treatment options
My mom, 70, was diagnosed with primary liver cancer in September. She's had two rounds of therasphere and now they want to do chemoembolization. She has many tumors, including one blocking the portal vein. The T-sphere treatments left her really weak and nauseous and she's relucant to do the chemoem. for fear of even worse…
Undetected for 5 years!
Mom was recently diagnosed 2 weeks ago with melanoma to the liver. She had a Choroidal melanoma 5 years ago and had to have her eye removed along with the melanoma. For 5 years she has went faithfully to her oncologist getting excellent reports back each and every time. 3 weeks ago she started feeling ill and had some…
Need answers-primary liver cancer
My Mom was just diagnosed with liver cancer and I have sooo many questions. Everythig I'm reading leads to a small survival chance. Can someone please shoot it straight to me? My mom is not ready to talk honestly about it yet-it's only been a few days. All I know so far is that she has primary liver cancer and the tumor is…
I am from Barcelona,and my mother has a Liver Cancer due to VHC, two nodles of 5,6cm and 4,8cm, and here in Spain is not possible the Tranplant because of the strong Hospital Protocol. I like to know if this is possible in USA, or any information about it. My e-mail is jxarles@cosmotex.net. Thank you for your help, regards.
Hepatitis C & Liver Cancer
My husband contacted hepatitis C ome years ago. Now he has been been diagnosed with primary liver cancer. Is there any information out there someone can give me. I'd really appreciate it. We're waiting for the doctors to call us for his treatment. They're talking about the chemoembolization. Has anyone had that and if so…
My Grandma and Liver Cancer
My Grandma was first diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer and then it metaisized in the liver about a year ago. A few weeks ago they found out she was having problems keeping calcium and electrolytes in her system. So she's been in the hospital for awhile now recieving IV therapy. She had a bone marrow test done last week,…
My father was diagnosed with liver cancer two weeks ago. It came so suddenly. Every month he has a blood test (3 weeks before diagnosed)and the tumor marker does not show any sign. It shows no sign of cancer. After the Ct scan, we found out the size of the tumor is 11 cm. It was just to big for us to swallow. How can a…
The Cure
Now that I have your attention: In this year of electing a president, all cancer survivors need to find the candidate who supports Cancer research-ie; stem cells, which could very well bring the cure to all cancer. The politics of cancer can kill you..of over 10,000 grants from the National Cancer Institute, only 500 even…
side effects of Nexavar
I have liver cancer and am taking a chemo called Nexavar in pill form. I have terrible intestinal gas each evening, and diarrhea every morning. No over-the counter medications help with these. Does anyone have a similar problem and have you been able to find something that helps?
RE: Trying to contact
Kai Yi Yu: Liver Cancer (English translation of Cantonese-language recording) I am new to this site, is there anyone who would be kind enough to let me know how I can contact this man who beat Liver Cancer, his link is abover, his name is Kai Yi Yu, and he posted on this site in 2002.....God bless and thank you for your…
my mom has cancer what to do
My mom has cancer of the liver,and she has gone thru radiation already,and they went in and clamped off the blood supply to it, but there is another small tumor still getting blood supply from somewhere and they do not know where.she has an appointment on monday so that they can burn out the cancer with electroids or…
Any Luck With DCA
My mom has a large metastatic cancer in her liver (spread from breast). She was recently taken off chemo as it appears resistant now. We cuttently try DCA. Has anyone else tried DCA? Any other suggestions for a large secondary liver tumor? P.Fezziwig administrator for HealthcareReviews.com a patient feedback website
please help
My uncle who is like my faather is in what we think are the final stages of liver cancer. the doctors have given up but he hasn't. what are some signs and treatments that we can try. Please help. he has two young children and a huge family who loves him dearly. somone please let me know some of the signs of the final…
When they won't do a biopsy
I know I am giong to have answers in a few more days, but I'm going nuts until the. They found 2 large (> 6.5cm) masses in my liver. One is removable, the other is nestled in all the major valves and vessels like a little egg. The last surgeon I saw refused to do a biopsy. He said it was too much of a risk. So, anyone else…
upcoming biopsy
My father-in-law just got through Bladder cancer, chemo and thought he was done. A CT shows three spots on his liver. They are going to biopsy. Can anyone tell me what to expect. Are they doing a biopsy because they suspect something or do they always biopsy just to check to make sure because he had a previous cancer. It…
High SUV on PET scan?
