starting first chemo session; any advice?
My boyfriend is starting chemo next week; he will be getting carboplatin and VP16, 3 days with 21 days in between. Has anyone been on a similar regimen? I know it's different for everyone. The doc seems to think he will be able to work in between sessions. We are hoping that is the case, as he is out of accrued time. Just…
Good results?
Just received CT results after husband's 2nd round of cisplatin/gemzar. The tumors have remained unchanged from the first round when there was 30% shrinkage of tumors in both lungs. NSCLC IIIA T2 N2 M0. I know it is good news as the tumors didn't grow or spread, just was hoping more had happened. The onc is scheduling a…
Lung Cancer IIIB
My father was recently diagnosed with stage IIIB lung cancer. After 2 months of biopsy mishaps (punctured blood vessel and collapssed lung)and numerous visits with surgeons etc., he finally visited the oncologist who prescribed chemotherapy every 3 weeks of paraplatin and alimta. I'm looking for some suggestions and…
Lost the will to live? Or treatment side effect?
My mother just completed 6 weeks of chemo plus another 33 radiation treatments. She took Tarceva in conjunction with radiation. She's 68, Stage 3A, lost about 17 lbs before treatment (115 -> 98 lbs). She finished on July 30. She did really well until the last week. On Aug 1, the day after she finished, we had to take her…
metastatic melanoma
Hi everyone, my husband has been diagnosed with Melanoma in the lungs, we have no idea where it originally came from. He has had 2 lung surgeries to remove some nodules but they seem to have brain of their own and keep popping up. Now he has just started Chemo, a combo of IV Taxotere, 5 days of Temodar and 28 days of…
limited sclc survivors
i just wondered if there was any limited sclc survivors out there i have searched this site as well as many others and havent seen to many. my 37yr old husband was just diagnosed august 23rd and he is in the midst of radiation as well as chemotherapy [cisplatin and etoposide] right now it is such an incredibaly difficult…
good news today
My BF had his 3 month post radiation MRI and we got excellent news--the mets, and there were at least 2 dozen of them, have virtually "melted away," in the doctor's words. We are very relieved. He is supposed to start chemo soon, but has developed a severe dislike of his oncologist, so we are looking for a new one first.…
Living in 3 month increments
I have nsclc. My last chemo treatment was July 2009 and radiation was August 2009. Since September 2009 every 3 month I have either a PT or CAT scan. Then one or two days later to the oncologist for checkup and results. i have been very lucky so far with no reaccurances but right before the scan (for about a week or 2…
I am posting in response to the fella who asked where everyone is from, but I am not computer savy, so I am answering on the screen I could find. I live in British Columbia in Surrey about 20 minutes from vancouver
Anybody taking Tarceva? How are you doing with it and they tell me it is very expensive. Might be an option for my dad if surgery is not a go. Just wanted some more info? Thanks. Sherry
Hi everyone I am a visitor to this topic as I have Primary Peritoneal Cancer. The reason I am posting is before I was diagnosed I had plueral effusion in both lungs. I had a chest drain on lungs before my chemp kicked in. The right lung carried on filling up and I ended up having plueradesis on it. Before cancer I was very…
Lung Cancer and Alimta
My husband has stage 3 lung cancer, he went through radiation and chemo last year and had a very rough time with it. It did though seem to work and he was on the up side when they found a little more activity in his adenodes and decided to try maintance chemo (alimta) My question for all you brave souls is have any of you…
We've started Alimta + Avastin
a week ago dad had his first treatment of Alimta+Avastin. seems to have tolerated it pretty well except for extremely watery eyes and fatigue. he eats like a horse! problem is, he has always had a sweet tooth and eats them like crazy now. somewhere i read that cancer thrives on sugar...anyone know anything about that? he…
Recently diagnosed
My 76 year old husband has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, metastasized to the brain, liver, adrenal glands and lymph nodes. He also has COPD and diabetes... He has had 5 radiation treatments to the brain and 1 IV chemotherapy so far. The chemo was harder on him than the radiation treatments. He goes for another…
how do you know if chemo and radiation is working
hi i just wondered how you know wheather chemo and radiation is working? my husband is going in next week for his second round of chemo [they tell us he will be having 4 rounds all together] they did tell us that about 6 weeks after his last radiation treatment they would do a cat scan but in the meanwhile is there any way…
Newspaper article
Yesterday, in our local paper an article was published questioning the use of expensive chemo and other drugs on our elderly patients. It questioned that if a drug could only extend and 80 year old man's life for 4 months and cost 100,000 dollars is it worth it. This upset me very much. I would like to write a letter to…
How Long do Chemo Side Effects Last?
