Help with chemo drugs
My husband will be starting chemo in 4 weeks. 4 rounds over 12 weeks . The drugs are Cisplastin and Gemzar. Anyone ever have theses meds.. He has lung Squsmaous cell, BAC and Carcinoid tumorlet all in his upper left lung..
Mark is coming home~~yeah!
hello all, Mark just called me and he will be coming home tonight as soon as I get out of work. I am soooo happy! Unfortunately the lung cancer is still an issue but as least he has the infection under control in his mouth and throat that he gets to come home. I will keep everyone posted if you don't mind. Hopefully we…
First time Caregiver.
Hello. My name is Linsey. I'm a first time caregiver and have no clue what I am doing. 3 weeks ago my family found out that my Father has stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to his brain and to one of his adrenal glands. I am trying not to hover over him but its so hard. He has 2 biopsies and they couldnt get a good enough…
small cell lung cancer
I recently viewed a blog written by a person named Richard in 2002, which said he had small cell lung cancer in which was removed on 2000. I was wondering if this man was still surviving this cancer. my mother has small cell, they did a recession of the upper lobe march 3rd,2011. I guess i just need to know, is small cell…
"Exquisitly sensitive"
I have been a strong advocate that a cure for cancer is just around the corner. I have said, for what it's worth, and admittedly, that a cancer cure will not be ONE cure, as every cancer is different. While the person talking in this conference video agrees that they are all different, he also states that there is…
update on "Mark not eating"
Hello all, Just to let you know I had to call the ambulance yesterday. Mark hasn't eaten in a few days and being a diabetic is not good. Right now he is in intensive care unit at the hospital. Doctors said that he has DKA which is short for Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Google or Bing DKA and you will find the explanation. He is…
New here and newly diagnosed with NSCLC Stage IV with adenocarcinoma and mets
Hello, My husband was diagnosised with stage IV NSCLC with adenocarcinoma and mets on (officially) March 3, 2011. He started off with real bad back pain, side pain, took two extra strenght bufferin and was off for the day no problems. Until Superbowl night the pain became so intense we ended up in the hospital. To make a…
Strange thing happen on way to accupuncture today
OK, I'm really stumped on this one. My husband who has stage 3, possibly 4 lung cancer, had his chemo on Monday, on Tuesday morning we both got up at regular time. Jerry wanted pancakes with fresh strawberries which he had bought at the store the day before. He mixed up the batter from scratch and I cooked the pancakes. He…
2 mm lesion went to 8 mm in 5 months left lower lung- Is it cancer? Who else has this?
Had a pet scan 5 months ago found a spot on left lower lung was 2 mm now its 8 mm. I have appt. with lung doc at loma linda next week to get the ball rolling on getting a diagnosis etc. Whose else had this problem, what was it, and what did you do, and what hospital and doctor did you use? thanks 58 yr. old white female…
Recurrent SCLC
Hello My mother has recurrent sclc. She was treated with cisplatin and eptoside 7 months ago along with radiation to her right lung. We thought everything was going great until this last scan when they found another spot. After the biopsy last week we got the results today that the cancer is back again, just a little…
Missing - corbra1122 and Heartofsoul
corbra1122 and Heartofsoul have not posted for months now. Hope all is well with them. .... You have been missed..... Dan
lung cancer and no symptoms
So I'm curious how many ppl has lung cancer with no symptoms? And how did you tell everyone ? I have not been diagnosed yet cause I lost my health insurance in September but by then I had tons of chest pain, weight loss, and coughing blood, and many other symptoms before finding out I have a tumor over 9mm. I was suppose…
how do you use chat on here??
hi i just wondered if any one could tell me how to use the chat on here. i went into it and people were saying hi to me but i couldnt respond didnt know where to write. thankyou tracy
Mark hasn't eaten
Hello all, I am a bit worried about my hubby Mark. Stage IV NSCLC w/ adnocarcinoma & mets. He hasn't had a bm in about 5 days. Called doc about that and they said to get some stuff which he drank and had a little come out last night. But now he hasn't eaten in two days. The worse part is that he is a diabetic. Hasn't taken…
Question on Tarceva side effects and if anyone has taken with mets to liver from lung
My sister in law has failed two lines of chemo therapy. She has Stage 4 lung cancer to the brain and recently to the liver. Her last scan showed that the liver had spread after taken Doxetaxel ( not sure on spelling). The Dr. has told her that her only treatment available is Tarceva even though she does not have the…
Lung cancer patient reaching out
I am new at this. I was diagnosed with lung cancer just before Christmas. I am undergoing therapy and am really doing quite well. I feel a sense of isolation though and I want to talk to others about being in this situtation. At home I am just told.....oh keep your chin up. If there are chat rooms that I can go to could…
CEA Levels
Anyone know much about rising CEA Levels?
