Family issues
My husband was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer (stage 4) with mets to bone & lympf in April 2010. We are 10 chemo's into a 18 week program. We were significant other's for 8 years, living separately. With the diagnosis, we got married and he is living with me so I can care for him and be there for him. He was…
need help, need hope
My mother-in-law is battling stage IV lung cancer (2 mets, one in each lung). Had her first round of Yaxol carboplatin and Avastin on July 13. She's had a lot of bone/muscle pain and weakness. Already has some neuropathy--diabetes may be magnifying that. She also says that if anyone raises their voice to her or even looks…
3 weeks remission, now 3 days on hospice....
My mom, my best friend/mentor/hero.... WOW...what a rollercoater, yes the timeline above is correct! Small cell w/mets to brain March 1st, met to spine March 31st, rad to both locations then chemo. Remission declared 7/12, released to inpatient Pt towork on stength due to being too weak to walk (test upon tests ran, no…
alimta thanks
Started my alimta yesterday. Thanks Kelly for the advice. So far so good. Thanks again. Sue
What will happen if a lung cancer patient got stroke?
Hi there everyone,i want to know what can happen to a lung cancer patient who suffered blood clots to the lungs and then suffered also stroke?What does it mean when they said that the patient is in rehabilitation now?I hope someone can give me an answer to this,cause i have a loved one who got lung cancer and i am not…
My Mom has lung Cancer and Cervical Cancer
Hi My name is Tina. My mother was recently diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. She has surgery this past tuesday to have a hysterectomy. Her PET Scan prior to the surgery also showed many nodules on her lungs at the time. Her pathology tests from the surgery showed that it was actually cervical cancer. She has had a few…
How do we know?
This is my first discussion group experience. I was at a loss and needed to talk to people who had been there. My husband is 53 years old and was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer 19 months ago. He was told it was terminal and they could give him some time, but he would not be cured. He survived the first round…
Anyone have mets to brain lining or spinal fluid? Muscle enzyme issues?
If you see my other post to staying calm/laura88 and others, you can catch up on where we are. They are doing an MRI today to check brain lining as well as trying to get a spinal tap ordered to test spinal fluid. Doc said mom's tumors have all responded extremely well to chemo/rad, but cannot determine why she is so weak…
Cant inhale/expand lung fully
Family...my last radiation of about qty. 30 to my middle chest and right back are complete after this Monday. Still in chemo. Yesterday I asked my radonc why just recent i get a sharp pain in right lung (main tumor location) radiation area to where I can not inhale fully. She was worried for a few seconds thinking blood…
New Good Results
I posted here back in May when my husband began going through all of this craziness called lung cancer. Reading all your posts has helped tremendously. He has just finished 3 cycles of cisplatin and gemzar-or his 1st round. I never get the lingo quite right. 6 doeses altogether. Had CT scan last week and the results are…
Remission was short, but not too sweet...
Brain scan confirmed new active cancer, they say they cannot treat since she has already had WBR. PET also now shows lymph node invlovement in chest. We will be bringing her home under hospice care on Tuesday...we are devistated... Elysia
For what its worth I read the impression that the radiologist wrote about my CAT scan...
and he says that I have a neoplasm(tumor)in my lower left lobe in the ligula area. It is 1.4 centimeters (I figure about the size of a small marble). There seems to be no other neoplasms showing up at all and only a few calcifications that did not light up. The ligula as I read about it is a small tongue like piece of lung…
Confused - just found out
My best friend who is 36 just got diagnosed with lung cancer and kidney cancer. The only thing that is known right now is that the lung cancer is much more aggressive than the kidney. They dont want to operate on him, they just want to give him chemotherapy to shrink the lung cancer. Is he considered to be in stage 4? and…
Feeling Crappy !
Family...as you may know, I have stage3b ns adenocarcin. diagnosed June 1st. I have had 30 or so Radiations and going into my 8th round of...many more chemos. Funny thing is....I felt the worse the last two days than I have so far (I know you all know the symptoms of "feeling crappy" !!) I was starting to think I may…
Recommendations for Good books for the recently diagnosed?
My friend found out about two weeks ago about his cancer in lungs and kidney. He is completely indifferent and barely even cares to ask his doctors any questions. He has a history of depression and suicide. I thought if I got him some books to help him understand what is happening and put him in a mindset of surviving, He…
Radiation side effects
My father has recently started radiation for his lung cancer. I know everyone is different but what were your side effects? How long after treatment did you start feeling back to normal? Thanks so much!
