secondary cancers related to radiation
My name is Rory. I am a cancer survivor of Hodgkin's diagnosed in 1974 and treated by mantle radiation. Recently, I developed aching and swelling symptoms in my left upper chest and left arm. My doctor has told me that those of us who received radiation to the chest have a very high risk of secondary cancers. The highest…
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma.
Lymphoma Non Hodgkins
I have began and completed my first round of chemo. I have some questions regarding drinking water through the next 3 treatments. All food tastes terrible and drinking water gets old and hard to keep down. Any suggestions?
Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Of Tonsil
My husband had tonsillectomy last month due to a large growth. Tumor and tonsil were sent to pathology. The report stated that the tumor is 80% Diffuse Large B cell lymphoma and 20% Follicular lymphoma. We were then referred to oncology at Dalton Massey Cancer Center in Richmond VA with the understanding that CHEMO would…
SCT club
Well my DLBCL has returned. The plan of action is ptretty much what I have read on this forum and am greatful to have learned from all the different posts. I will start R-ICE on Monday and work up to a stem cell transplant. What can I expect with the R-ICE as compared to R-Chop? Sharon
DLBC NHL, ABC type, 35% double hit
Hi Everyone, my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 DLBC NHL ABC type (and 35% double hit expression). Her Dr started her on R-CHOP, but unfortunatley she wasn't responding like she should have been. She is in severe pain all the time which is sometimes adequately managed with morphine, hydrocodone, and a fentanyl pain…
port flush
First of all I am wondering how often every one gets a port flush, when in remission? I have been in remission since 09 but had FNHL stage 4 and am on blood thinners, also other issues so it is not so easy to to go to get it done just like that. I have been going every 6 weeks and this oncology nurse today said we do this…
Immune system and chemo
Is anyone willing to share their experience with chemo completely destroying their immune system? I was wondering how long it took to get your blood count back to a healthy level. Did every additional round of chemo destroy your immune system again? Did it get harder to recover each time? My dad has been in the hospital…
On my way
Well i am about to drive to Massachusetts, will be my first time driving there. Will take a ferry from the northern part of Long Island, across the long Island sound to Bridgeport CT. I am excited, i am going solo, but i have a co-pilot with me, he has never left my side. I am going to celebrate my remission doing what i…
Looking for help
My Dad was a healthy very active 74 yr old man. A couple of months ago things went wrong and he was unable to eat or drink anything. This is what the doctor found. He has papillary renal carcinoma, follicular lymphoma, and diffuse large B cell lymphoma. The follicular lymphoma tumor is on his intestine just below his…
Be safe out there
Wanted to wish you all a Happy and safe 4th of July, i am grateful to be able to see another holiday, and enjoy it. Be safe out there if you go out!
Today's scare
i had my appointment today with labs and results from my CT last week. LDH and all labs look good. The CT results were questionable. There was a blip/lesion between 2 of my ribs. The radiologist said in the report that it could be repeated in 2-3 months. Oncologist said PET in 2 weeks. OK, I agree with my Oncologist. PET…
UTI and cognitive difficulties
Dad got a UTI that landed him in the hospital for a few weeks. Now we are at a rehab center as he recovers. They keep re-evaluating for his cognitive function. He gets really frustrated at them for this. This frustration is not normal for Dad. Today the therapists that was evaluating him said that she is concerned with his…
Hodgkin's lymphoma menstral help
hello, I'm 22 and have been going threw chemo treatments for this lymphoma. And this month I have not had a period. I am regular and I didn't know if the chemo is the reason why i have not had one. Could someone please help and ease my mind??
