Cancer Back?!?!
My mom has stage 4 non small cell lung cancer and was dignosed 2 yrs ago. She went radiation/chemo. Anyways, within the first year her Dr put her in remission said the cancer that had spead to the brain and right above the kidney area were gone, said the ones in the lung had shrunk. Well, ok remission for 1 year now with 6…
scared and not sure what to think
Hi all, Im in the hospital right now and am very scared. My husband brought me in with nausea and vomiting that has been going on for almost 2 weeks. I had a scan and it shows that I could have some increased involvement from my liver mets that is causing problems with my stomach. Im having an egd today and will know more…
Too little fluid for thoracentisis,yet collapsing lung??
Dad diagnosed with stage IV adenocarcinoma in October. He had a thoracentesis last month & removed 1.5L of fluid (told he had minimal to moderate amt of fluid). Had 2 transfusions, plus some platelets(were at 17) & some rbc's (hemo-6). Sent home with oxygen. Was doing Cispl./Alimta, then Carbo./Gemcitibine & now Taxotere.…
Long Term Disability dealings
Any body out there have experience with LTD provided by your employer?, example; Met Life, etc...If approved, How often due they require doctors updates, any payment issues, any other hassles? If employer stops or terminates plan....am I screwed? Again, I have nsclc, with central lymph involvement, 5 or so, and tennis ball…
More Surgery
My husband who battled colon cancer last year was just diagnosed with lung cancer. It is a new primary cancer not metasticised from colon. He will be having a complete right upper lobectomy in about 2 weeks. Has anyone had this and what can we expect as far as the surgery, recovery and treatment after. Thank you for taking…
Selfish? Angry?
I have had a miserable weekend, and I made myself that way. SELFISH: Mom was only home from inpatient PT for about an hour or so Saturday, and that was after me calling my stepdad to see if he was going to pick her up! (otherwise I would). Sunday she did not come home at all.....my brother said she wanted to rest. He tells…
Been awhile
Hi everyone, I havent been here for a long time and had a hard time finding it. I went to ACS web site and found nothing. Im not sure how I finally found my way(lol). I am coming up on 5 years since my diagnosis and I pray I am still cancer free. I just wanted all of you new to this cancer business that there are…
Told vitamin C is fuel for cancer?
What do you think of supplements for cancer? I have been giving my husband omega 3's 2,000 mg daily and vitamin c's 2,000 mg daily. When I took him for chemo yesterday the PA told me that vitamin c's over 500 mg daily is fuel for cancer. I never heard such a thing! I would appreciate comments please.
soccerfreaks where are you?
Just wondering whats up with soccerfreaks, miss his great sense of humor and helpful info. Hope every thing is well. soccerfreaks, stayingcalm, medi, cobra & nodawgs (what a guy) and many others are what makes this site so great to all of us fighting this beast. Spent many nights reading their blogs. Best of health to…
My husband is very weak. He can't walk. He needs assistance. No more chemo and Dr. told us about the hospice to give rafael the time he has be comfortable. I can't stop crying. I though he will be a survivor . He was so strong and so positive. 34 years old. I'm really sad. How can I keep strong for him. How to enjoy with…
Everything taste BLAH...or like a rusty tin can.....
My dad has stage IV Lung Cancer, has had several radiation treatments, they have stopped and he will be starting chemo in 1 1/2 weeks. But, since this all started...about 4 weeks ago, everything he tries to eat has either no flavor, taste bitter, "like a rusty can" etc... so he has pretty much given up on eating "real"…
sclc diagnosis going back to work vs SS disability
Hi folks. Name is Joe M., 54 years young ::-)..need some input if possible. I was diagnosed with limited stage sclc March this year. After radiation twice a day for 15 days (ended May 19) and 4 rounds of chemo (cisplatin/etoposide) my scans as of Monday 7/12 were clear. I had a 5 cm mass in my right central lobe along with…
Pleural Mesothelioma
My husband has recently been diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Initially we were told he has an intestine and stomach cancer and that it was too late for any kind of treatment. We decided to go for a second opinion overseas in Italy. There he was diagnosed with this cruel lung cancer which occcurs due to…
Cancer cells killed by chemotherapy may cause cancer to spread...
