Can anyone share with me their personal experience using Revlimid for Follicular Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. I’m especially interested in the side effects. This is my third relapse in six years and my doctor says to only expect a 30-40% success rate and the side effects as he describes them are nasty. Going back to chemo and…
Newly diagnosed Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma
An indolent Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma really kind of stinks. Tell friends and family that it is slow growing and invariably they will say, "Oh, that's good!" No it's not, you can't cure slow growing. I have tried so hard to be positive, my doctor even said, "If you have to have cancer, this one isn't a bad one to have." I…
cancer in lymph nodes
My husband had 4 cancers removed from his right lymph nodes in his neck. Pet scan showed no other signs of cancer anywhere in his body..endoscopy showed none in lungs,esophogus,throat, mouth, tongue or any other place,,,,,however there are still a few cells in upper right lymph nodes.He is 78 yrs. old,2 heart attacks,2…
Leukemia Research Foundation
We have a group in Chgo called teh Leukemia Research Foundation. There web site is http://www.allbloodcancers.org The members are medical professionals from the various university medical centers in the Chgo area. Today I went to their anual conference on blood cancers. I had to get up early but it was worth it and it is…
The latest
Well had my appt to see Onc, did labs again, white cell counts still low, i go back on 24th for labs again to see if any improvment, then she will order my PET scan, she said she couldnt do it til then because of the medical ins etc etc The fevers are back and they do whoop my butt sometimes, other times i push thru it,…
Stem Cell Transpant Here I Come
Stem Cell Transplant here I come…all recent tests were great - no signs of cancer… that means we move forward with the autologous SCT. It all starts next week with +/- 18 days of our living at a hotel near City of Hope for the everyday pre-sct outpatient adventures. We’re very grateful to the American Cancer Society for…
Insurance denied PET scan
Good morning all.... As I sit here in the middle night not being able to go back to sleep,my mind jus keeps spinning. I called my oncologist today to see when my 3 month post treatment scan was scheduled. I missed the call bac from the nurse but the message said that because I had stage one, Cigna denied the post treatment…
Free T-Cell Patient education seminar - San Francisco June 4th
The T-Cell Leukemia Lymphoma Foundation will be conducting a free patient education seminar in San Francisco, California on Saturday, June 4th, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Chief presenter will be Dr. Andrei Shustov of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (other speakers to be announced). He is able to cover all…
2016 Any + Mantel Cell Survival Stories to share.
I am newly Dx with MCL 2.2016, 52 yo Female. Getting treatment with R-CHOP and R-DHAP everyother cycle for a total of 6 rounds of chemo, I have completed 4 cycles thus far. I plan on geting a stem cell transplant this summer. I am trying to make some life deceisions based on progression free survial rates. It looks like…
My Stem Cell Transplant journey
I know I've posted bits & pieces on several topics and deicded it might be easier to pull it all together. Summary: Dec 2014 - Diagnosed with follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma. Dr also found I had pluerisy of the right lung caused by the lymphoma.A catheter was put in so we could drain the fluid on a regular basis until the…
Mantle Cell
I finished 6 R-Chop treatments mid March. A month later did bone marrow biopsy, pet/ct, colonoscopy and endoscopy. Got results yesterday. Complete Response, No Evidence of Disease. Nothing, all clear. Start Rituxan Therapy on Monday.
Lymphoma in CHILD
Hi, I'm new to this website. My 4 year old daughter has had swollen lymph nodes for about 8 months(that we have noticed). Her other symptoms are fatigue, night sweats, irritability, emotional, nose bleeds, stomach hurts after eating very little and body aches. She was diagnosed with anemia when I took her to the doctor 5…
My story begins...
Yesterday was not a good day. I was told I have Lymphoma. Three weeks ago, I noticed my left leg was swollen. I went to the doctor (good thing I didn't just brush it off), they sent me for an ultrasound to rule out a blood clot and took me off one of my meds. No blood clot but they said my lymph nodes were swollen and…
What to expect from an active 86 year old woman with new diagnosis
My grandmother is 86, and has been very active her whole life. She is still active, and sharp. She was diagnosed with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma. We have no treatment scheduled yet, but they are going to do a mild form of R-CHOP, that will exclude vincristine because my mother does not want to put her through a harsh…
Struggling as a Caregiver.
