Hi guys, I haven't been posting often because we are in the process of moving and it is very overwhelming. We have lived in Yakima for 34 years, so relocating to the river is a huge move for us. We found our cabin/cottage in the woods and will be moved in by July 15th. We've had a big yard sale and now we are going through…
Tough News - dixiegirl (Beth)
I received a CSN message (as dixiegirl) from Beth's husband yesterday informing me she lost her battle with cancer on 5/14/2013. According to him, she picked up a parasite during chemo (cryptosporidium) and fought hard for two weeks but didn't have the strength to beat it. Her husband said he would appreciate it if I…
Interesting Article
Warning: Nudity http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-22961694 Did you look? Hugs - Jim
Nathan - How are you doing?
Hi Nathan! Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you. Would love to hear from you even if it's only a "Hiccup";). Hugs - Jim
So Proud of My Son
I am so proud of my son I wanted to share. He just turned 23 and is a HL survivor. He was diagnosed in 2009 at age 19 and was stage IIIb. He had missed his sophomore year at college in treatment and finishied in March of 2010. In July he volunterred at Camp Horizon as a camp counselor for children with cancer or cancer…
Hi I just wanted to hear if anyone can share their story or symptoms before diagnosis. 3 years ago my ent removed a lymph node from my neck, only one of the few that were swollen. everything came back negative which was a relief but I still have swollen lymph nodes all on the right side of my neck and back of neck. I've…
One year later and life will forever be seen with more loving and admiring eyes
It was one year ago today I walked into the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at MCV hospital in Richmond VA. I was walking into the ring where the prize was to live the life I was given. I was scared, unsure, and vulnerable to everything surrounding me. Yet through the pain came a joy and happiness I will always remember and…
Dixiegirl/beth's obituary...
Elisabeth Ann “Beth” Hime, age 49, of Paola passed away at Olathe Medical Center, Tuesday, May 14th, 2013. Beth was born on April 11th, 1964 in Denver, Colorado to Richard Griswold and Delores Harrison. She was married to James “Jim” Hime on September 3rd, 1994 in Lawrence, Kansas. Beth has spent most of her married life…
Also Checking In
Wanted to share that I'm leaving tomorrow for Jacksonville, have an appointment Thursday at the MAYO Clinic there & plan on staying through next Monday at least for further testing, etc. I'm taking all of my blood work, scans, etc., and praying they either give me a diagnosis or a clean bill of health. Been praying for all…
Worry, Blood & Humor
I have an appointment in 2 days to have my port flushed and blood counts checked. I have had trouble all along with anemia and last month my blood counts were still low. My hemoglobin was 8.7 and an additional test informed that I have minimal reticulocytes (the youngest, newest blood cells). The best case scenario is that…
Arm vein discoloration after ABVD, did it happen to anyone.
I am taking ABVD and yesterday was my #7 treatment; I notice that my arb vein discoloration to reddish brown along the arm to the elbow. Have any one experience it. is it permanent tattoo, or it will go away after treatments. Please advice.
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful father's! Love, Kyle, Michelle and Diesel Daniels
Checking in :)
Well it feels like its been about 3942938742634 days since this has all started. Haha. However, time is flying by as Kyle has round 3 next week! Carie, Jim and Becky. You all are such good people. It truly brought the BIGGEST smile to my face just to see that you all simply remembered Kyle's wish to go to a baseball game…
This will be my last post
Hey members, I want to say this will be my last post. I will not just drop out of sight after I get all the info I need,I want all to know I have posted here since May 2010 when I was diagnosed with Follicular NHL. I went into remission in Sept. of 2010, but continued to post when I saw fit to where I could help someone…
Just diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma, freaking out
I was diagnosed Wednesday with MCL after a biopsy of a supraclavicular node. I don't have an initial apointment with an oncologist until Tuesday What I'm seeing online is not overly encouraging, to say the least. My family practitioner, who delivered the bad news, kenw nothing about MCL. Can anyone with experience give me…
First Round of Chemo...