Chemotherapy is known to come with a long list of side effects -- from debilitating nausea and hair loss to extreme fatigue -- and in many cases, it does not cure or even stop cancer from progressing. But what if chemotherapy does something no one has realized before during all the decades it has been in use? What if chemo…
The Chemo Concession Persists - Part II
The authors chose to focus on lung cancer because of the various treatment options, some of which are considerably more expensive than others. They found that doctors frequently switched drugs to choose the more expensive options. There was, for instance, an increased use of docetaxel (Taxotere), a drug for which…
Finally mom is leaving hospital!!!
So happy!!! After 30+ days in the hospital mom is getting dicharged tomorrow!! I'm doing the happy dance!! However, she is not coming home, she is to spend 2 weeks @ inpatient physical therapy rehab facility!! She has been in the hospital since every day but 2 since June 9th!! They have tested and scanned and retested and…
malignant melanoma of the lung
I have recently been diagnosed with malignant melanoma of the lung...There seems to be very little info availble on this cancer. Does anyone have info??
Preventative Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation
Hello Folks. Me again. Just want to know if anyone has gone thru this and how they did with side effects etc. Did some research, but each person responds differently. Thanks in Advance, Joe
Heard of adeno squamous carcinoma?
Does anyone have any knowledge of adeno squamous carcinoma? From what little I have found on the internet, it appears to be a combination of adenocarcinoma cells and squamous cells in the same tumor. The ONC seemed confused by the path report, indicating that the pathologist wasn't sure of which cell it actually was...??…
SSD Benefits
Anybody aware if SS decides a person should be off disibility after a period of time?, even though cancer tumor(s)may still be present, but life is somewhat manageable, and manageable from a treatment standpoint? Dave
Sister has lung cancer
My sister Darlene has lung non cell cancer that has spread to lympth glands in her chest and also her liver. Please pray
lung cancer
my boyfriend is 19 years old and about 4 months ago was diagnosed with lung cancer and that eventually spread to his brain and he has had two brain tumors removed and doctors are now saying even with the tumors being removed and kemo n radation therapy there not much hope. He was always very athletic and even after being…
I want people to ask "how are you doing?" instead of "how is your sister doing?". How do I do this?
My sister originally had cervical cancer, by the time they found it, it had already spread to her lymph nodes. It metastasised to her lungs, esophageal and surrounding areas. At this time she is stage 4 and on the decline. I have shared with a few of my friends that my sister is dying. Without fail the next time I see them…
New to Cancer and this site
Hello....I am 47 and "was" pretty healthy. 6 weeks ago I was diagnosed with 3b LC, fist size tumor right lung and 1/2 dozen lymph node involvement, in-operable....of course COPD/emphasyema (smoker 25 yrs) as well, although that is on the back burner. Well good news, after 5 weeks of chemo (taxol/carboplatin) 4 hrs/week and…
Sress may fight cancer
Interesting article, stress may help fight cancer, hormones released in response to stress can have postive effects. check it out. www.msnbc.msn.com/id/381497621/ns/health-cancer This explains alot for me. Dan620
Help please
sister has lung cancer diagnosed three weeks ago, she is very nauseated again, can not keep muchfood or water down, is this normal?? they did scan today to see if it has gone to her brain help, i do not know what to expect?
I just want to say that I am so in awe of you, no need for explanation. God bless you and yours.............
Meant to add the lung cancer is nslc adenocarcinoma...
How to know we are near the end.
My Dad has lung cancer. He has been diagnosed three years ago and we are extremely blessed to still have him with us today. However, after this long battle of his and ours, he is slipping.. His looks are changing, he is tired and not eating well. I am confused. His eyes are so tiny. I have been looking through photos that…
gamma knife how long is procedure
I am considering gamma knife, I read that they put pins into your skull and put a helmet on you, and it could take up to 8 hrs and an overnight stay at the hospital, anyone had this and what was your experience ?