Extensive small cell lung cancer with mets to the brain
So 2 days after Thanksgiving my mom was sent to the hospital because she couldn't remember how to write her name or answer her phone at work. By the end of the night they were telling us that she had extensive (stage IV) lung cancer that had spread to her brain. They were able to take out one of the tumors in her brain but…
shadow on lung
My husband has been having trouble with his breathing for the past three months, he went out christmas eve and after being home for an hour he said he was having difficulty breathing, i got him to the hospital where they gave him an ecg, blood tests which showed he had no infection or virus also he has no wheezing at all.…
stage I inoperable Lung cancer survivors
Are there any long term stage I inoperable lung cancer survivors out there. I am new to this site and I just finished chemo and radiation. Just wondering what therapies everyone has had? Did any of you have hearing damage after chemo? How long after radiation and chemo did it take before your scans showed no more tumor?…
Lucanix (NovaRX) trials stage IIIB and IV having excellent results
Have any stage IIIB or IV NSCL cancer patients been enrolled in the Lucanix (NovaRX) trial? It is a cancer vaccine that seems to be getting great reviews. This is a phase III trial and has had astounding results according to everything I read on the Internet. Just wondering, if you aren't in the trial you may want to check…
Tarceva 150 mg
Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get the rash on face from the Tarceva?
t NOX test any one heard of this?
I have been reading about a t nox a blood test to detect lung cancer
Stage iv nsclc with mets to adrenal gland
Is there any info out there regarding mets to adrenal gland with stage IV lung cancer? Is the mets to any organ/gland worse than to another? My dad is in a lot of pain & hasn't started chemo yet. I don't know if it has spread to bones or not. Mom told us but we weren't supposed to know yet. We are going to "find out" this…
stage 4 nslc with copd blood clots
My dad is 74 yrs. old with stage 4 non small cell lung cancer, copd, blood clots in neck and shoulder. He was diagoised 1 week before Thanksgiving. He has received 10 raditation treatments and just received his first round of chemo three days ago. His doctor has only recommended 3 rounds of chemo, one day every three…
Stage 3 A NSC Lung Cancer Right upper lobe and lymph node
Hi My wife has been diagnosed with stage 3A NSC Lung cancer She just finished chemo and radiation and were waiting to get another MRI or scan .Please let us know if surgery is the only option and anything at all. God Bless Merry Christmas Don
stage 3 A nsclc
Hi My Wife has 3A NSC-She just finished 5 weeks of chemo and radiation.They are going to do a scan the first week of January.Any related info is very much appreciated. GOD BLESS MERRY CHRISTMAS
Looking for a top notch Cancer Treatment Facility
I was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor (kidney) in 2007. I had my right kidney removed and I now have a reoccurence in the chest and possibly lung area. I am looking for a cancer treatment center that would be the best for my case, as it is rather rare. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Merry Christmas to all
As we enter into this important time, I wish to express my/our Deepest wish for all to have a blessed Holiday season and may the New Year bring forth new treatments and answer for this terrible disease. I am entering this season with the joy that I am still here, and the comfort that those who have passed are no longer…
My dad was just taken to the ER on Tuesday because his stomach was swelling. They did tests and found that he has Small Cell Lung Cancer which has spread to his liver. His liver is completely infested with tumors, 30-40 if not more. He has not had a CT of his Brain nor the Bone test. He is at one Hospital now; Bayfront, we…
sclc- any long term survivors out there
I am nearing two years since no sclc on scans. Are there any long term survivors out there from small cell. If so please respond, I have not found any three year plus survivors. Thank you in advance for your time.
Stage IV Lung with Mets to the brain - should we even do chemo?
Hello all supporters out there. My mom was diagnosed two months ago with Stage IV Non small cell lung cancer that metastasized to her brain. She had emergency surgery to remove the brain tumor and two gamma knife procedures to get rid of the other small tumors in her brain. She is feeling in good health so far but…
I am told that Depression is very bad for Cancer survivors (for everyone). Since my surgery three monhts ago, I have experienced the happiness of having the whole thing removed and no chemo or any other treatment. I feel well but since the diagnose I lost my business and after the surgery I lost interest. At my age (77)…
Any financial assistance?
I am still n the early stages of tretment for my cancer. Tomorrow I am scheduled for a scope down my esophagus to check and see if it has spread to the median, or the other lung. I am hopeful that it has not. My question is this: Is there financial assistance to help pay for all the transportation costs of treatment. I…
Left upper lobectomy
I had a left upper lobectomy on nov. 18th and when the pathology report came back it said that it could not be determined rahter it was primary lung cancer or a metastasis from cervical cancer I had in 1998. I had radiation and surgery for the cervical cancer that reccured and went to other organs. After having major…
new biopsy shows small cell carcinoma
well group We thought we had it over the barrell the beast had receded from the chest wall and let loose from her aorta the squamous cell stage 3b was collapsing and shrinkin lymph nodes were cancer free.....now small cell carcinoma lower left lobe...new chemo with carboplatin and etoposide to start on monday 3 days 18 day…
Fluid in my lung three months aftertreatment
I have just found out that I have fluid in my lung after my last report. In September the doc told me I was in remission. Now he tells me the fluid is not pnemonia. He drained it with a needle and sent it to the lab. Next he said that them main cause of fluid in your lung is congestive heart failure and sent me for an echo…
Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients.
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Spasms from Cancer treatment
I was wondering if anyone else had muscle spasms after treatment. My husband has stage 3 Lung Cancer. He received his last Chemo about 3 months ago. He is now having strange muscle spasms in his arm that are uncontrolable. He was on the Fentl patch at 100ml but is now at 25ml. He also takes prosiac and adavant to sleep.…
lung catscans
What do fine lines in Lung xrays usually indicate? Any one know? JB
I have stage IV metastaic NSLC squamous cell cancer. I am on my second treatment of chemo methotrexa
Has any one out there taken chemo with graviola
What happens next?
An 82 yr. old relative (life-long smoker) was just diagnosed w/ lung cancer - that's all we know, as he doesn't want to discuss it. He has signed himself out of the hospital and refused treatment. The symptoms that lead him to seek help were: marked wt. loss, cough, blood in mouth and sputum, freq. urination. This leads me…
cost of drugs
any advice on buying drugs on line.example tarleva is about 4500 for 30 days 150 mg. US.On line from Canada the same is about 3000.I live in Michigan an they have trips to canada for people to buy drugs.
Feel like a fraud.
I had a bad cough that wouldn't go away early in the year. Finally had a chest xray the end of June. As I'm sure you are all aware, because there was a "suspicious" spot many tests followed. Finally, I was diagnosed with malignant lung cancer in my right middle lobe. I had surgery to remove the right middle lobe on August…
Information after lung cancer surgery.
I had lung cancer surgery on Aug. 10th. After the surgery, no one told me how I was going to feel, not physically, but emotionally. Every time I sneeze or cough, now, I'm so scared that the cancer has gone somewhere else. How can I stop being so scared? I have my first Cscan tomorrow, 3 months after surgery. After reading…
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer After Surviving Hodgkin's in the '70s
Does anyone have any experience with treatment for non small cell lung cancer (Stage 1/2) after having gone through treatment in the 1970's for Hodgkin's? This issue is that the significant radiation treatments to cure the Hodgkin's in the mid-70's makes surgery for the NSCLC a very risky treatment option because of the…