of the hopital friday and i'll be back in 21 days; it's the start, and i want to learn about life with cancer because i'm the…
need help pls!
hi, i am 21 yrs old. i have been having digestion problems since i joined coll at 18.for the past 6 months my stools have been irregular.so my doc who is experienced,asked me to take abdominal ultrasound sonography,liver function tests ,blood tests etc 2 months back. everything was normal.no blood,mucus in stool.but still…
Vocal Chord C.
My dad was diagnosed with Vocal chord C. and I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there who has this type of C? If so I'd like to chat with U to see what you are doing for it, and questions about the tracheostomy.. thank U! Blessings Faith
My Mum has Primary Peritoneal Cancer and I'm lost
On April 13th, I was called around to my parents house to sit down with my Mum and Dad over something they needed to speak to me face to face. Two things in life scare me and also mean there's something wrong: 1. phone calls in the middle of the night (my family is from england so the time difference means emeregencies…
Primary peritoneal cancer
Hi I'm just starting out on this board but have been amazed at the support, advice, prayers and love that flows from these threads. I got my dx for ovarian cancer on December 23 2010. My husband, Bob had gone into the ER with numbness on the side of his face. He was diagnosed eith a brain tumor on dec 20 and underwent…
New Discussion Board for Primary and Secondary Peritoneal Carcinoma
Hi all: I received an email from Greta (the site webmaster) which I'm sure you did too. Here is what she said. She is willing to set up a Discussion Board for Primary and Secondary Peritoneal Carcinoma (peritoneum cancer? which is right?) for a trial period of 3-6 months which will be monitored for use, postings, etc. by…
The EGFRx Assay
A class of anti-cancer drugs, called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) or anti-EGFR drugs, selectively targets cells within the body that have a specific molecular defect that is believed to cause dangerous cell behaviors such as uncontrolled proliferative growth and high metastatic potential – behaviors that typically are…
Functional Biomarker For Cancer Treatment
Using a cell culture assay (in vitro apoptosis) for choosing cancer drugs is no different than a marker like estrogen receptor or CD20 or a gene expression pattern. They are all markers. One is a structural marker, the other is a functional marker. A cell culture assay is a "functional" biomarker. A functional biomarker…
Fallopian Tube Cancer Recurrence
I have a friend who has FTC. She had a hysterectomy and chemo two years ago. Now her markers have doubled. Can anyone tell me what this means? Has it returned even though she had a total hyst and does it mean the cancer cells have now invaded elsewhere in her abdomen? She is refusing a new round of chemo, so what are her…
Smplefill.com GOOD ?
Is Simplefill.com Good?? $65.00 per month for help on RX... 'm looking for help on RX' s "Creon 24000 units" it cost $589.00 per month HELP Thanks
Hi all: It's been a long battle for me so far, but I am slowly coming through this. I have three chemos left and god willing I will be finished on July 15, 2011 ( 16 more days to go). Had a little set back yesterday as my hemoglobin is down and I have to have a transfusion on July 5th( Tuesday) but they are still going…