April 24, 2014
I just arrived home from the funeral when I heard the dreaded three words, "you have cancer". I learned that anniversaries and scans cause a bit of anxiety. Three years ago I was diagnosed. Three weeks later I found out that my father also had cancer. I pretended not to have cancer went through the treatment alone, then…
Is Hodgkin's genetic? Husband had classical HL, daughter just diagnosed with NLPHL
Hi, I'm new to this site. It's my first post and I'm wondering if anyone else has had more than one person in their family with Hodgkin's Lymphoma? My husband was diagnosed with stage 2a classical HL in 2009 and had 12 rounds of AVBD. He has been cured ever since. My 19 year old daughter was just diagnosed with stage 2A…
NLPHl and T Cell rich NHL Lymphoma
Well I have been stalking this forum and decided to join in case I have an experience that might help others. I am 53 year old male with NHPHL and T cell rich NHL Lymphoma. I have completed 3 RCHOP treatments and 2 intrathecal (spinal infusion) treatments. If all goes well I am halfway through both types of treatments. I…
Mantel Cell Lymphoma
My Mum who is 57 has just been diagnosed with Stage 4 Mantel Cell Lymphoma (NHL). Her Oncologist has recommended starting with CHOP but isn't very optimistic. Does anyone else know of any other treatments or trials that might be worth considering? I would appreciate hearing from any Mantel Cell Lymphoma survivors as I am…
Telling Others
When I was first diagnosed with cancer, almost 4 years ago, one of my first thoughts was that I didn't want to tell anyone. When my Doctor told me I would be losing my hair, I felt so sad, not because of vanity, but rather of being transformed into someone who must reveal to the world, through baldness, that they…
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma Stage IV
This is the lymphoma my husband was diagnosed with last May. Anybody have any experience with treatment options. We have completed CHOP and before they could start Stem Cell Transplant, it was back in his bone marrow. Not a candiate for SCT. He is now on Gemzar for 8 treatments. He has had 2 treatments delay due to low…
Dental Problems and Persistent Lymph Nodes
Hey all, I'm glad I found a site where I can ask people who know what they are talking about. Anyways, I just turned 26 years old and I have had a few broken teeth (wisdom and molars) for a number of years. This may be unrelated, but I've had a blocked ear for about 7 months... sometimes it unpops for a few minutes but…
Survivor of lymphoma
I am a survivor of lymphoma. I am now in my 30's and I am into a pretty severe depression and anxiety due to the disease. I have had great difficulty coping with the long term effects of the disease and it’s side effects. How can I take control of my health as a lymphoma survivor? It is exhausting. I am thinking to visit a…
3rd Clinical trial!
But not for cancer. Rather, trials are being conducted to learn how to combat Graft-versus-Host-Disease for transplant patients. And, since I have a touch of that, I inquired about trials. I am treated at SCCA/Fred Hutchinson, so trials are their daily task. They found one sponsired by Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa that…
Chemo Regimen R-ICE
how long did it take for your platelets to start holding on their own? And how long did it take for your white count to get to normal range after your first cycle of R-ICE?
Itching and Hodgkin's Disease (long)
Back in 2001 I began itching without reason. I eventually went to my general doctor who referred me to an allergy doctor. After allergy test and multiple visits without solving my itching problem I asked the allergy doctor about a gland in my neck that I felt getting bigger than normal. He told me there were no glands in…
In limbo *long
I'm New to this forum and scared. I am 36 female, married with 2 little ones. Doctors thought I had MS for months and put me on pain pills. Well now I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck (right side) and behind my ear. Within a couple of months I went from being able to clean house everyday to extreme fatigue that will not…
Long term effects of ABVD-MOPP
Hi I have read these boards before a few years ago. Wasn't able to participate at the time. I am a HL survivor. I Was first diagnosed in 1995 (tumor in neck). Did rads then in 1997 itrecurred, did chemo (MOPP-ABVD) this time around. I finished my last chemo meds on 6/30/98 and haven't had any recurrence, but this Feb. 2017…
waiting for dx T Cells on tonsil (and rash)
My husband had a swollen right tonsil that was affecting his sleep and swallowing. 2 ENTs examined him, and said probably cancer. He had the tonsillectomy a week ago, and the pathology is not done, althought flow cytometry (?) shows T cells. He has no other symptoms except a rash on his back and a little on inner elbows…
refractory DLBCL involving liver
Anyone here had refractory DLBCL invoking the liver With liver lesions? What treatment and outcome?
