i have questions please anyone try to amswer them

hello my name is lizzy and im 21 a year ago in august i had lymph nodes swollen in my neck they never have gawayin dec i totally lost my appetite and went and seen a ent he did a biopsy. it came back normal. but he was gonna take the biggest one out but didnt because two days before surgery a small one popped up on the front of my neck said it would be easier to get to... from jan to march i lost 13 lbs and i only weighed 103 to begin w ... so the nodes are still there not huge but sometimes hurt not all of them just one .... Nd i have been fatigure but i work and have two kids but i have nevver been like i am so i have been ignoring it cause dr said it wasnt cancer they cant really do anything right now .... well about a week ago i started itching not bad didnt think nothing of it started getting worse... the past two nights i am constantly itching feels like bugs or something is crawling on me i have no rash nothing and its all over my body... im freaking out just because im miserable i hate bugs and i feel like im being tortured by them crawling all over me ugh..... and i just wanna know if anyone has has simillar symtoms or anything 


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    Hello Lizzy

    It sounds like you need to see your family doctor, for starters. You are listing classic symptoms of lymphoma, but I wouldn't dare try to diagnose you. I'm sure there are other conditions which cause similar symptoms. The large percentage of your body weight lost in such a short time seems most alarming. I never had pruritis (itching) but can imagine how maddening it might be. Good luck to you and let us know what you find out?




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    If I were you, I would ask my ENT to refer me to an oncologist.   If the ENT does not know what is wrong with you, it is time to move on.  Itching CAN BE a symptom of lymphoma, but of course it can be a lot of other things also, so there is no way to know yet. 

    Severe itching with weakness, significant weight loss, and enlarged nodes  are matters that I would get to a new doctor with as quickly as possible. 

    No one here can tell you what is causing this -- only your doctor can run the necessary test to determine that.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107



    If I were you, I would ask my ENT to refer me to an oncologist.   If the ENT does not know what is wrong with you, it is time to move on.  Itching CAN BE a symptom of lymphoma, but of course it can be a lot of other things also, so there is no way to know yet. 

    Severe itching with weakness, significant weight loss, and enlarged nodes  are matters that I would get to a new doctor with as quickly as possible. 

    No one here can tell you what is causing this -- only your doctor can run the necessary test to determine that.


    Hi Lizzy and welcome

    I totally agree with Max.  It could be nothing serious but it is best to find out what's going on.

    We're here to support you.  Good luck and let us know what you find out.

    Hugs - Jim

  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232


    Listen to all these great minds, they are right.....seek other Doctor's! I was told for 6 months that there was nothing wrong with me. I am not saying this to scare you or worry you, but at the end of the day those kids needs you to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. I am a single mother that was going to school full time and working 50 hours a week when I got diagnosed a few months ago. Bugs freak me out too, I have started itching recently, but it was not a side effect intially. I urge you to take care of yourself and not ignore it.



  • dcrow8
    dcrow8 Member Posts: 2
    Hey there thank you

    You said that you were told nothing was wrong for six months what did they do, like how were you finally diagnosed? Lizzy is actually me but i had to make a new name could remember email and password. But i gave up for about two years and have let it go but it contiues and now getting worse i have headaches every day for at least a little bit, i have new lymphnodes popping up in my grown bout the size of a nickle maybe little bigger but dr said she isnt worried about it cause its small but seeing as how i have had messed up lymph nodes for 4 years, i am concerned, i feel full quick when i eat... and its not every day, but i feel that itchyness like bugs are crawling on me, and this hasnt happened in a long time! I was just hoping to hear how you got diagnose after being told you were fine thanks hope all is well with you

  • dcrow8
    dcrow8 Member Posts: 2



    Listen to all these great minds, they are right.....seek other Doctor's! I was told for 6 months that there was nothing wrong with me. I am not saying this to scare you or worry you, but at the end of the day those kids needs you to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. I am a single mother that was going to school full time and working 50 hours a week when I got diagnosed a few months ago. Bugs freak me out too, I have started itching recently, but it was not a side effect intially. I urge you to take care of yourself and not ignore it.




    You said that you were told nothing was wrong for six months what did they do, like how were you finally diagnosed? Lizzy is actually me but i had to make a new name could remember email and password. But i gave up for about two years and have let it go but it contiues and now getting worse i have headaches every day for at least a little bit, i have new lymphnodes popping up in my grown bout the size of a nickle maybe little bigger but dr said she isnt worried about it cause its small but seeing as how i have had messed up lymph nodes for 4 years, i am concerned, i feel full quick when i eat... and its not every day, but i feel that itchyness like bugs are crawling on me, and this hasnt happened in a long time! I was just hoping to hear how you got diagnose after being told you were fine thanks hope all is well with you

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    Second Opinion

    With your symptoms going on for 4 years and your dr just brushing it off, I would get a second opinion as quickly as possible and make it an oncologist. None of us can say if it is lymphoma but something isn't right and you need to find a dr that will find out what it is.