Where did he go? What happened? Anyone know? I went back to a post from last week I wanted to respond to. I noticed that the replies he made in the thread were now labled as: Anonymous user (not verified). ??? Rocquie
Been through 12 chemo treatments and now going for biopsy
this post is for my son in law. He. Has been through 12 chemo treatments for Hodgkin lymphoma. Today he had a biopsy and was told he may have to go for either stem cell or radiation as the 12 initial treatments didn't get all the cancer. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Hopefully he will join the forum and have these…
Back/ribs bone pain
My mom is 4 cycles in on R-chop. she's been admitted to the hospital for fever, where they are testing testing testing. Symptoms could be flu (though we didn't think she'd been exposed), or kidney infection. Lots of pain. Mom is 70. She has follicular b-cell (likely transforming) and malt. Anyone experience something…
Christmas came early
Seen dad's oncologists yesterday. The last pet scan showed no activity. Dad's lymphoid are all back to normal size. To think that back in April we found out that Dad hod 3 kinds of cancer. The large B cell tumor was the size or a basketball. We almost lost him in June and again in august. Now it's December and the cancer…
Set back but not cancer
Ok, that is a weird topic name. Last Sunday (first Sunday of December) I went to the massage place in the nearby mall for my weekly massge. With the weather getting colder I haven't been taking many walks outside. I've been doing so good with my walking longer distance I didn't want to lose gorund. Since it is an indoor…
Muscle pain
does anyone have any ideas/experience controlling muscle and body aches with something other than prednisone? I think it could be classified as neuralgia and came along as an uninvited guest with my lymphoma. I just hate the side effects of prednisone. The NSAIDs like naproxen and ibuprofen help but damage my stomach. My…
I was diagnosed Nov. 8 with stage 1. While that is the good news, where the cancer is located is the issue. A tumor around my spine from T4 - T12. I had been in so much pain and had been to two different spine Dr. and they both missed it. From my waist down before treatment started was numb and tingly. I have just…
Well, the saga continues and I am certain that someone here on this discussion board has experienced something similar. I am looking for input. I was just released from the hospital after being admitted (via ER) witih infection. For over 24 hrs prior, I started a a temp of 101.5. 1 day of Cipro did not bring it down so my…
It's back, so I am too
You know how you should take your own advice? Well guess who didn't? That's right - ME! (Yes, I use a lot of sarcasm - anger cloaked in humor). Original diagnosis in 2009, watch & wait until 2010. I started Rituxin only treatments, once a week for 4 weeks every 6 months for 2 years. I was clean! Fast forward Feb 2016, I…
Thanksgiving wishes from Paella – sorry to have been missing for a while but…
…my husband was, out of nowhere, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on approximately my 4 month SCT birthday. We were freaked out (that’s capital F-R-E-A-K-E-D.) In mid-September we thought he had a hernia, our Urology Nurse Practitioner at City of Hope (where he had a prostatectomy in ’10) thought he had a hernia but a CT…
DLBCL Six month scans
After a long and crazy fight, I had been told in April that I was in remission. I had another scan in July that showed no growth as well. Then come August, my insurance at work changes and my doctor is nwo considered out of network. So I appeal, get denied and schedule an appointment with another Doctor that he…
gray-zone lymphoma
Hello, I saw this forum and because I know how rare this is I wanted to share my wife’s experiences. Hopefully this will help someone. My wife was recently diagnosed with mgzl (mediastinal gray-zone lymphoma). She is 41 and very healthy otherwise. She has rosacea which is an autoimmune disease and we think that made her…
Happy Holidays
Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2017 has to be a better year, so let us make the best of it. I am happy to be able to see another new year, and i hope to see many more! Chris
Non-Hodgkins T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
Hi all, I was diagnosed with Stage III pediatric T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma almost two years ago. I finish Maintenance in May. I went through induction, cosolidation, interim maintenance, delayed intensification, and now am in maintenance. Through induction, consolidation, and interim maintenance, I continued on the ALL…
I had my 55 day post transplant appt. today and ALL looks good! I'm still scared and try to take one day at a time. I'm going to the farm for Thankgiving! My sisters house!! I missed last year and can't wait!! PET after Christmas. HAPPY Thanksgiving everyone!!!
CT scan - Good News!
