Back Again IL2 Report

mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

Again sorry folks for not responding to peoples blogs, but I was really wiped out after the second cycle of IL 2.  On the 30th I get my next scan to see if is working or not.  Here is where I get confused, having been through 2 cycles and knowing how sick and tired the drug made me part of me wants to get bad news, (I know weird huh) yet if the doctor schedules cycle three that means it is working and we charge on.  I was told by my nursing team, cycle two is the hardest to come back for, and cycle three is the easiest.  I am getting some energy back but my skin won't stop pealing,  I am a week and a half out of cycle two and I can still feel some of the side effects.  I hope this mesages finds everyone in good health and with great news.




  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    edited August 2016 #2
    Hang in there!


    The treatment you are going through is one of the toughest; a couple of people here have gone through it and can probably relate  the torture.

    Although  sounds weird to hope for bad results, you clearly don't mean it; get healed, good luck on your scans and then you will get through the last cycle


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Nice to hear from you Mark

    I wish you only the best and although I am lucky enough that I can't relate to your experience firsthand, I can empathise with you and totally understand your wishes at this time.  No matter what, I'm sure you will continue your battle the best you can.

    God Bless you and I'll be praying for you,


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    You and IL2

    Ive got photos of me after my 2nd IL2, I look like a peeled mummy. After my second session my doctors decided 'no more', but at that time I was on the verge of dying from opportunistic infections. I'm impressed that your up for a third ride on the rollercoaster, very impressed.

    I think you're in charge at this moment. If you think its worth doing IL2 again, then go for it. Dont forget that its in your power to say "stop!" at any time

    Good luck, and remember you're in good hands

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    edited August 2016 #5
    Good to hear from you, Mark!

    Good to hear from you, Mark! Have been thinking about you a lot. I am very impressed to hear that round 3 is on the list. Way to go! You are a very tough fighter, and this is so very encouraging! Take care and keep up the fight!!



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    edited August 2016 #6
    What's the expression?

    In for a dime, in for a dollar. Wow!, third round coming up next. Great job!  No surprises now. You've just got to hang in there and think about getting to the end. Impressive Mark. I know what it can be like.

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    edited August 2016 #7

    Thank you to everyone for your support and kind words it does keep me going.



  • Teashea
    Teashea Member Posts: 89 Member
    edited August 2016 #8
    Hi Mark

    I am fairly new to the disscusion boards. Best of luck, it is hard but you can do it. My experience with IL-2 was 4 day's in intensive care x 4 times. My scans showed zero improvement however my Dr. tries to convince me it helped. It will leave you very sore. I bought a coleman hot tub it helps me keep moving because there is plenty of room to do water aerobics. 

    Best of luck to you.