Husband lung cancer spread
My husband was diagnosed two months ago with lung cancer. Lately his equalibrium has been off so a brain scan was done. A small spot was found on his brain. Now, his vision is blurry. No treatment has been started as of yet due to the fact he just got in to see a cancer doctor and he wants to consult with a nuerologist…
small cell remission
My wife finished her fourth round of chemo july 2nd and did 5 weeks of lung radiation..she went monday and had a pet scan and the doc said that her 5 x 5cm tumor was gone and in remission...they did not see any cancer on the pet scan..only one small spot on her lung was hot and the doc said that it was caused from the…
newly diagnosed and scared
My diagnosis has been to recent to digest. Six months ago 2 nodules were found one in each lung on a CT chest. We waited 6 months took a 2nd CT chest which showed the 2 nodules had grown. A week after that PET SCAN showed 2 more nodules, one in each lung. March the right side was operated on, thoroncotomy, sternal nodes…
lobectomy tips or info
Hi everyone, I am finally getting my RUL lobectomy on 5/5 and am extremely nervous. I have been trying to prepare my home for my recovery (ie heating pad, xtra pillows etc). I was just wondering if anyone who has had or knows of someone who has had a lobectomy, has any tips or a heads up that would make recovery less…
A Heartbreak of a Different Color
Hello all; This post does involve lung cancer, but it is more related to a personal slap in the face I received after simply trying to get some support from my own father. He has never been there for me, it has only been my husband-since I was thirteen years old who has been my rock and has cared for while others trampled…
Letting Go
We all sat around Mom's hospital bed tonight as she moaned in pain. I spoke the hardest words I have ever spoken...I whispered in her ear, "It's okay to let go, Mom. It's okay to go see Aunt Clara." The cat is snuggled up next to her on her bed and will not leave her side. As much as I don't want this moment to come, I…
On April 6th of this year I underwent a wedge resection of the lower lobe, performed through VATS, 3 incisions were required for the surgery, one of the incisions was slower in healing than the other 2. I had post-op follow up appointments and was told everything looked good. I still continued to keep my eye on this one…
Recently Diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC
My wife, aged 30, was recently diagnosed with stage iv nsclc with a decent sized tumor in her left lung and also with several small brain mets. She was ill for several months, and was hospitalized several times with a mis-diagnosis of pneumonia each time. I wish they had correctly diagnosed her the first time she was…
lumps from lung cancer????????????
My mother in law has been diagnosed with lung cancer with some cancer travelled to her lymph nodes. She now has two lumps one below her right shoulderblade on her back. and the other 3 inches above her waist on her same side of her back. if anyone knows anything please let us know. she hasnt gone for a biopsy yet and we…
When will it be all over....
Well I am just updating some people on my dad. He is back in the hospital. He had what we thought was a pressure sore because he has been in so much pain. Well my mom took him to his treatment yesterday and had his oncologist look at it and he admitted him because he said it was a abcest and it needed to be surgically…
3 Month CAT Scan tomorrow and a question about restless leg syndrome
Hello All, I haven't posted in awhile,I was taking a little break. But as always it turns out I need you guys because you understand more than anyone who's never been through this will. I was found to be no disease detected in December. I'm being treated for a sclc tumor in my mediasteinum that was 11 inches long and 2 in…
My mother in law was diagnosed with lung cancer about two weeks ago, she had whatever test done and found out that she has a 5cm mass in one lung and small pieces in the other. I'm wondering how long it should take from when they diagnosed her with cancer to her biopsy??????????? please help
does anyone have lung cancer that might be comming from somewhere else?????
My mother in law has lung cancer they say she has 5cm mass in her right lung and just small amounts in her left, but the doctor seems to think the cancer bits in the left lung may be comming from a different organ. like the liver or the brain. she hasto go for more tests biopsy appointment not here yet. im just wondering…
what are we to expect with radiation and chemo
my mother in law is going to have chemo and radiation, im wondering beside vimmiting what are we to expect from both.. if anyone has pointers, or suggestions, please let us know.. thanks so much Samantha
Chemo Drugs for Stage IV Small Cell Lung Cancer
Hello everyone - Can everyone tell me what kind of Chemo drugs they have been given that have been successful in a way. I'm getting ready to start chemo again with Taxotere and I would like to know of other drugs that can be used. I can't have any of the cisplatins anymore and I've been denied all clinical trials drugs. I…
SCLC remissions?