My husband Dave received some great news yesterday. He has received three rounds of Rituxin and Bendamustine, in the last three months. Dave had a CT Scan and the cancerous lymph nodes have shrunk by 70%! We are so grateful on this very special Thanksgiving Day.
This is what my Oncologist told me this last Tues when I went in for my Rituxan maintenance. I had the PET/CT scans the week before. She told me the result were that there was no sign of any disease. What did show up was some inflamation in the sinus indicating sinuitis (I've had it for several years now) and inflamation…
Any survivors of Non hodgkin's lymphoma slow growing stage 4?
Anybody here survived non hodgkin's lymphoma stage 4 and for how long can you live with it? Please help Richard
Rituxan- Bendamustine and Veins
I have my first infusion this Monday coming, Rituxan - Bendamustine, then Bendamustine only the following day. Every third week, 20 days (give or take) My Onc didn't say I needed to get a port and when I asked he said he didn't think I would need one. I have Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 3, low grade. When I met with the…
perplexing symptoms
I am a 47 year old female and about 3 months ago the lymph nodes under my arms and in my groin started to ache. I made an appt with my pcp. She ordered bw. It all came back within the normal range with the exception of my RBC. They were slightly elevated. She said if my symptoms did not go away then she would most likely…
Profuse Sweating and itching still after 2 years in remission
Hello, My name is Lisa and I am a survivor of stage 4B Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage 2B Leukemia, and stage 2B bone cancer. I have been in remission for 2 years now. My question is, how many of you still have horrible itching and the profuse sweating still just like it was when you had cancer? I can't even walk up 3 steps…
New Here awaiting results can anyone help
Here's what I know. I've had a right groin lymph node/nodes swollen for about a year. Nobody got very excitied. I also have had a significant node behind my right ear the same time frame. Rubbery, firm. The groin nodes are significantly larger. No pain. However, over 6-8 months, I lost 49-52 lbs. While I had a divorce, it…
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Success Story
Hello fellow friends, I would like to share this biblical passage with you in hopes that it will help each of you as much as it has me. The scripture is 1 Corinthians 10:13. The passage basically tells you that God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear and when you are tempted , he will provide a way out so…
Been a while
Good morning, I it has been quite a while since i posted, i was told as of last last i am still in remission, which makes it 15 months now. My labs were good and holding for the last 4 months, the fatigue has lessed some, but i do have my bad days, but they are tolerable. Started going to the gym, and i am able too walk…
Setback or par for the course
Well it was nice being home for a few days, but Tuesday evening I started running a fever. Needless to say I'm inpatient again. They allowed me to stay local instead of driving 90 minutes to the hospital where I had the transplant. My transplant team is staying in close contact with my local oncologist which is nice. So…
Insult to Injury
This past Friday I noticed intermittent pain in my left ankle. By Saturday, I couldn't even walk on it. After contacting my onc to make certain he didn't think it was cancer related I was sent to the ER for an Xray. Thankfully there are no broken bones. I was sent home in an air cast on crutches. I don't recall doing…
For the second time in a row, my third cycle has been postponed due to low Neutrophils. They are now at .8. Today the onc ordered a Zarxio shot to help build them up. I was told it's similar to Nuepogen and that I could expect side effects. I believe I am feeling it now. Bone pain and even nausea. I am scheduled to go back…
Watch and Wait.
Hello, My name is Kathy and I'm a 56 year old female newly diognosed, in October 2015, with stage IV Follicular Non-Hodgkin's found by chance during a pre-operative MRI on my shoulder for my rotator cuff surgery. After the MRI the technician asked me if I had anything "systemic" going on because something looked unusual in…
Husband and BIL have Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
My brother-in-law (BIL) was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Follicular Lymphoma 3 months ago. A month later my husband of 35 years was also diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Follicular Lymphoma. My BIL(married to hubby's sister) is at the "wait and see" phase of his Stage 4 cancer and my husband is receiving Rituxin and Bendo…
Anyone's WBC 50 or greater
I am 73 years old and was diagnosed with NHL when I was 70, I have no symptons but my blood test show my WBC has risen to 47, when I was first diagnosed 3 yrs. ago it was 20. I was wondering should I be concerned about getting treatment. Although my spleen is slightly enlarged, My Doctor recommends since I feel good, no…