Hello all, My wife has had a couple of lesions on her liver for several years, with little change. A needle biopsy seven years ago showed them as benign. Since then, she has had stage 1 grade 9 HER2+ breast cancer. After six months of chemo and a year of Herceptin, her latest PET scan shows increased SUV in both liver…
How do i tell my kids?
I have a recurrent primary liver cancer.Been first diagnosed in Sept.04 and had ressection in Feb 05.;After 2 yrs of remission, latest ctscan done in Dec.06 showed two smaller lesions(3cm)in place of the old big one(10cm)I had before. Through all of these, I did not tell my kids (10,11,14 yrs.old)about my illness. All they…
hepatits&liver cancer
Dose any have any info on this please let me know .My mom has it she is 75 years old and i dont know how long she have help.
relationship between childhood hepatitis and liver cancer
My mother passed away of liver cancer at the age of 68. She passed quickly. She was diagnosed with it and approximately 6 weeks later she passed away. She had hepatitis as a child. Has anyone ever heard of a relationship between the two?? My aunt, who was a nurse, said she had done patient histories on victims of liver…
Endometrial Cancer Met To Lungs and Liver. Need help please!
Has anyone heard of Noni Juice (TruNoni juice from Hawaiian to cleanse the liver and kill cancer. Please E-mail Bonnie
hepatocellular carcinoma
I don't know if our experience could possibly help someone else, but, I'm hoping that it might. On August 21st, 2006 my life partner was vibrant and healthy. His right shoulder hurt and he had had some heartburn for a couple of weeks. On August 25th, 2006 he was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma and on September…
Seattle or Houston? Hutchinson or Anderson?
My uncle was just diagnosed with liver cancer. They gave him 6 months. He has 2 daughters - one in Houston and one in Seattle. The one is Seattle is pushing treatmetn at Fred Hutchinson, the one in Houston is pushing MD Anderson. If you have been treated at either or have heard stories about either specifically dealing…
My Life Partner has been diagnosed with poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma aka liver cancer. He has been offered an opportunity to participate in a stage 2 clinical trial involving perifastine. I can not find anything on this clinical trial and we have to make a decision quickly as his health deteriorating…
Terminal Liver Cancer
I was wondering what symptoms are expected for someone with terminal liver cancer that is nearing death. What is expected as the disease takes its toll during the last month or weeks of life? A close family friend just passed away from liver cancer and during his final day, his heart rate increased significantly and he…
Liver Cancer: Need Advice
My mother (73 yrs) was diagnosed with liver cancer about 3 weeks ago. She started radiation therapy about 4 days after and will complete radiation therapy in 2 weeks. When she was first diagnosed, her primary care MD and oncologist did not tell us what type of cancer, stage, or anything. They just basically started her on…
10cm Liver cancer survivors?
Hello, my mother has been detected a 10cm liver cancer which is extending to the lungs. Doctors are saying she will not live after summer or maximum christmas. I would like to know if somebody has survived to a similar situation for some reasonable time, because I dont want her to live two months longer and suffer all that…
Forgot to give you this to copy and paste; http://www.uhl-tr.nhs.uk/index.asp?pgid=4836 Margo
Hi I thought this might be of interest with regard to liver cancer. Margo
Anyone with End Stage Experience of a loved one?
My husband was recently diagnosed with Liver Cancer. He has been given a 6 month timeframe. I have found a lot of material about liver cancer and treatment options. However, he does not want to undergo any treatment. Nor do his docs recommend any at this time. What I can't find, is information on what to expect in these…
Suggestions for Oxycodone side affects
My father-in-law is currently dealing with liver cancer. One of his doctors has prescribed oxycodone for pain. Unfortunately, it has been causing a great deal of cramping and constipation. Has anyone experienced this? Any solutions to this problem? His doctor doesn't seem to be offering any options. Any feedback will be…