Just curious- My mom has small cell lung cancer, limited. She had chemo and radiation but another spot came up right beside the one she had about 7 months after she finished everything. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience, and is remission possible after having it come back so soon? She has taken…
Just wondering if anyone out there is in remission or know of someone who is. Love to hear success stories!
Read the China Study for answers about what fuels cancer and what stops it...
i am a stage 4 lung cancer with mets to the brain and spine.... i have completly abandoned conventional cancer treatments for alternative treatments...Diet,with an emphasis on organic vegetables,whole grains and small amounts of animal protein.........NO DAIRY PRODUCTS...NONE...NO CHEESE...NO MILK...NO BUTTER.... and many…
trying to find out about cancer fighting foods!!!!!!
My mother inlaw has been diagnosed with lung cancer, she hasnt gone for the biopsy yet to find out what stage it is in she goes on tuesday. She is having symtoms tho thats how it was found, she thought she had a chest infection that just didnt go away. Im just wondering if there are lung cancer survivors willing to share…
Thank you! Mark is having an okay day!
Mark wasn't doing too well this morning so I went to work (I had to) and came right home to the hospice nurses coming over in the afternoon. We discussed how he was feeling (which btw he is having a good day) He did get up too fast this morning and his knees buckled a couple of times and dropped a couple of glasses but it…
Special Day
I just wanted to wish all the mothers a very Happy Mothers Day! I hope you are all feeling well enough and are able to spend some time with your familys today.
Mark has bad days but good moments
Hello all, First of all thank you for your thoughts and prayers. My husband Mark is going on his journey towards leaving his earthly body. Before he had good days and bad days. Now he has bad days with some good moments. He has taken alot more liquid morphine today than he has since he started it Thursday night. He is…
Well its been a week since my dad has had his extensive surgery. He had alittle bit of jaundice which was caused by one of his antibiotics. He is doing very well for only being a week. They got him up in a chair today and he sat there watching t.v. for 2 hours. His appetite has gone down. He is depressed but who wouldnt be…
I have been lurking since diagnosis in February, hadn't posted in lung until today. Thought I'd introduce myself. Don't offically have Lung Cancer - but hypophyraxical cancer that mets to lungs. I thought I had bronchitis and ran to an urgent aid to get antibiotics. He did a chest x-ray and saw a spot in my right lobe.…
trying to stay strong for Mark
Since I wrote last night tears have been falling down my face constantly. Mark is awake this morning and has taken a couple of shots of morphine this morning. I checked his ankle this morning and it seems to have gone down but I really couldn't tell because it wasn't light out yet. Unfortunately he as some terrible…
anyone have these symptoms: confusion, weakness (falls), tremors
Long story very short (diagnosed stage 4 lung cancer May 2009), wife had mets to brain and gamma knife in Sept. Now there are cancer cells in cerebral spinal fluid. Had shunt put in a few months ago and has had 2 interthecal chemo injections. She is having some confusion. The first time she became weaker and due to several…
stage 4 lung cancer treatment stopped
My husband has stage 4 lung cancer and has 30 radiation treatments and numerous chemo sessions.At the last oncologist visit I asked the doc if she thought the chemo was working she said yes hes stable,now I read the reports it said the first rib area was worse and the one in his adrenal gland had shrunk one way and grew…
Small Cell Lung Cancer
My husband went through chemo-radiation treatments then, they did radiation to his brain to prevent the cancer going to his brain. When diagnosed, they said 95% percent of patients live a year and 5% live 1-2 years or more. We are now past a year (April) and he is doing good. Pain in his lungs and his esophogus is causing…
NSCLC Stage 4 with adnocarinoma and mets-Mark
We now have hospice in and he is now on liquid morphine. He is hallucinating (kind of comically) and analyzing every commercial on tv. But at 7 pm tonight his left ankle started swelling. We have it propped up and he is watching the baseball game. His foot is not numb and I found out he is very ticklish. Anyone ever…
can't catch breath?
For last month, I've had trouble with shortness of breath, mainly catching my breath. I just finished week #4 of chemo for SCLC. (I also did 6 weeks of this last year with radiation), then tumor reoccured this past January). It has gotten more noticeable especially after I've been sitting or laying down..stand up and just…