5-Alpha reductase inhibitors in patients on active surveillance: Do the benefits outweigh the risk?
5-Alpha reductase inhibitors in patients on active surveillance: Do the benefits outweigh the risk? - Abstract Published on 24 May 2013 0 inShare Prostate cancer (PCa) is a slow, progressive disease. Prostate specific antigen testing, screening, and aggressive case identification has made PCa the most frequently diagnosed…
No-treatment approach may be best choice for older prostate cancer patients
No-treatment approach may be best choice for older prostate cancer patients Published on 21 May 2013 0 inShare LOS ANGELES, CA USA (Press Release) - May 20, 2013 - Older prostate cancer patients with other underlying health conditions should think twice before committing to surgery or radiation therapy for their cancer,…
radical retropubic prostatectomy on 4/10/2013
had procedure on Wed, morning. The surgeon stopped by the next morning. He said everything went well and added that he’d probably bought me an extra 20 years of life and that I shouldn’t sweat the potential impotence issues too much given that context. He’s right. I was fortunate to have such a surgeon. Now we just wait…
Effects of 12 weeks of tadalafil treatment on ejaculatory and orgasmic dysfunction and sexual satisf
Effects of 12 weeks of tadalafil treatment on ejaculatory and orgasmic dysfunction and sexual satisfaction in patients with mild to severe erectile dysfunction: Integrated analysis of 17 placebo-controlled studies - Abstract Published on 24 May 2013 0 inShare OBJECTIVES: To compare effects of tadalafil on ejaculatory and…
Dad's prognosis is now poor
* Hello everyone, as you all know, my dad had surgery for proatate cancer one month ago and at that time, it appeared he had a good outlook. However due to suffering bilateral pulmonary emboli from the popilieatal veins, it looks like his life expecatancy is most likely not very good due to complications of the emboli.…
Male sling
I have been incontinent ( 2- 3 pads daily) for 11 yrs after radical prostate surgery Has anyone had the male Advance Sling procedure? If so, where there any post sugery complications? Has your quality of life improved?
Agent Orange in the News
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-204_162-57584205/agent-orange-exposure-linked-to-deadliest-form-of-prostate-cancer-in-vietnam-war-vets/ Agent Orange exposure linked to deadliest form of prostate cancer in Vietnam War vets. Please click on the link above for the story. Ed
Current standards and future directions for prostate cancer radiation therapy
Current standards and future directions for prostate cancer radiation therapy, "Beyond the Abstract," by Michael Pinkawa, MD Published on 03 May 2013 0 inShare BERKELEY, CA (UroToday.com) - Radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy are curative treatment options with equivalent outcomes as determined by biochemical…
Genetic Marker for PCa?
I haven't logged on here for awhile and didn't see any previous mention of this. Following a study at the UCSF Hellen Diller Comprehensive Family Cancer Center (where I was treated for PCa w/Cyberknife), a company is now marketing a genetic test to determine whether immediate treatment or active surveillance is the better…
Pre biopsy stage
My PSA in October 2012 came back 4.01, so the doctor put me on antibiotics in case of an infection. My May 2013 PSA came back 9. I will see the urologist in a couple of days, and I know he will want to do the biopsy. I know it's early in the game, but it's hard not to think negative thoughts. I am the kind of guy that…
focal cryoablation
Does anyone have any knowledge of Cyro that treats only the tumor and leaves you with a functioning prostate like the lumpectomy for brest cancer. Below is the information I am reading about, is this true or just PR. from this Dr. ???? Data has show that focal cryoablation is as good for prostate cancer control as any…
I have a question about 3 Tesla (3T) MRI Scan
When I asked the person who schedules the docotr's surgeries and such at my Urologist's Office to schedule me for a Tesla MRI at OHSU she asked me what I wanted scanned. I was taken back a bit and said Uhh, my prostate. Should I be asking for the entire abdomen, bones......???. For those of you who have had this done, what…
surgery or radiation?
