rising psa after radical prostatectomy
I had RP in June 2003. My post surgery pathology was: Gleason 7 (4+3), margins clear, cancer on both sides of prostate. All of my PSA readings since then have been less than .04. The last blood test with that result was in June 2005. My most recent PSA taken on 11/9/05 was .6. I saw my doctor the day before yesterday and…
Ablatherm HIFU
We are back!! It has been a hectic 3 months but the time is near for the next PSA. The last one was 0.58 and doctor wanted to do 'a little radiation'. But after discussing our plans with the doctor, he agreed to wait and do another PSA in November. The 9th to be exact. In the meantime, we have been researching the HIFU…
On the horizon? Every day brings a new discovery or learning opportunity to share. XL184 is an experimental drug for metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). More info: http://prostatecancerinfolink.net/2010/11/18/xl184-shows-potential-promise-in-patients-with-mcrpc/ While the article below also has info…
Post PSA after surgery
Hello everyone I had prostate surgery Sept. 20th and my first six week check up PSA test was last Tuesday on Nov. 2nd it came out to be .29 he said my surgery went fine and my Pathology Report said that it was completely confined I had a gleason score of 3+4 =7 and he said that I would make a complete recovery.He scheduled…
Decision made
I've only been a member here for a few weeks, however, I feel like a site family member. After researching, reading, talking to people, getting test results and getting excellent insight from this site; I've decided to go "da vinci" scheduled for Dec. 1. I have a lot of confidence in the surgeon. Thanks to everyone for…
Surgeon better be worth it; his office staff is killing us
Scheduled for Da Vinci surgery in two weeks with one of the top surgeons in my area. He better be worth it because his office staff is making me sick. It's been one thing after another; botched appt times; inaccurate info; delayed responses. They seem to have forgotten how to be professional or compassionate. I know I'm…
support groups
I belong to a man to man group in the Albany, NY area. The area I am most interested in is dealing with the fact that after treatment the mental effects of this disease are more distressing than the disease itself. My concern is primarily for the answers I seek on how to deal with this and furthermore how can I use this…
Could it be symptom of prostate cancer?
Hi, I am Pradeep from Bangalore, India. My father is 65 and he was a very healthy person till he was 63. Never had any major health related problem. But 2 years (Oct 2008) back he had to undergone surgery at a Urology hospital at Shimoga to remove the stone formation over the prostate gland. He was quite ok after the…
Need Kongo help----Diet
Kongo, we have communicated before. You, and other sources, have made me a believer in the Mediterranean diet approach to reduce recurrence---NO red meats, NO dairy, and as little sugar as humanly possible. I have been doing it for 2 months with great success. But my query is an interesting one. My wife, a great cook, has…
EBRT versus IMRT
The November PSA was 0.62 - down from 0.64 back in August. There are two cancer treatment centers in Fort Smith. I found info online telling that one of these treatment centers has the ability to do IMRT. The one we are going to does not do this (unless they have recently started it). I know if we ask her she will probably…
Very upset, Father's prostate cancer, can anyone help?
In 2001, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was treated with hormone therapy and radiation -- this brought his PSA to zero. Considered in remission with never a mention of watching for a reoccurrence. In 2008, his PSA spiked to .2. He was treated with hormone therapy again for 6 months which brought his PSA…
More on Soy
ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2010) — Northwestern Medicine researchers at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University have found that a new, nontoxic drug made from a chemical in soy could prevent the movement of cancer cells from the prostate to the rest of the body. A link to the study follows:…
Exercise May Prevent Incontinence from Prostate Surgery
I like articles like this and exersise too...give often to PCF http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.6008043/k.66D8/Exercise_May_Prevent_Incontinence_from_Prostate_Surgery.htm
Fish-Filled Diet May Cut Prostate Cancer Mortality
I like articles like this...Give offten to PCF http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.6327223/k.CAF5/FishFilled_Diet_May_Cut_Prostate_Cancer_Mortality.htm
Corporate caregivers do exist!
