Diet, exercise, Vitamin D megas in addition to treatment

ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
So in October I introduced a thread in advance of my first ultrasensitive PSA test after being off Lupron for 11 1/2 months. As I indicated in May of 2009 I was a Gleason 7 going into daVinci surgery, and a Gleason 8, Stage 3 coming out. Went ten months with ultrasensitive testing regularly. In the tenth month my reading went from 0.05 to 0.07 and my urologist chose to get right on it (whether it was a statistical deviation or not, for he wanted to irradiate the bed of the prostate early). So, after having and AUS placed in June of 2010, I had the thirty eight RTs in July and August of 2010 with two years of hormone therapy which ended in January of 2012. I called it my "Lupron Vacation" for my PSA readings were always zero, and I had no worries.
Well, December 12, 2012 I had my first ultrasensitive PSA after being off Lupron for those last 11 1/2 months. Nicely, it came out less than 0.02 ng/mL. PSA levels less than 0.02 cannot be measured accurately and should be considered negative. Needless to say a lot of tears and hugs with/for my internist and my Christmas made merrier than you can imagine.
The reason I post, and did so in advance of my reasons also, is that during the last two and a half years I have totally (only one exception) given up red meat, dairy, and reduced any sugar intake as much as possible. When I first mentioned this to my doctors they were very ho-hum. As time has gone on, I get the feeling that medicine is seeing the benefits of diet and exercise in such situations, and all three doctors seem to be responding more favorably to same. I have always exercised vigorously, so there was no change there.
Now I certainly understand one case does not a study make, but being type A and needing to do everything I can to benefit my situation, I wanted to share this positive event. I cannot believe more in the aggressive, positive approach to my cancer, and believe strongly that with the seriousness of my disease going in, all these treatments collectively are the reason for a positive future outlook.
Just wanted to share and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Bob.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Great news and great advice.
    Congratulations on the continuing Zero status. It has been difficult to me to follow a restrictive diet similar to that of yours but I also am a believer of the importance in a follow up with some sort of Diet or Supplements or Physical Exercises.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    Wonderful news and great results!

    Congrats and wishing you continued success! All the very best to you and yours for a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2013 and beyond.

    mrs pjd
  • YTW
    YTW Member Posts: 67
    Vitamin D
    ob66: Interestingly enough, my family Dr. found during a routine blood test, that I too was deficient in Vitamin D. and put me on a daily supplement to increase its range. He feels that the government's (lower)range for normal of 31 is insufficent and should be no less than 55. Your post seems to make sense.

  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    YTW said:

    Vitamin D
    ob66: Interestingly enough, my family Dr. found during a routine blood test, that I too was deficient in Vitamin D. and put me on a daily supplement to increase its range. He feels that the government's (lower)range for normal of 31 is insufficent and should be no less than 55. Your post seems to make sense.


    Vitamin D
    Jimmy, Google Dr. Pendergrast, who works at Stanford, Palo Alto, CA. He has spent years working on Vitamin D. There are a number of YouTube type videos you can watch. Do so with your BS filters, and draw your own conclusions. About 10 years ago, prior to my ever being involved with protate CA, one of my best friends introduced him and his concepts to me. This man is not a quack. He is not a fly by night. Regardless, listen to what he has to say and draw your own conclusions. I became a believer, but doesn't mean you need to.

    My approach to my problem (prostate CA) is to filter all the information I can, and go with that I deem reasonable and potentially helpful. I have some advantage in that my years of dental education did overlap medicine often, but I do have to be careful in that a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. See what you think, and go with your instincts. Hope this is helpful, Bob.