Few questions
Had CRC and now through an elevated CEA had a PET done and it shows a growth in lower left lung. Onc doesn't think it is metastisis from CRC but a primary...He is ordering CAT scan for later this week. Doesn't PET scan show miniscule cells and CAT shows more mass and less miniscule ? I have been through CRC surgery, post…
Update on my mom
Well, mom has now been in inpatient PT for a little over 2 weeks. She is progressing slowly, mainly due to her unwillingness to participate. :( It is sad to think that she is currently in remission yet remains so weak and is not willing to give it her all to come home and be able to walk. She has walked 50' with the…
lung cancer
My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with brain mets in late January. Immediately after the diagnois he had 6 radiation treatments for the brain mets. They checked and this had been managed. About 2-3 weeks later, they started chemo once every three weeks. After about 6 treatments and a cat scan and MRI, they…
Anyone have experience with being too weak to walk? After treatment? Legs not working? Mom is in remission SCLC w/mets to brain and spine....but unable to walk.. Please advise, similar stories needed!!! Thanks so much, Elysia
nutrition/ diet during treatment
I am wondering what you all have learned about nutrition during treatment. I know there is a lot of stuff out there, but I am just calling out to you for your feed back. I bought a juicer to use when I am feeling too sick to eat. Are any of you taking whole food vitamins like Juice Plus? Are you taking other supplements…
Medical Records for SSA DBL
I have appt with SSA in early August to file for SS disability. A book I got from library and a SSA site suggest contacting my doctors and requesting my records so I have them to take with me to appt. Letter from SSA confirming appt has form to file out giving them permission to get these records. I asked a doctor…
constipation/diarrhea/low sodium
mother (76) being treated with chemotherapy for lung cancer. She is frequently constipated. She has been taking laxatives (has tried bran,prunes, fruits/vegetables - nothing works) which gives her diarrhea which leads to her low sodium level. She has been told to drink Gatorade which she dislikes. Is there something she…
Father in Law has lung Cancer spread to Brain...Need info
My father in law has lung cancer.He took chemo and it didn't help. It took over his lungs. Now it has spread to his brain. He is in the hospital taking radiation everyday and on oxygen. Dr's don't say much except we have to wait and see if radiation helps and he may have to go on life support for his lungs. Does anyone…
Steroids in Chemo and Acne
LC family....since I started chemo (carboplatin/taxol) 1x/week, 7 treats so far, more to go...Acne has started on my shoulders and back...pretty bad, however the concurrent radiation is keeping a spot open!! I hear the steroids in the chemo cocktail is probably responsible? Anyone know wbout this? Dave
brain radiation effect on ears/hearing
I know a couple other ppl here are doing brain radiation in addition to their lung treatments. Was your hearing/ears effected? My ears are so darn sore and swollen, the outsides itch and the inside has bumps and sores. I talked to doctor today who is concerned but said this does happen, since the treatment is aimed at my…
Complete Remission?
In April of this year my uncle was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. He had a large tumor in front of his heart, had cancer in the lining of his lungs, in his lymph nodes and a rare cancer in his blood. They said he had Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. Days after finding out that he had cancer they started him on an aggressive…
Taxotere with fluid retention lead to pleural effusions?
Dad just had about 3L+ taken out of the pleural space. Most of the fluid came out a honey color but then the other half came out a reddish color. When they inserted the tube to drain they had a tough time & dad was writhing in pain. Could the reddish color be due to possibly hitting something & causing blood to enter the…
sclc extensive - dilema - has anyone been there?
Confused on what to do about 2nd opinion. Just went today with my Dad to his Pulmonary Dr. Just as he thought it is sclc that has spread throughout the lymph nodes in his chest. Tumor is 5cm (2wks ago) and partially blocking main airway. He has not energy, hard time breathing and constant cough. Sloan Kettering in NYC appt…
Cancer Back?!?!
My mom has stage 4 non small cell lung cancer and was dignosed 2 yrs ago. She went radiation/chemo. Anyways, within the first year her Dr put her in remission said the cancer that had spead to the brain and right above the kidney area were gone, said the ones in the lung had shrunk. Well, ok remission for 1 year now with 6…