how long does it take
on the first of feb I was told I have a mass on my lung I have been to the pulmonary Dr. and had a ct bone scan and will have a biobsy on march 3, the waiting is hard how long does it take to start treatment I feel like I am waisting valuable time waiting. the dr. acts like 6 weeks will make no difference in my health is…
MD Anderson Oncologist
Hi Everyone, First, I can't tell you how powerfull this site is to those who have just received a cancer diagnosis, or like myself have a loved one that has. It was reading the qustions & comments in this discussion group that for the first time I didn't feel alone, and I thank each of you. My mother has been diagnosis…
Any help would be appericiated
The Love of my life for the past 25 years was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and a metastic brain tumor. She lost the use of her left side and had to have Brain surgery to remove 95% of the Brain tumor followed by Radiation to her Brain and Lung. She is very weak and canot have chemo. Is there any hope for me? The Doctors tell…
Just had my 5 month follow up for stage I lung cancer. I meet with the surgeon on friday. Family DR called today said there are some new nodules they suggest a PET Scan. This is really freaking me out. could the cancer be back so quickly?
NSCLC Brain Metastasis
My day was spent online researching the subject of brain metastasis and now ends with my posting to this board - so lucky to have found it! In May 2008, my sister started chemo treatment for NSCLC. She missed four full doses of treatment because of low blood count. In January 2009 her oncologist started her on a new…
Lung Cancer inoperable
My life mate recently had a tumur removed from her brain and we were just told she has lung cancer. The doctor told her that they could not operate and the best she would do is 18 months. I've been going back and forth with her to the doctors for 3 months. We are on our way to Sloan Ketting for a seoond opinion. Between…
Life Mate
I could use someone to talk to
post operative course
My sister was dignosed with lung cancer in Nov 2008 and she had her left lung revoved in December. She recovered well initially but has had a 22 pound weight loss and she was tiny to begin with (93 lbs). She's trying really hard to eat small amounts but feels full all the time and she had a heck of a time with nausea and…
Secondary cancer bone marrow cancer (Lung cancer stabl-Primary)
Dear Members, Haven't been here for sometime,sister Lung Cancer is Stable. But now she has secondary bone marrow cancer in her leg. Was in spine died, due to radiation. She has unbearable pain, that she takes strong meds that knock her out. I would like to know if someone would know if you can live with metastatic bone…
bone cancer
suvived lung cancer in remission and now have bone cancer thoought i had a torn ligemant which some times you do but no not me bone cancer i just found out on monday of this past week,the day before my 56 birthday the day of my birthday was tatoo time forme not going thru this is a nervous ness for me . the president was…
Radition burns
My wife just started radition for small cell lung cancer twice daily for 3 weeks my question is what have other experenced with these treatments. This is with chemo at same time 2nd round of chemo
New Diagnosis
My mother has just been diagnosed with lung cancer - we are not sure how bad just yet, the doctors are still performing additional tests. Is there any test she should definitely have or not.
new and have ??
I have a few questions and will do my best to expalain as well as I can what is going on. I had my gallbladder surgery in oct , of course the hospital did a pre op cxr and it was clear. I have had bronchitis about 4 times last year and the last one was in Dec. In Dec i was coughing and sick for the whole month, tired and…
To exchange personal advices to cope the best we can with our cancer
I am new to the network. Please write to me. Thanks Luciana
hello, im new to this. and i just wanted to know some things about lung canser from someone who has had it. i just found out my step dad has lung cancer. thats all i know, my step dad didnt tell me my mom did. he doesnt want me to know because he knows i would have a melt down, and he doesnt want to see that. so i just cry…
Ear / Neck pain
I am a 50 year old female that was diagnosed with NSCLC Stage3B in Feb '06. I had surgery to remove right upper lobe, had chemo, recurrence in hilar lymph node and several other nodes 9 months later. I started on Tarceva in Nov.'06 and after about 7 months I have no sign of lung cancer. I was however diagnosed with bladder…
Cancer pain medications
I'm just wondering about how my medications for pain compare to others and if there is a norm what that might be. I am a 45 year old man with stage IV lung cancer. I had a left neck dissection in June of 2008 and experienced major nerve damage in that area. I am taking 160 mg of oxycotin twice daily but lately it isn't…
Question and advice??
Hello all, I'm new to this forum and am not really sure if I belong here or now... my story is like this: In the beginning of September my husband had two attacks where he had problems beating... being a smoker it scared him so much that he immediately stopped smoking... about ten days after quitting smoking he got severe…
after effects
I finished with lung cancer chemo in september 07, here it is 8 months later. I am 46 years old and I am having severe..constant joint, muscle, and/ or bone pain,- in feet/ knees, both elbows... also heavy duty pre menopausal symptoms, sometimes hot flashes, sometimes very bad period pain. The reason I am writing is due to…
Another Thanksgiving
Hope you all have a really good Day . Greg
Results: Stable
I would like feedback on the results of my sister CAT scan, after having about 5-6 chemo, doctor says it's STABLE. She will be off chemo for 1 month, and will be checked. Is this a good sign, that it's stable and could it start again? I'm alittle lost on the results, what is next. God Bless ALL and Take Care
Hey everyone, my name is Paul Hogan and I am currently a psychology student at the California State University in Fresno. I am currently conducting research on the life outlooks of cancer survivors. If you could spare 10 minutes of your time to take a survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself am a past cancer…
Some Questions
I'm a seasoned caregiver and child of a Lung Cancer patient. My mother is state 3A NSCLC patient, and she had a lobectomy of her lower right lobe in May 2007. She went through 4 chemo rounds and had RFA for a small nodule back in Feb. Now it's November, they found a cluster of small tumors in the same spot where her RFA…
Chemotherapy & anti oxidants
My mum 78y.o has recently been diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer & still being a full time carer for my dad who has alzheimers. Surgery/radiation werent options. She is undergoing her 4th cycle of chemo (carboplatin & navalbine)which has kept cancer stable, as well as being on complementary medicines which include high…
Radiofrequency Ablation
Does anyone have experience with Radiofrequency Ablation for lung cancer. My husband had a nodule treated with RFA and has had some problems that have resulted in his being in the hospital for 6 days and counting. At the time the abltion sounds like a good idea vs surgery however given all the problems he has had I don't…
How long does it take
I had my left lung removed complete in May of 2006. I still can not touch the front side of my chest from the bottom of my rib cage to the top of my boob. I know we are all different . I did the chemo carbo an taxol it took its tole . I have done a lot of different Meds none of them seem to work the pain Meds hide it but…
lung cancer surgery recovery
My father had his upper left lobe removed 2-1/2 months ago. He is 75. His surgeon explained it can take up to six months to feel better but, instead, he seems to be getting more fatigued, with less of a desire to eat. Can anyone let me know if they (or their loved one) has experienced same. If so, how long did it last?
newly dx
Anybody have adenocarcinoma of the lower right lung? Scheduled for vats surgery on 9/10/08. How bad is the surgery? They feel they caught it very early. But won't know for sure until after surgery.
Can you help me on what I can do
Finally after almost 9 weeks my husband has been diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma that has spread to his bones. We will see an oncologist next week. We were told tonight that he will have radiation. Can anyone tell me what is involved? What the side effects will be? Also what can I give to him be keep his weight up…
Hi. I have finished treatment for StageIII lung cancer(June 11). My last CT scan showed that the cancer spots are shrinking. My 'problem' is that I get over one thing and then something else shows up (high thyroid numbers, ground glass infiltrates). My radiologist,the person who basically took me by my hand and helped me…