1 I am new to the forum, and basically joined because I have nobody to talk to and I'm not in a very good place mentally right now. I am 31 years old. My boyfriend is 33 and recently was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma for the second time. We've been together 6 years, and I was not in the picture his first go round with…
I'm a newbie and have some questions
Things have moved very fast in the last 5 weeks. Had a lump in my groin and thought it was a hernia. Turned out to be Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The one thing that has helped me out the most was something I read. It said look in the mirror and say I have cancer. Well it did help me,, I've been reading all the different post on…
Post chemo effects of Rituxan and bendamustine
I have completed 6 IV sessions of chemo ( Rituxan/Bendamustine) and am in remission...2 months. I'm experiencing a rash in my crotch ( 3 mos) and itchiness on my neck, ears, upper arms and chest. I would appreciate any info from survivor patients that have experienced similar symptoms and their remedies. Fatigue is also a…
itchy rash
Has anyone out there experienced the itchy rash which comes along with Hodgkins? What causes it, and what do you do to relieve it?
Jugular chain cervical lymph nodes - pls help
Hi everyone, I'm always reading posts daily several times and you all are in my thoughts. Wishing you all remission clean results, healthy lives. Saturday, I had MRI of my neck for neck issues. I got my results today from orthopedic. He said there were finding in my neck with lymph nodes. Copying exact note: Scattered…
Weight Loss, Rash, Swollen Lymph Nodes
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a 26 year old female, 5' 5", and have typically been an average weight of about 135. I gave birth in June 2015 and weighed about 155. By December 2015 I was losing a few pounds every month despite eating 2,500 calories everyday. My GP tested me for thyroid issues and the…
I have marginal zone NHL. I am 72. A week ago I completed my fourth of six treatements of Treanda and Rituximin. I have been physically active, and after the first three treatments, I was able to resume cycling and jogging after three or four days, with an occasional bad day. After this fourth treatment, and it has been a…
Epigenetics - random events and health
very interesting. Apologize for not being able to post a viable link. Please copy and paste to read the article. http://protomag.com/articles/twins-same-genes-different-future-epigenetics
Question About IgA and IgM Deficiency
I'm an ovarian cancer survivor and am currently fighting Non-Hodgkins B Cell lymphoma. The lymphoma has been indolent for 13 years from the point of diagnoses but now looks as though it's evolving into leukemia (currently being reaccessed). Oncologists have been using a 'watch and wait' method, while treating the…
It will be two years on Sunday...
On the 24th of this month 2014, I heard those numbing three words, "you have cancer". Three weeks after that my older brother called me crying and in a barely audible voice, he cried "dad has cancer". We both have/had lymphoma. Seventeen months later my father passed. In a few days it will be two years that I kept this…
Has anyone heard from birder?
How to adapt to new lifestyle
SOOO this is my first blog and I am really excited to have found this network. I am new so I am not sure how this really works but I want and I NEED to vent about my disease to people who have actually shared my experiences. Family and friends are AWESOME but there is something about sharing your feelings with people who…
Are "healthy" diets and supplements harmful?
Or do they just give a false sense of control.? Are they even dangerous? http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1113189455/antioxidants-may-promote-cancer-growth-071114/
Best approach from an emotional perspective
Indolent FNHL is one of the toughest forms of lymphoma to deal with emotionally. Would love to have a frank logical discussion about how victims of this awful disease deal wih all the uncertainty of its course of progression. We are all different as are our emotional abilities to deal with this. Some cling to the hope that…
Knee surgery
Well have to do knee surgery May 5th, have torn meniscus and cartlidge problem. Have to go off of the blood thinners and do shots . Fun. I do my year scan in the beginning of June then see my oncologist June 13. It seems like things just never end. But hopefully every one is having a nice Saturday my prayers are with all…
Stable Disease?
It has been over a year since i have been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma (at age 17), and everything went really well. I've had 2xOepa and 2xCopdac cycles and no radiation. While i believed i was healthy until today, i recieved the letter with the results of the latest examination today and decided to read it precisely.…