Alk negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma/any advice
I am still in the staging process. Still waiting in bone marrow results, blood results, and they want a clearer pic of my liver (MRI). Pet scan shows lymph nodes look good. I got the diagnosis 2 days before my 41st birthday. It was discovered because I had a mass come up under a robotic hysterectomy scar from endometrial…
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
My 23 year old daughters has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, small cell, non-cleaved, stage III-B. She is currently in Round II of chemotherapy and is having a very difficult time with the nausea, etc. The chemo is very intensive and she starts a new phase every 21 days. She needs 8 rounds and there are 2 phases…
J tube leaking
My dad has a PEG and a J tube. The PEG leaks a little but the J tube leaks so much that they had to rig up a wound pouch to keep it off his skin and attach a urine bag to it to collect the drainage. Several surgens, wound specialist, doctors, etc have tried to get it to stop. And they have failed. The drainage has created…
Keeping records
Looking for ideas or apps that will help me organize dad's medical records. I write down everything but there is just so much to remember and learn. Doctors asking me all kinds of questions and trying to figure out what page of notes I put that information on. Tracking dad's meds so he does not miss anything. I am new to…
Dose reductions in RCHOP regimine
Hello . New to site. Father has NHL diagnosed may 2016. Had RCHOP and got fever and hospitalized for 4 days . had second chemo and had IV antibiotics in cancer center for 5 days . The doc reduced his dosage by 25-50% Now he has his third RCHOP tomorrow and doc is reducing dose another 25%. has anyone ever experienced this?…
Bruise easily during treatment period?
Just curious if anyone showed signs of easily bruising during treatment? My doctor says it is not a side effect of the medicine, but I do not think it is a coincidence.
Well, had the PET scan and it showed no activity where the tumors were, and no tumors were seen. I am happy for these results but i still have that fear in the back of my mind which i think we all do, but i am going to run with it and enjoy it, i am leaving in 2 weeks for Massachusettes to go fishing! I was not able to go…
survived 23 years got cancer again.
Hi twenty three years ago i was diagnosed with hodkins lymphoma stage 4. I was in a car accidentent and when the techs xrayed my chest area my cancer was found. What a miracle. Any ways for twenty three years I got on with my life. I did have trouble getting pregnant which my oncologist said I might. I ended up adopting my…
grey zone lymphoma
My best friend is being treated for grey zone lymphoma. He has had 6 rounds of chemo , 4 rounds of EPOCH and 2 rounds of ICE. The tumors in his chest are not shrinking. Any info on the treatment of this type of cancer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much
I start R-CHOP on Tuesday-any suggestions?
I start R-CHOP on Tuesday, May 10-any suggestions? I have recently been diagnosed with Diffuse B Cell Lymphoma. Needless to say I am scared about the side effects of the treatments. Any ideas for making it easier would be appreciated.
It has been awhile since my last post, i went on my vacation to Oregon, and i think i wasnt truly ready for the long flight, spent most of my time there taking it easy, i was exhausted by the time i arrived, and also jet lagged, i was able to get out a bit and see how beautiful it is there, but had to limit myself which…
Newly Diagnosed Mantle Cell
Hello all. I was just diagnosed Friday with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. I am scared beyond belief. I am 57 years old and have been very healthy all my life. About 2 months ago a Dr found a left supra clavicular lymph node swollen, not painful and very moveable. I thought it was nothing but from my wifes urging I went to my…
Stem Cell Transplant Here I Come – Part Three
Made it through the outpatient procedures: Cytoxan, 21 shots of Neupogen (over 13 days), Hickman placement surgery, class on caring for Hickman, class on general transplant details, 2 shots of Mozabil and 13 total hours at the Apheresis getting almost 6 million stem cells. Came close to needing a transfusion due to low…
What is the difference between non hoshkins lymphoma and the other
my son in law starts chemo for stage 2 hodgkin lymphoma on Tuesday, and I was just wondering what he can expect- I had neclass cancer almost 5 years ago and the site was great, so I mentioned it to him soon as I heard he had cancer. Everything he has been told points to a good prognosis. I just don't know what the…
Off Topic
I have been debating whether to mention it here. The last 2 threads I started have moved back to the top, so I decided I would. I really appreciate all the responses I have gotten. I have read posts everyday and wanted to respond as I thought I had something to offer. Also, I need and rely on this forum for dealing with my…
things to do
Hey everyone! My names Bonnie I'm 20 years old and I was just recently diagnosed with Hodgkinds Lymphoma. I had to go on leave from my job because I work with animals so now I'm stuck at home and bored out of my mind and was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for things I could do to entertain myself and keep my…