Corporate caregivers do exist! I contacted the Ferring Pharmaceutical Company that manufactures Firmagon(degarelix) last month regarding if they had a compassionate drug program. My Cobra Insurance was ending 10/31/10 and affording Firmagon as an out of pocket expense would be a severe financial burden. I was informed…
Yanni and "Movember"
I, like many other men that are cancer victims / survivors have wondered why there is not more awareness about men's cancer....specifically prostate cancer. Today I received email from the Yanni organization that reminded me that indeed the month of November is men's cancer awareness month and that the great music Icon…
PCF’s Annual Scientific Retreat Delivers Exciting Discoveries
PCF has just issued a complete State of the Science Report, recapping all presentations from the retreat. In this current issue of Advances, I would like to highlight just some of the pivotal discoveries coming out of this year’s retreat that are driving our progress. This selection of presentations represents what I…
Hepatic Embolization of the liver
My 35 yr old Fiance was diagnosed with Stage IV Parotid Gland cancer (a salvitory cancer) in August 2010. It has spread to his spine (6 tumors- C5, C6, C7, T1, T3, T10) and to his liver (10.6cm tumor). After a surgery to remove the primary tumor, radiation and two rounds of chemo (taxol and carbo-platin)they have pulled…
Opinions on Stanford Cancer Center Palo Alto CA
As part of my quest to seek a second opinion outside of Kaiser on my PC diagnosis and possible treatment options (includig Cyberknife) I am considering UCSF or Stanford. I have both friends and CSN member input on UCSF but wonder if anyone has been treated at the Stanford Cancer Center.
6 Week PSA----YES!!!
Just got my first PSA results back post op and it is undetectable. The nurse called me so I did not ask for the exact number but I know what the answer would have been. I'm very happy and relieved. Now I just need to find the hyperlink to download the application for the Zero Club. I hope it will be ok to pay the…
a cholesterol question...
Ok I have my annual physical including all of my blood work (first time with my PSA test) and got my test results today and everything is great except my HDL Total cholesterol: 138 LDL: 89 Triglycerides: 107 All is looking great and then my HDL comes in at 28... Shite I eat sockeye salmon or sardines 3-5 times a week, no…
Well, got my 9 month psa result today and it was still undetectable!! I am very blessed. Now I will have a good couple of months before I have to start worrying about the next one. If all goes well on the next test I get to go on the 6 month plan! I truly wish all posters with PC the very best results possible as they…
PSA Rise
I had a RP in August of 2005. PSA tests for the first 3 years were 0.0. In the 4th year it was 0.1. I am now out 5 years and 3 months and it has risen to 0.2. I went to my surgeon and he said that any rise in the PSA is questionable. He also said that 0.2 is the limit. He said that I could have pelvic radiaition now. I…
Pad Diary II
Guards, the Pad Dairy thread is getting too heavy for this server- it takes forever to post on it any more. I am now starting the 2nd volume. I read your last post. You and I have so much in common. I hadn't gotten a stint yet- and that hasn't been discussed with me the Ileal Conduit bag has been discussed with me. I have…
18 months
PSA is still at non-detect 18 months after Davinci! Wish the anxiety related to waiting for the test results would go away. QOL issues "are" going away. No incontinenece. EDs been slowly improving since one year, with the pills working real well and 5 out of 10 naturally. For the guys just starting this journey, hang in…
PSA 1524 Guess I'm doomed.. now what? Quality of life, letting my family and friends know
Hi This is my first post and I am dealing with advanced Prostate Cancer. I met with my doctor today and he gave me the news, I have not had a biopsy but my CT Scan showed lots of issues with enlarged Prostate, Lymphs with irregulairies and urine flow.. My PSA has climed from 40 to 70 to 1524 in the last 6 years...…
post op advice from Catalona
Here is the link for post op advice from Catalona http://www.drcatalona.com/PatientAdvice.asp
Looking for a surgeon -- any recommendations?
My 54 year old husband was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer: Gleason 6, T2b, PSA 3.1. Radical prostatectomy has been recommended. We live near Minneapolis/St. Paul MN and can travel to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, University of Minnesota Medical Center, or any hospital in the metro area. Any recommendations for…
Is Aspirin A cure for PC?
From Science Daily News a very interesting article on the use of aspirin for lowering recurrance of PC: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/10/101025133750.htm There is also a good article on the benefits of proton therapy: http://procure.com/protontherapy/tumorstreated?gclid=CO_u99ql76QCFUIUKgodM0Mo1Q
Zolodex Injections and Casodex
My RP was done in May, 2010 and my first PSA in August came in at 1.0. My doctor recommend that I start hormone therapy right away and I have started Casodex and will receive my first injection on 9/15. Has anyone had experience with these hormone drugs? Side affects of the injection? How was the injection? Thanks. PS:…