
Beau2 Member Posts: 261
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Today I read that dairy products appear to help protect against diabetes. See:


"A natural substance found in dairy products appears to protect against diabetes, say researchers. Trans-palmitoleic acid is present in milk, cheese, yoghurt and butter but cannot be made by the body. A study of over 3,700 people found higher levels of trans-palmitoleic acid was linked with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

People with the highest levels cut their risk by 60%, Annals of Internal Medicine reports.

Lead author of the research, Dr Dariush Mozaffarian, said: "The magnitude of this association is striking." "This represents an almost three-fold difference in risk of developing diabetes among individuals with the highest blood levels of this fatty acid.""

I'm off of dairy due to PCa concerns. Now, I read that it could help my pre-diabetic condition. Danged if you do ... danged if you don't. Back to moderation? Wonder if this crew was sponsored by the Diary Council?


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Moderation is the Key for the Wellbeing
    Hi Beau2,
    I understand your decision in suppressing dairy for PCa concerns. You are not alone. Many of us have based those decisions in the advices from experts who have warned cancer patients to eliminate consumption of dairy foods. However, recently in Myers’ newsletters there was a comment indicating that dairy may be a minor factor (not zero) in the risk of PCa.

    A European study done in Heidelberg, German has reported positive results in the relationship of low risk in death rates due to the consumption of vitamin K2. They comment that K2 from cheese seems to be a major player in the low risk of prostate and lung cancer.
    The vitamin K1 in vegetables is regarded as not as good as many of the experts proclaim. They write as I quote: “…These findings suggest that dietary intake of menaquinones, which is highly determined by the consumption of cheese, is associated with a reduced risk of incident and fatal cancer…” (menaquinones means vitamin K2)

    You can read the abstract and get to their links in this site; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20335553

    Science has always several ways of interpretation. We choose the one we believe.
    In my opinion moderation is the key for the wellbeing. We should not abstain; we should balance it with “counter-weights”.

    Merry Christmas