Mantle Cell
Hi everyone. My mom is 71 yo and was dignosed Dec 6 with MCL Stage IV with bone marrow involvement. Her first treatment was the Rituxin and Bendamustine combo in January and she did very well. She had her 2nd round last Wednesday and Thurday. She felt fine up until Sunday and it knocked her on her rear. She was very tired.…
Biopsy tomorrow
Sunday April 9, 2017; noticed my right groin was sore and then Monday and Tuesday I had really bad pain spreading down my mid inner thigh and Thursday morning I noticed a very large lump on my groin. It was hard did not move and was sore all around. I also had a very difficult time the night before when my husband and I…
New Member - Suspected Hodgkin's Lymphoma *long*
Hello, new here...and very worried. I suspect I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma due to my symptoms. I am 36 years old and female. My symptoms include: night sweats, itchiness, swollen achy lymph nodes in armpits post alcohol consumption, constant achy cervical neck lymph nodes, intermittent swollen lymph nodes in groin, chest pain…
Mantle Cell and Liver Tumor
Hello. my mother was diagnosed this last August with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. She did six rounds of chemo and did fabulously! However, when they did the post chemo PET scan, they found a spot on her liver. We did the biopsy today and it will be 3-5 days before the results but I guess I'm just asking if anyone has seen this…
shingles with mantle cell
Just wondering if anyone has developed Shingles with Mantle cell. My mother was diagnosed over a year ago now with MCL she is currently on watch and wait (no treatment yet). Over the weekend she developed what the doctors say is shingles and put her on anti-biotics. I was curious if this is common or if there are any…
Recurrence of small cell follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma
I just had core needle biopsy of abdominal lymph node indicating presence of PAX-5, BCL-2, BCL-6, and CD-10, no CD 20. I've been on Rituxan which is ok for CD-20, but not for above targets. What drugs would work...Obinutumumab is for CD20. Ive had NHL since 2000.
Has anyone on here had refractory DLBCL? My husband was orginally diagnosed in August 2016 with Non- Hodgkins Stage 4 DLBCL. He was treated with R-EPOCH for 8 cycles and it stopped working sometime in the middle of treatment. Just did biopsy Thursday to see if it is refractory. He is starting to hurt again in his spleen…
tonsil lymphoma
Hello. This is my first time doing this so please bear with me as I am computer illiterate. I had a swollen left tonsil. After 3 rounds of antibiotics, no help. An ent did a biopsy which came back as lymphoma. The cancer center ordered a PET scan from a local hospital which showed the cancer confined to the left tonsil.…
A little panic mode here..
Feeling so exhausted the Dr. did a CT scan yesterday...Message on my phone she wants to see me on Thursday. You are all such Warriors! nancy
Tonsillectomy and lymphoma
My husband had a tonsillectomy today (right only) by ENT surgeon due to swollen tonsil and sleep apnea. She is leaning toward lymphoma since it was smooth, non ulcerative and soft. I am a breast cancer survivor, and very freaked out about this type of cancer. Helps to know this group has survivors. He is 62 and had…
Immune system
What precautions did you guys take to prevent infection or illness? we are doing the usual... hand washing, instant hand sanitizers, washing fruits/vegetables, a clean house. we live in nyc, so germs are everywhere the second my husband steps out the house. Should he not go places Outside the apartment? can he go to the…
Long Term Effects of Mantle Radiation for Hodgkins Disease - Dropped Head Syndrome
I've read about a number of people experiencing neck and shoulder pain along with dropped head syndrome as long term effects of Hodgkin's Disease. I have experienced these symptoms for over a year and my doctor believes these are effects of radiation. I was treated 18 years ago and have basically been healthy. I am…
MALT lymphoma
I am a 27 yr old woman that has survived MALT lymphoma of the salivary glands twice already. When I was first diagnosed almost 6 yrs ago, there was so little information available that it was really difficult to know how to proceed. Since then, I have seen 10 different onc's for this and have yet to find one that has…
ABVD treatment barely bothered me?
i just started my treatment on the 28 of February, after the first few days I felt normal except for a little more tired than usual. Should I expect this from every treatment? I understand everyone reacts differently but I don't have anyone to really talk to about this. I really only felt nauseous for about two days…
I have been dealing with this for 3 years now. It started when i had an ultrasound to check the thyroid bed. I had thyriod cancer in 2008. My thyroid was removed and so far so good. So on the ultrasound they seen some enlarged lymph nodes. We watched them then in 6 month one had incressed in size sent me for a FNB. They…