What tests?
A growth was found in the conjunctiva of my right eye and after a biopsy by the ophthalmologist I'be been told it is lymphoma. I've been referred to Princess Margaret Hospital (Toronto, Ontario) and my first appointment is in two weeks. I'm wondering what to expect in terms of tests at my first appointment. I realize this…
Non-Hodgkins-Small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) treatment
A friend was very recently diagnosed with small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). She is in her mid-50s and otherwise very healthy. She has seen one oncologist so far and has appointments for 2 additional opinions (one with MD Anderson). I am trying to find information for her on treatments received by others with SLL and your…
NHL 3B with Fluid retention in left lung
Hi Everyone, I hope someone can help me. I started having back and abdominal pains over the 4Th July weekend and after a CT scan in August discovered an 8x10cm mass in my lower abdomen and my left lung almost filled with fluid. Unable to breathe I went to a Lung specialist who after doing a Thorax Xray removed 2 liters of…
Dose Adjusted Epoch R
Hello all, I am the primary care-giver for my mother, who has just begun epoch and rituximab treatment for her aggressive double hit lymphoma cancer, dose adjusted as based on her blood counts at the end of each cycle. For her first two cycles her dose has remained the same, in order for her to get the best level of…
Maintenance Tx: Rituxan
I completed induction Tx for indolent, NHL 3B, in December, 2015. My last scan, a month ago, was clean. The suggested maintenance Tx following induction was continuing with Rituxan only, 1 X every 2 months. But I had to quit, after 2 Tx, because the fatigue, mostly, was life-changing, epic-class. The best analogy I could…
i have questions please anyone try to amswer them
hello my name is lizzy and im 21 a year ago in august i had lymph nodes swollen in my neck they never have gawayin dec i totally lost my appetite and went and seen a ent he did a biopsy. it came back normal. but he was gonna take the biggest one out but didnt because two days before surgery a small one popped up on the…
Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma and Breast Cancer
Hi All, My mother was diagnosed with SMZL in December 2014, was treated with chemo and Rituxan, and has been in remission since May 2015. She responded very well to treatment and her spleen shrunk back to normal size. My mother has also been a breast-cancer survivor of 10 years. She recently had an enlarged lymph-node, and…
I walk into the hospital this morning to a terrified Dad. He has diarrhea that is pure bright red blood. He can not sir up without feeling like he is going to pass out. I ask his nurse if the doctor has been in. The nurse says that they have made several phone calls and no one has called him back yet. This has already been…
What I remember
I still remember being a little kid. Looking up at my Dad with awe. Thinking about how big and strong he is. Watching him now battling cancer. I realize how right I was.
Radiation caused COPD 13yrs later
I am a surviver of Hodgkins 13 1/2 yrs ago. had chemo and radiation. Have been fine with little side effects abut all in all have a great life.. ( theres hope for everyone out there!) I was just diagnosed with emphazyma((COPD) from my radiation treatments, im a non smoker. Dr having hard time because my case is different…
Long-term Survivors of low-grade indolent lymphoma (esp. lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma)
I am looking for long-term survivors. I was 29 when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma. I had an allo transplant in 1997. I have been cancer free since. Is there anyone else out there that has had this particular type of lymphoma?
What changes did you make
Just wondering what changes you all made after your diagnosis and/or treatment. I've talked to a few survivors who made drastic changes to the way they eat, the cleaning products they use, the way they wash their vegetables, etc, etc, etc. But, even more survivors seem to have made little to no changes other than 'trying…
A little nervous. Dad gets his first Neulasta shot tomorrow. I hope we made the right choice.
Has anyone done Bendamustine - Rituxan Chemo for NHL?
Haven't seen this chemo mentioned on the site - it's one being considered for my stage 4, Follicular, B cell cancer that didn't go into Remission on CVP-R. Just wondering if anyone has used it and was it successful? Fran
Happy days!