Stge4 lung with mets to skull , neck, collar bone and pelvic
To 12 treatments of carboplatin , and alimta skunk primary, stable on bone mets , got sick ion nov . Too a break dec thru Debussy. Started tarceva in march, now dealing with side affects bad nausea , diahrea, rash getting better, lot of trouble with eating. No appetite.any one have these problems. Not eating and nausea my…
It's growing. :(
Went for the results of the most recent ct. A portion of the tumor has started to grow. Certainly not encouraging news. From here, we test for the ALK mutation, and if positive, start crizotinib. If not, then it's pemetrexid. To say this was like a kick in the stomach is an understatment. My wife has been doing so well.…
2nd lobectomy UPDATE
The 4-5 hour surgery that instead went 7 hours is now over and is a success! The surgeon removed the LLL, which turns out was not touching the aorta. However the tumor was creeping up into the airway and they were able to cut that part out and get to negative margins and stitch the ends back together. Also had to remove…
2nd Lobectomy Friday the 25th
My husband is having his LLL removed on Friday. He had the RUL removed on Jan. 24th. We are ready, well, as ready as you can be when you know what's coming:-), thanks to all of the great advice and support we got from everybody on this board last time. The tumor is touching the aorta so this surgery is a little more dicey,…
Anyone ever had an ablation?
My husband is scheduled to have an ablation on July 8 and I'm sort of wondering if any one has had it, what it was like. He's already had 3 surgeries, 6 chemo sessions and we're waiting on this. It was this or radiation and the "Tumor Board" at Sloan had 15 doctors agree that was the best way to go (15 doctors agreeing is…
Thinking of you Stayingcalm!!!
Deb, just wanted to let you know that I, and many others, are thinking of you today. Sending prayers, positive thoughs, best wishes, mojo and whatever else it takes to see you through your surgery and recovery. You are the strongest woman I know and I'm sure you will come through all of this and be stronger than ever. We…
tested negative negative on mutation test, could some one explain?
My Mom tested neg. on mutation test so they said she's not a canidate for the drug Tarceva. Does this mean she's not a canidate for any trial drugs at all? Could you explain this better to me please...
Survival? Praying for my dad. Is it possible?
My Daddy was diagnosed with limited stage sclc. He just finished is first round of chemotherapy and will begin radiation after his second round. He has a tumor in his left lung and it seems we are very lucky that it hasn't spread. I am staying strong for my family but I have to admit I do have my "I want my Daddy!"…
Chat Room
Didn't know where to post this, but is anyone else having trouble getting into the chat room??? For some reason, I can't get in. Darn, felt like talking this morning at 4:30 am when I couldn't sleep. Please let me know! Carole
My mom has stage 4 lung cancer and no insurance any suggestions.
My mom has stage 4 lung cancer and no health insurance. She was turned down by our Government insurance Tenn Care here in the state of TN. Does anyone locally or not locally have any advice or information to help me out. Thanks and God Bless! Christy
Hospice care and beyond
The time has come after a 2 year battle to think of comfort and spirituality. My husband is brave and he fought all the way, but injecting chemo into his spinal fluid with not much of a prognosis has left us with welcoming hospice care. life is so strange and I am so sad, but I know I have helped him through this battle.…
stereostatic radiation
What is this?
My Dad was just recently Diagnosed with NSCLC
My dad was diagnosed with NSCLC Adencocarcinoma said it is metastic. The tumor is in his left long and has moved to the right lung. they are doing a bone scan this week to see if it has spread to the bone. he is not able for sugery cause he is also in the 3rd stage of COPD. They said he is in stage 4 of his cancer. my…