I'm a new member of the PC club and I'm finding this forum very helpful and interesting. I'm hoping to obtain some feedback on treatment options relevant to my specific circumstances, which are as follows: I'm 61 (I almost wrote "I'm a 61-year old male", then came to my senses) and otherwise healthy. There's a family…
Radical radiotherapy in high-risk prostate cancer patients with high or ultra-high initial PSA level
Radical radiotherapy in high-risk prostate cancer patients with high or ultra-high initial PSA levels: A single institution analysis - Abstract Published on 16 May 2013 0 inShare PURPOSE: Purpose of this study is to analyze outcomes and pre-treatment prognostic factors in high-risk prostate cancer patients with initial PSA…
125I brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer
125I brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer: A single institution experience - Abstract Published on 14 May 2013 0 inShare Aims and Background: To evaluate the clinical outcome of a cohort of localized prostate cancer patients treated with 125I permanent brachytherapy at the University of Turin. Methods and Study…
This is a summary of the current approach to patient selection for active surveillance, including el
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This is a summary of the current approach to patient selection for active surveillance, including eligibility criteria, current controversies and the role of imaging. RECENT FINDINGS: Active surveillance is based on the concept that Gleason 6 prostate cancer is, in most cases, an indolent condition that…
Surgery or Radiation Geason score 9
I know there are alot of threads on this but I thought I would open a new thread and hopfully get some useful advice. First of all I am 52 years old and have no symptoms that anything is wrong with my prostate gland. My last PSA was 9.4 and have no problem with urination or sexual function. Every exam I have had including…
Selecting treatment based only on PSA
A recent 12 core biopsy showed one core with cancer. Rated as T1c; Gleason 3+3 (6); PSA now at 24, doubled in three years; earlier biopsy, about six years ago showed no cancer. In all other aspects I am in good shape. I am able to select any modality of treatment within Kaiser's Senior Advantage HMO. Dr. recommends IMRT,…
FDA approves Xofigo (aka Alpharadin, Radium 223)
http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/ProstateCancer/39149?isalert=1&uun=g370548d101R5363924u&utm_source=breaking-news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-news&xid=NL_breakingnews_2013-05-15 Here’s the article: Bayer's Xofigo for Prostate Cancer Gets Fast Approval By John Gever, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage…
Worried Wife Husband Gleason Score 9 Mid 40s
My husband (mid 40s) was recently diagnosed with agressive prostate cancer. This is the information we know so far: Gleason score is a 9 PSA level is 252 Atypical cells in urine based on a cytology w/ FISH report Prostate weight 120g 12 Biopsy Samples taken all 12 positive Average 85% involvement CT scan: Negative Bone…
Re: Early treatment options
My uncle was just diagnosed with prostate cancer in march of this year. He had a PSA of 8.0. The tumor is confined to the R.prostate and there is no mets. He is interested in the HIFU procedure but reluctant to travel outside of the USA to have it done. I, as a RN, am aware that the procedure is not yet approved in the…
Genomic Oncotype DX
Faced with a decision on my treatment options, I first started leaning toward CyberKnife radiation. Then the more I read about the low risk category, Active Surveillance sounded right for me. Now the new Agent Orange study mentioned in another post here is saying that the type of prostate cancer caused by AO is more…
46 with prostate cancer what to do?
Yesterday I w diagnosed with PC 5 cores 7 (3+4)and 1 core 6(3+3 psa 8.6 what should I do as treatment and is watchful waiting a choice please help and I ask for prayer thanks
Revisiting FDG-PET/CT in the primary staging of high risk prostate cancers before local therapies
AUA 2013 - Session Highlights: Revisiting FDG-PET/CT in the primary staging of high risk prostate cancers before local therapies Published on 13 May 2013 0 inShare SAN DIEGO, CA USA (UroToday.com) - Once thought to be of little clinical utility in the prostate cancer space, Dr. Annie-Claude Blouin and colleagues from…
PSA Test help
Hello, My husband underwent a Prostatectomy 3 months ago. We are from the UK, but we had travel plans to come to Florida before diagnosis, so decided to go ahead with our plans following the surgery anyway. Our surgeon in the UK requested that we get a 'Super Sensitive PSA Test' at the 3 month mark, which is around now and…
Elegard Injections
My cancer was found in 12.2011. Although my PSA was low(2.4) my Gleason was high,9 of 10(5+4) and It was considered an aggressive form of cancer. The tumor was confined to the right side of my prostate. My doctor recommended direct radiation treatments which consisted of 45 treatments from 12/2011 to the end of Feb.,2012.…
New guidelines from the American Urological Association
http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2130971 As a man with prostate cancer who has studied this a great deal, I believe that without getting a PSA test(s) that many men will not be diagnosed in a timely fashion, and as a result will be diagnosed when it is too late....many will die. Unfortunately there is over treatment…
I hope I have not waited too long!
I suppose some of us who are Believers, hold on to a hope for healing. I know that I have. At my last check up with my urologist he indicated that I should not wait much past June for surgery. Well June is fast approaching. I had a physical yesterday by my Family Doc. I had them check my PSA. I got notice today that it has…
taking dad back to the hospital
My sister and I have made the decision to take my father back to the hospital. Now besides his weakness, he is running a fever of 101 degrees. Its has become painfully obvious that we are unable to provide him with the help he needs. Neither her or myself have been able to sleep at all the last week, and it is making us…
71 year old gleason score 3+4=7 need direction please
My husband went from 4.9 to 6.8 PSA in three months and had a biopsy last month 7 out of 12 smaples were cancerous ( thanks to thiis website will be looking to see percentages on the samples) score is T2a gleason 3+4=7 After doing much reading ( and pulling my husband along to do the same) he was ready to discuss surgery…