I know Dad still has a long road ahead of him. He is such a strong man. I am so proud of my Dad. I can not even imaging what it is like to fight a battle like this. His blood counts are back up... he got the feeding tube out this morning YEAH!! His oncologist is very happy with how well the chemo is working. We are going…
Alternitave meds
Took Dad to his oncologist appointment yesterday. Good news is they said the tumors are shrinking. The last CT scan he had does not show all the little spots of cancer that were spread through out his abdominal area. Also the large tumor that made it so he could not eat before has as they said "has practically melted away"…
Home from auto SCT
Home has NEVER felt so good. Really, NEVER. Ever. Ever. Overall, this has been harder, physically, than any previous therapy (including the nearly 600 hours of R-EPOCH + Neupogen back in '11 when my 2 forms of NHL were finally diagnosed.) Through all of that I nearly-always felt like a successful, robust and vigorous…
Waiting time before getting pregnant after ABVD
It is now six months since my wife had her last treatment with ABVD. We are striving to have a baby but doctors are saying we have to wait at least one year. Googling our problem didn't help so much as there is no enough researches on this matter. Therefore, I hope you will share your experience here. 1- How long did you…
Pregnancy after Hodgkins
I am a 3 1/2 year survivor of Hodgkins 2B. I completed 4 months of ABVD and 4 weeks of radiation. My husband and I have two children, ages 4 and 7. We are considering trying for a third. But I have my reservations, I am scared that the cancer may come back during or after the pregnancy. My oncologist says everything should…
new diagnosis of large b cell
my brother (age 36) was recently diagnosed with large b cell....aggressive....he had a tumor removed from his brain last week which the surgeon originally thought was benign....the pathology proved the mailignancy and therefore the diagnosis. This friday, he starts Ritux/CHOP combo and will take methatrexate thru a spinal…
Hi Everyone, I am in remission from Follicular NHL stage 4 since 09, after doing Zevalin. I had a scan in June and they found 2 small pulmonary nodules with the larger nodule measuring 4.5mm so I worry about that but they said to recheck in a year. I have had scan in early June, and he did not do my neck and my head, that…
Auto cell decision
I'm in Wisconsin and my dilemma for today is that my insurance will cover a stem cell transplant at either Carbone cancer center in Madison (NCI rated) or Froedtert Hospital. Froedtert is not NCI rated but very reputable. Madison is about 90 minutes away, Froedert about 25. I certainly don't want to choose by driving time.…
TB Test
I am curious if anyone has had a TB test during or following treatment of biologic drugs: Abatacept (Orencia), Rituximab (Rituxan) and Tocilizumab (Actemra). I received a letter from my health insurance company today that it may be necessary to have a TB test since I have received one of these drugs. I know I had to be…
Mediastinal grey zone lymphoma (MGZL)
Hi there I was recently diagnosed with this rare lymphoma. Since there isn´t much information about greyzone lymphomas on the web, I figured I might aswell try here instead . I´m currenty being treated with DA-EPOCH R Has anyone got this? Thanks
Correlation between Hodkin's Lymphoma and Liposcarcoma?
I just finished treatment Of Stage IV Hodgkins Lymphoma at the end of May and am in remission. I just had a 18 cm fatty tumor removed from my thigh that they now believe (and have sent away for more testing) could be Liposcarcoma. I won't know for 3-6 weeks, but is there in correlation between the two?
auto stem cell after DA-EPOCH agressive diffuse large b-cell
New to forum, and would like to ask the question of benifits of doing auto stem cell immediatly after my 6 treatments of Da-EPOCH? I am finishing my 6 treatments for agressive diffuse large b-cell, and my pet after 2nd treatments was great with it almost gone.will have another pet in a few weeks, but doctors want to do a…
Is it normal, because I'm worried it's not
I saw my oncologist today and he said we would do a CT after my next treatment. I was surprised by that and asked him why, I thought I would finish treatment before being re-CT'd. He said he just wanted to make sure the treatment is working. It will be my 4th of 6 rounds for SMZL. Tonight my imagination is going wild with…
Clinical Trial Failure
I don't think anyone at the Board has mentioned bieng part of this, but it is important to be aware of, especially members with T-cell issues. max http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/07/08/juno-cancer-study-halted-after-patient-deaths.html . .
SCT or Rituximab after remission
I, 61 years old, was diagnosed with stage IV MCL in November 2015. I have finished six treatments of Bendamustine and Rituximab. An extra three CT scans occured during the last seven months due to bilateral pneumonia and abdominal pain. The last CT scan two months ago showed the enlarged lymph nodes in my digestive tract…
Tues I saw the Stem Cell Dr. My bloods were ok. Still not in the normal range but close. She told me that I am doing good. The 2 scans & bone marrow biopsies done this year show no sign of the cancer although they still don't know what the abnormal cells were in the Nov biopsy. It was because of that Nov test they wanted…