Hello All, I was diagnosed with limited sclc back in May. I went through 4 rounds of chemo ( cisplatin adn VP16 until they could get that anymore , then 2 rounds of Irinotecan). The cisplatin and vp 16 didin't make me very sick but the Irinotecan gave me diareha before It was done dripping in my arm and nausea quickly…
My Husband will not eat
My husband of 29 years has small cell lung cancer and it has spread to his spine (not bones)He has been in pain for several months that was really what lead us to find the cancer. His back hurt so bad back in Sept. that he ask me to take him to the ER. They found a "mass" and that stated the whirlwind. He has gone through…
carcinoid tumors in lungs
I am a 42 yr old woman and I have had carcinoid tumors in my lungs now almost 4 years. I had surgery to remove the biggest tumor which resulted in taking my left upper lobe of the lung. I have done many searches for these tumors and I still don't understand them. What I would like to know is there anyone else that has this…
Stage 3b Lung Cancer
In June I was diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer (after being misdiagnosed in May)and was admitted to ICU unable to breathe and coughing up lots of blood. At this time the lung did collapes and I really did think I was going to die right then! After 12 radiation treatments the lung did open enough to breathe and allowed…
My husband was recently DX with Lung CA with bone Mets...
Hello I am a 58 yr old woman living in NJ....about 2 weeks ago my husband of 32 yrs was dx'ed with Lung CA with bone mets. I am a nurse by profession and thought that I could handle what the future held...sadly I have found out that I cannot. The changes in him have been profound....pain management has been horrible for…
Treatment Centers
My husband has squamous non small cell lung cancer with mets to the liver and bones. We are on our last chemo possiblity. I'm trying to find a treatment center that could provide us an option and some hope. Please help.
Lung Cancer Bronchoalveolar Cell Carcinoma
Hi, I am a new member, I had half my left lung removed in December 2008, I had Bronchoalveolar Cell Carcinoma. I was lucky not to need chemotherapy or radiotherapy. I was recovering really well but I had a C.T scan back in June this year and they saw three more shadows so in August this year I had to have more surgery to…
stage IV oxygen and spiriva/albuterol?
Hi all Dad has been lying on the couch last couple of days (diagnosed 10/09, adenocarcinoma) & says he is too weak to get up and can't breathe. He is on oxygen. Before cancer diagnosis, a pulmonologist gave him spiriva because originallly he was diagnosed with emphysema (before PET scan). Doctor wanted him to get bloodwork…
small cell lung cancer with mets in bones
Does any one have experience with this? Would you mind sharing? Thought the lung cancer and liver cancer had been "slowed" with 6 sessions of chemo. Today we found out that it is in my husband's bones. Thank God he is asymptomatic, I've read were it can be painful. Will be meeting with the Oncologist tomorrow to schedule…
I am new and just finished with my chemo treatment. the cancer has shrunk but he is puting me on alimta.How is this medicine? I have stage 3b in my bronchial tube.
Thanks to all
My husband was dx wit nsclc stage IIIa in April 2010. This board has helped so much with info and keeping my anxiety lower as we battle this crap. He is almost finished with his second round of chemo-cisplatin and gemzar. One more dose to go next week making 12 all together. The first round shrunk all but one tumor 30% we…
On any of the discussion boards edited, or deleted by by the CSN? I'm asking this question because I have read many of the postings here, the prayer,spirituality, and meditation category and there has been quite a number of posts based on various religious beliefs/experiences/views. Am I wrong in making the assumption that…
cancer may be back, don't think i can go through it all again.
had surgery for lung cancer in feb 2008, all seemed ok, then it hit me. when first diagnosed it all happened so fast i never had time to really react until it was over, then about 4 months of being home and trying to get back to life everything started to change. i was depressed, constantly in fear of it coming back,…
No more Tarceva, just waiting
My girlfriend was diagnosed with stage IV nsclc 7 months ago. Since she has had 8 rounds of Taxol and from that treatment, doc says she is in remission, started her on Tarceva. Her face broke out within 3 days so badly that you couldnt recognize her. She went to her onc and he gave her antibiotics and when done, suggested…