Finding a physician
My sister - age 45 - has just been diagnosed with liver cancer. We don't know any details yet. She is trying to find a recommendation for the best physician/cancer center to go for treatment. She doesn't care where it is located. Can anyone please provide recommendations? Thanks.
Evevated liver enzymes..?
I am a 51 yr old female. Went in for annual physical and my liver enzymes came back elevated (SGOT 52, SGPT 55) I do not drink or smoke or use even OTC drugs so the doctor has ordered additional labs (hepatitis, EB virus, etc) and an ultrasound of the liver. I am afraid of liver cancer. My Mom has "fatty liver" and…
Newly diagnosed HCC
Hello everyone, I am a 47 year old male who was diagnosed with HCC (liver Cancer) this week. I have an 8.3cm tumor and a 1.4cm tumor both located in the right lobe of my liver. The doctors have suggested chemobolization as the primary treatment for my cancer. This treatment is non-curative. Has anyone else undergone this…
liver transplant
anyone know if liver transplant is an option when cancer is present?
stage four liver cancer
My brother just had a colostomy, his oncologist saw a shadow and ordered an MRI, he has been diagnosed with stage four liver cancer. Can anybody please help me?
Epitheliod Angiosarcom of the Liver
This is my first time here. What joy this has brought to me. I was beginning to feel so alone. I think that I have found some real peace here. I was diagnosed with Epitheliod Angiosarcoma of the liver. It was an accidental finding. I was not sick in any way. Just went in for a normal check up. My liver enzymes were a…
big, big belly
I'm a 71 yr. old grandma who had a right lobe liver resection 6 mos. ago. I would be fine but my abdomen looks & feels 8 mos. pregnant, lots of heartburn, feel so bloated. Is this normal? Scan came out okay.
liver cancer
my husband has just been told he has liver cancer and they are going to give him chemoemolization treatment. i have trawled the internet but still don't know what to expect. the tumor is 9cm x 9cm. does anyone else have experience of this type of tumor and what can we expect from the treatment.
hyperthermia alternative medicine (ICHT)
hello i´m trying to find someone who knows about treating cancer whith heat to tell me the good things or the bad things about this tratment. i have already red a lot of articles but now i would like to know about a personal experience
Suggestions needed...
My family found out at the end of September that my 24 year old brother has cancer in his liver, pancreas, bile ducts, lymph nodes, and gall blader. He had been sick (vommiting, nausea, stomach pain) for about 3 months and had been to his local ER several times, but with each visit they sent him away with sillier and…
risk of biopsy
Based on one CT scan and the fact he has HBV and HCV, one doctor told my father that he has liver cancer and it is operable. My father has no illness symptoms at all and AFP marker is normal. This same doctor refered us to Mount Sinai Liver unit in NYC, they did a second CT scan and more blood tests. The doctor at Mount…
liver cancer
I'm new to this. My dad has liver cancer.I need to know what to expect. Can anyone help?
!Please help me!
I have a liver biopsy test coming up on Nov 2, not real nervous about that but I was just wondering what symtoms other people with liver cancer have felt, I just started to feel a sudden and sharp pain under the right side of my ribcage and it radiates to my shoulder funny thing is that it is real faint until I eat…
Liver cancer
My husband has just had 75% of his liver removed, he was diagnosed with Klakskin Tumor 6 mths ago.The tumor had totally blocked off his bile duct, there was tumor in the Portal vien, which they cut & shut with a graft. They also took 2 lympth glands out. Also joining his bowl to the liver. His Dr has given him every…
Indian Oncologists for liver cancer surgery
My father has just been diagnosed with liver cancer. I am living in India. Could someone please help me with some names of good liver oncologists? Does anybody know Dr. Prakash Kandhuri? Can you give me any other suggestions?
Radiofrequency Ablation
Hi, My Dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer that has spread to the liver this past February 2003. He has 2 spots on his liver. The doc has suggested radiofrequency ablation for his liver if he doesn't respond well to any of the chemo they are trying on him. I was just wondering if anyone out there has had any success…
colorectal-liver cancer survivor with high CA 19.9
I'm a lucky person because I've survived a colorectal cancer 1998, and later a metatstasi in liver 2001. The problem is, after more than 4 years , something is going wrong about my liver and I don`t know what's exactly. My analysis say CA 19.9 is going up , GPT and GOT and other "controls " about my liver offer strange…
colon surgery to liver surgery?
This is my first post. I found out this week that I have a spot on my liver that may require surgery. 2 years ago, I had 12 inches of colon removed. My CEA levels were 1-2 ever since, until this last test, and they were 4.9. A Cat Scan showed the spot. It is a centimeter in size. Liver surgery is not done in my area. I…
Daughter's denial
hi. my daughter, Kimmie, is 23 and has just been diagnosed with "fibro lamellar variant" liver cancer. It is already in stage 4, having spread to her lungs. There are numerous tumors in both lungs, upper and lower lobes. She is in what seems to be denial and the family is wondering how to talk to her to make her understand…
prescription drug coverage
I thought I would pass this on-some may know about it and some may not. If you do not have insurance or Medicaid to pay for your prescription drugs you take at home, go onto the web site www.needymeds.com , depending on your income (which includes Social Security Disability) you can receive your meds free of charge or at a…
fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
Ihavent posted since Jan.05. My stepson has this cancer (diagnosed in Jan. 04, with symptoms staring in the fall of "03) and was given 6 months dec 04. To those with questions I dont know how to contact you to respond personally so you can email me at kelcamky@yahoo.com if you want. My stepson is now doing an experimental…
Has anyone information on erbitux? Docs are planning on using it in conjunction with chemo for my boyfriend- cancer has spread to his liver.
advice appreciated
My father had been diagnosed with liver cancer roughly 2 years ago, he had a portion of his liver removed because of a tumor. He then went through chemo, for a while. The cancer has since spread to his lungs. Now a new cat scan was done, a new 8cm tumor found on his liver, and nodules? in his lungs. My question is has…
Side Effects - sore lips
My mum finished her first round of chemo 6 months ago and her bottom lip is still really sore. She says it feels like it is burning, swollen and about to burst and bleed. Visually, the lip looks deep red, and a little swollen. No one (Dr's) have been able to help her, Dr's suggested Coldsore cream, but that just stung and…
Radio Frequency Ablation
Have questions to ask regarding need for transplant after having RFA
In July I had half of my liver remove due to neuroendcrine cancer that apparently originated in the liver. I am having a very hard time with my recovery. I had colon cancer surgery before and that was piece of cake compared to this. Is there anyone I can talk to?
GE is more pain than liver cancer
I have chronic hepatitis B through my life. On 4/1/2003 I was diagnosed that I have nonsurgical hepatoma (Liver cancer). On 5/23/2003, a liver biopsy confirmed I have Cirrhosis (stage 4 of 4). Both are end-stage liver diseases. I sufferd badly, the symptoms include abdomen pain, weight loss(my weight decreased from 155lbl…
having liver biopsy
I am having a liver biopsy next monday. Had uterine cancer and total hysterectomy April 2003. Been having abnormal liver function tests before and after hysterectomy. Dr. finally sent me to hepatoligist and he now would like to do biopsy. CT scan showed fatty liver. My ALP test is always high, so he is doing a liver…
Hello I am new here( In this section of csn)
This is a strange one to me as for the first time it is not a recurrance of the many cancers I've had since the latter part of the 80s. I won't go on to dribble about all the others except to say no matter how many times you hear it>It is a ugly word! Now to get to the point of how I know it is not a recurrance. In 83 I…
Anyone know of Dr. B. Koneru
Anyone live in New Jersey and heard of this Dr.?