Was not as expected. Kyle and I had suscepted there would be complications along the way through this battle. We were aware of this. However, I guess, not so soon. Let me just start by, Kyle is okay and better. I am extremely grateful for that. :) However, His first chemo was on Monday (5/6/2013) in which it went well and…
My New Project
Heartache, Hemmorhoids and Hairloss, You Are Not Alone!! Everyone struggles with something either financially, emotionally or physically; it can be done privately or publically. If you have never struggled , you have never lived. While you are struggling, know that you are not alone, somewhere else in this world someone is…
Checking in
Hi everyone It's been awhile since I said hello. I try to read through the posts everyday. I've been busy flying acroos the country to deal with our business. Most likely it will be monthly for awhile. I received the results from my latest scan, and overall things seem positive. There are a few issues that I'll deal with…
update, checking in, reconnecting
Hi Eveyone, I'm sorry I'm not the best at staying connected and responding to everyone. I respect you all so much, I appreciate the shared wisdom, and I really think you are all a wonderful, caring, and brave group of people. I just run out of time for checking posts and responding. So I occasionally read the posts. and…
Hoarse voice years after treatment
Greetings, I had treatment in 2004 for Hodgkin's lymphoma. The cancer was in my chest and lower neck. 9 years later, I am finding that my voice is hoarse and scratchy. It used to come and go, and now it seems to have stayed. :( Has any else had this issue? My oncologist kicked me out of his office (since i am technically…
International, no insurance
Hi, I'm new to this site. A close relative was just diagnosed with diffuse large B cell CNS lymphoma. She was visiting from China, has no insurance here, and as you can guess, out-of-pocket costs are very high. They have to pay up front for future chemo treatments, the next one should be in a week, with at least 7 more to…
Post-Radiation Anxiety
Hi All, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 bulky Hodgkin's Lymphoma last September. Completed 12 chemo treatments 2 weeks apart and then 17 radiation treatments. Had my last radiation on May 22. After each chemo I was really sick - nauseous, depressed, fatigued, etc. - for about four days, and then OK, or at least able to…
stage 4 HL diagnosis-- how much worse is this going to get?
I was diagnosed with stage 4 HL in April and I had my second round of the ABVD just over a week ago. I felt horrible after my first round. I had a fairly traumatic mass exodus of hair today, but aside from that, the second round wasn't nearly as bad as the first. Was the first one the worst, or am I in the eye of the storm…
severe back pain post-Chemo, need help
I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma appx. 3 years ago, It's in remission but I know before the cancer I had no trouble with my back at all, but during the chemo my back became extremely weak and in alot of constant pain. I had other symtoms also, I ended up having pulmonary fibrosis and gastroparisis, I had the ABVD chemo treatment.…
Cutaneous Tcell Lymphoma - 2013
hi Looking for patient or caregiver to discuss diagnosis. My husband has CTCL and LGL Leukemia. Having both is making treatment for either very difficult. anyone else in the same small boat? I'd love to chat. thanks! amy
After receiving treatment for over a year, my dad's job let him go. He is on Cobra, but that will only last a year and a half. He attempted to get insurance and was refused. This makes me sick. My dad thinks that after 2014 insurance companies will not be able to refuse coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Does…
Neighbor with no Diagnosis
I have a new next door neighbor, male, about my age or a bit younger (50 or so). I was speaking with him yesterday, and somehow got on the subject of health. I mentioned my stage 3 HL, and he then stated that he had been told he had stage 3 lymphoma, but was later told he is benign. He has been going through a diagnostic…
CT Scan Results
So I'm still in limbo, kind of. The CT scan was compared with my PET scan from Feb and all of the nodes that were "hypermetabolic & likely malignant in nature" are still enlarged. They haven't grown, so that's a good thing right? But they haven't gone away, so whatever's going on is less likely some random unknown virus…
Last treatment done
I received my last treatment Tuesday and now I have to wait for my PET scan schduled for June 21st and results on the 25th lets hope for the best.
Swollen Joints
Does anyone here have any history of swollen joints due to Lymphoma? If so, how was that determined? My right knee swells up. As soon as I get a Rituxan infusion it goes down, but not away. Dr. says it looks like arthritis to him. I am considering getting some fluid drained by an orthopedic surgeon and have it tested for…