At 18 months

This last Monday I had my "18 month" CT scan and it came back clear.

Of course there is a little more to the story. We had gone on vacation for a week to DC. Did a lot of walking to see the various memorials and museums. We returned on a Thur. Sat I got up and my stomach felt a little odd. Did a few things and then ate lunch. Three hours later I threw up everything I had eaten The area right near the belly button felt achy so I laid down for a while. Every so often I would get a sharp pain and it would quickly go away. After several hours of this I decided it was time to head to the ER. After a few test the verdict was a bowel blockage. It was at the site of the perforated bowel resection I had 2 years ago after the first chemo. Treatment was no food and rest with a saline drip for 48 hours. That did the trick and my system cleared the blockage.

They called in the surgeon that had done the original surgery. He told me that this is not unusual and that he has seen it happen in the first year after such surgery or 20 years after. Part of the cause could be the scar tissue at the site of the resection. Naturally I keep thinking about what I ate the day before and if I drank enough water. Also do I do any activty that could have irratated the bowel. I can't come up with anything that was different than usual. 

So the Drs (my primary was also involved) decided to keep me there for a few days to see if the blockage would go away on its own but my CT scan that was schedule for Monday had to be cancelled. Very early Monday morning (like 4 am) they did an in-room x-ray. About 9 the dr comes in to say the blockage was gone and they wold get my CT scan resheduled for later in the day. At 1 pm I was taken in for the scan. About 2 hours later the nurse comes in with the test results that said there was no evidence of disease. I was relieved because my cancer was originally found when and enlarged node caused some bowel problems. 

Enough excitment for a while.



  • Sandy Ray
    Sandy Ray Member Posts: 150 Member
    Lindary congrats


    so happy for your results! I have treatment 4 of 6 on Tuesday and the PET scan sometime before the 5th treatment.

    I am a little anxious but so good to see others that are doing well. 

    Hope you continue to have good results.

  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    Talk about relief!

    What a story and I'm glad it ended well.  NED is much to celebrate, keep it up!!!!!!

    I have been thinking of you.  I have been experiencing digestive issues and remembered your story.  A few months ago I started having problems but I didn't think much of it at the time because I had a small accident.  I crashed into a part of my stone wall butt first while flying down my backyard in a snowstorm.  Yes I was sledding, I need to remember I'm not a kid anymore :-/

    I thought and still believe said accident caused a partial blockage.  I was in a bit of pain from my tailbone to my rids.  My ONC ordered a CAT scan (last Friday) and that was clear now on Monday I have to do a colonoscopy.  Of course what I really want to say is when do we get a break.  If I have a gushing sweat or ridiculous fatigue when do we chalk it up to something other than cancer?

    Sorry you had to go back into the hospital but thrilled your NED, Cheers!


  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    cancer concern

    I was diagnosed with IBS (irratable bowel syndome back in '99. Ever since then I am very attentive to bowel behavior. Some days I feel like a 2 year who has to announce when they poop. That is why I said something to my Dr back in 2014. It is also why I have made water my favorite drink. 

    Sledding down a hill! Although if we had a hill in our back yard I probably would have been doing that too. As to your accident causing some bowel blockage, the web sites are so vague as to what can cause blockage, who knows. But even knowing I have IBS the thought of cancer is still there. 


  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    A slight scare

    Looking forward to shutting all fears down.  Small polyp found today, not worried.  All doctors involved don't think slamming into the wall did this but admitted they don't know.

    Ultimately in the wake of everything, we are our best advocates.  Our senses are heightened and we have become experts in our own wellness.

    Cheers to less drama and more bliss!



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Great news

    So happy all is well.  A blockage is a very scary thing and then to think it might be a rerun of your cancer.  It's terrible how anything we have, we instantly think the cancer is back.

    Wishing many more happy days,


  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    illead said:

    Great news

    So happy all is well.  A blockage is a very scary thing and then to think it might be a rerun of your cancer.  It's terrible how anything we have, we instantly think the cancer is back.

    Wishing many more happy days,


    Thank you
