General Norman Schwarzkopf

VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
edited December 2012 in Prostate Cancer #1


The Telegraph

General Norman Schwarzkopf is dead at the aged of 78.


This was the news on the Telegraph (and on every media) two days ago. It is sad thought to think that nobody seems to really know what killed the “Stormin” (The Grizzly Bear of the desert as many called him).

They write this;


“Schwarzkopf himself largely kept out of the limelight. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1993, but was treated successfully, and is thought to have died from pneumonia.”


In another news site they say this;


“…Norman survived combat in Vietnam, and the war in the Middle East but tragically couldn't win his battle with prostate cancer.”



I took this soldier’s words seriously when diagnosed with prostate cancer back in 2000. His famous name was recognized and his comments on PCa helped many of us to face the disease with courage and to talk openly about it.


I recall reading him to say that “…now we got the internet as our ‘savior of information’ on the disease”. I see it happen in my case because it has been the internet where I have found a “niche” where to call in times of uncertainty. The net has been a source of help along my twelve years living with the bandit.


General Norman Schwarzkopf had surgery in 1994 but not much is known about his cancer’s aggressivity or the treatment results. He became a spokesman for the Nature Conservancy and an initiative to fund prostate cancer research.


He once wrote;

“.. When my doctor said, “General, you have prostate cancer,” I was thrust into an immediate and fearful state of confusion. I can still recall my inability to move a muscle for what seemed like an eternity after hearing my diagnosis. (Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf)



I salute him for what he has done on behalf of PCa screening.


Sleep well General


VG  Wink



  • ralph.townsend1
    ralph.townsend1 Member Posts: 359 Member

    The General, will go down in history as man that did not give up. Even if he had feared the monster inside, He took it to the end! He did not look for the Cowardly way out and live life to the fullist.

    He bought honor to us Vietnam veteran and to all veteran's.  He was Boot's on the ground in vietnam -----Agent Orange kills another one of us.

    I think if you count the number of Vietnam veteran's that has died from agent orange it almost equal's or more than the number that died in Vietnam war and God rest their soul.


    RIP General Stormin Norman

    God bless your family!

  • laserlight
    laserlight Member Posts: 165


    The General, will go down in history as man that did not give up. Even if he had feared the monster inside, He took it to the end! He did not look for the Cowardly way out and live life to the fullist.

    He bought honor to us Vietnam veteran and to all veteran's.  He was Boot's on the ground in vietnam -----Agent Orange kills another one of us.

    I think if you count the number of Vietnam veteran's that has died from agent orange it almost equal's or more than the number that died in Vietnam war and God rest their soul.


    RIP General Stormin Norman

    God bless your family!

    Goes without saying

    Vascoda and Ralph, I have been on other sites and there has been no mention of Prostate Cancer, only pneumonia as being the cause of death. This man is a TRUE WARRIOR, my highest respect goes to him.  Ralph the effects of agent orange will continue to take its toll. We Vets are fighting two monsters, PC'a and agent orange.  Happy New Year to everyone


  • laserlight
    laserlight Member Posts: 165


    The General, will go down in history as man that did not give up. Even if he had feared the monster inside, He took it to the end! He did not look for the Cowardly way out and live life to the fullist.

    He bought honor to us Vietnam veteran and to all veteran's.  He was Boot's on the ground in vietnam -----Agent Orange kills another one of us.

    I think if you count the number of Vietnam veteran's that has died from agent orange it almost equal's or more than the number that died in Vietnam war and God rest their soul.


    RIP General Stormin Norman

    God bless your family!

    Goes without saying

    Happy NEW YEAR to everyone
