Ease her passing....

JocelynM Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Liver Cancer #1
My beautiful friend is nearing the end. She has primary liver cancer w/mets to everywhere. She is in unbearable pain. She is little more than a skeleton. Just typing this makes me weep. I do not know what to do to help her. I keep trying to figure out what God's purpose is here but I can't see it.

I survived my cancer and her's is killing her. I feel so guilty when I go to see her because I'm afraid that seeing me makes her feel regretful. She ignored some symptoms...and I was very lucky. How do we both grow through this mutual experience?

There's so much more here that I can't even articulate. For now, I guess, just be there and keep it together. Look for the message to be revealed.
