The Other Side
I told a friend about my upcoming surgery. At the end of the call he said 'if we don't catch up before your operation then I'll see you on the other side.' Made me laugh... My surgery date has moved to February 6th. More waiting. Steve.
Post-Op Gas
Hello - My husband had his radical neprectomy last week and has been home for two days. He is very uncomfortable - lots of gas pains. He is also unable to eat much at all, as he feels "full up to his throat". Does anyone have any advice to battle this? He is pretty miserable and I'd really like to help him. Also- how much…
How do you feel while you're waiting?
Hey all, I am scheduled for a bronchoscopy on Feb. 2 after getting two pulmonary nodes and a couple of lymph nodes flagged in a CT scan for my heart. My urologist said it is definitely a return of the kidney cancer, so lets just go on that. My question is, how do you feel when you are walking around with metastic kidney…
Had ct scans today and Ned! Can't say enough how much this site and you guys have all helped me along this road. I read all the posts everyday day and feel like I know you all personally. You are the best friends I never met!!, lol Wishing you all the very best ;) Kim
Modus Vivendi
I've nearly died (I think) three times. We dont need the details. But trust me: there is a point My family come from the East End of London or "The Target" as it was known by Hitler's Luftwaffe (airforce). My mum was 14 when the war started and 15 when the the real bombing started in what was called 'The Blitz'. One thing…
Googling Again
I have tried to stay away from Google, but these last few days have been so full of worry. For those of you that found your cancer at age 46 or under, did you have to undergo genetic testing? My husband is 46. According to Google, that means he will have to have genetic testing because there is a very high likelihood that…
Kidney tumor 3 cm
Hello Today after a CT I been inform about this tumor. My options a surgery after a biopsy. Should I have a biopsy or better if I just go to surgery - the doctor said it will be a robotic surgery ino later than 4 to 6 weeks- my other kidney is very week 20% functional dueto anobstruction fix d 2 yrs ag0. I am very Sofy and…
Ct scan results it's back. Advice please
Hi everyone am a regular here but not a contributor my knowledge is limited But learning everyday. my diagnosis oct 2013 chromophobe rcc. 10cm T2 nxm0 I have had ct scans with contrast all NED till my last one today. The report as follow enlarged node 2cm at axilla confirmed as metastasis. Low volume slightly enlarge nodes…
RCC mets to Liver
My RCC mets to liver and lungs two years ago. The Sutent has been controlling them until the past three months. My lung tumors stayed the same but my liver have doubled in size. I underwent Y90 Therasphere last Thursday and go for followup scans in February. Had some bad side effects but feeling better after five days. Has…
15 cm mass found on left kidney
22 years ago I was diagnosed with rhabfomyosarcoma. It was found in my right leg. It was really rare at the time. I had my right leg amputated- 3 times, all the way up to the hip and pelvis. I had needle biopsies, chemo, and radiation. I was only 7 years old. Fast forward of today, I started having stomach pains back in…
Flu- what can I take??
I have been sick for a week now. I know no ibuprofen, but what do you all take OTC for cold/flu? I am so miserable and as usual Google is no help at all. One site says you can take this medicine another says no way. All I have been taking is some Benadryl at night, mostly just to help me sleep. I know we can take Tylenol,…
Also new to discussons
ultrasound yesterday showed a mass on right kidney, 4x9 4x8 4x6. Due for CT scan in the morning.The anxiety through all of this can be devastating. I am 64, no family history of kidney cancer. Dull ache in the side is what took me to the doctor last week. I am so glad I found this discussion group. The internet info is…
47 yr old hubby has Stage IV ccRCC that spread to lymph nodes in his throat and lung area
Hi. In October 2016 my husband went to an urgent care because he had discomfort in his lower back that I assumed were kidney stones. A CT scan found a 13 cm tumor in his left kidney and several suspicious lymph nodes. Two weeks later he underwent a radical nephrectomy. At his post surgery appointment we were told that 27…
Feel Like I am Going Crazy
I know this has been posted many times but I really need support from you guys right now. My husband found out that he has a 6cm mass on his right kidney on Wednesday. He went to the urologist on Thursday and he told him he definitely thinks it's cancer (I can barely type the word) and needs the kidney removed. They are…
How can I help my husband?
Hi Everyone, My husband is having an open radical nephrectomy of his left kidney and probably his adrenal gland in a week. I would love to have your suggestions as to how I can make him more comfortable during his hospital stay and when he gets home. What did you find to be helpful and what helped? Thanks so much!
So, on another thread I mentioned that I was going to have my first follow-up CT scan nice and early on Monday morning. Well, not so fast bucko. I got a call from Stanford at about 5PM today (Saturday), less than 48 hours before the CT scan, saying that unless I was willing to sign a document taking responsibility for the…
Rccc stage 1 returns 7 years later
Hi there!! 41 year old female here. Original diagnosis was when I was 32 found incidentally. I had a 2.4 cm lesion on my right kidney and had an open partial nephrectomy. Was monitored for 5 years and all was good. Year 7 I had a CT which was read as negative only to find out 3 years later which would be just last November…
30 year old, diagnosed with grade 4 cRCC
Hi, It's my first time posting here. I am a 30 year old male, diagnosed with clear cell RCC in November 2016, with radical nephrectomy done. Pathology report showed 2.2cm tumor, no lymph node involvement, but it is grade 4, with no sarcomatoid feature. I have been doing some research, and the fact that it is grade 4 scares…
Those of you NED.....
My hubs is going for some new scans Feb 2. The last ones in Nov showed that the only "active" disease were two small (7mm) nodules in his lungs. we are hoping those two are gone when we scan in Feb. The question I have for all of you is, what treatement are you on while you are NED? Are you still taking the regimen that…
Life as Art
I'm 11 days out from surgery and feeling pretty calm about it, though of course I do have some background anxiety. But I realise that part of me is looking forward to the experience. It will be a bit like being the star of my own reality show. I guess I don't have a very interesting life, eh? If you view your life as a…
Update #3 My husband just had his kidney removed
My husband just had his right kidney removed last week due to a 9cm mass. Surgery went well and the doctor said everything was good. We go back in next week for a follow up and move forward from there. How long does it take to get the grade and type of cancer? Would we hear that news at his post op? At any rate...2 days…
Desensitization for Scanxiety?
I had my surgery 12/13/2016. * First follow-up appointment was 12/19 to get the drain removed, staples out, and get the results of the pathology report. Oh, wait! The path report hasn't been done yet. We'll schedule a follow-up for 12/28 so you can go over the results with the doctor. * Oh, wait! The pathology report still…
First my right boob, then my right kidney....
Just when you think life couldn't get any more surreal in 2016, I was diagnosed in June with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage IIB, Grade 3 cancer cells and lymph node involvement to boot. During snowball of further testings (MRIs, ultrasounds and a full body PET scan woo hoo!), a 6.3 cm suspicious mass was located in my…
Hi everyone, wondering what you all do to fight the dreaded depression that comes with this disease? My husband is 6 months into Votrient, and his scans are great. He goes to work everyday and walks the dog three times a day....but he says he has been in this great "funk" the past week. Doesn't want to go anywhere or do…
PA Versus MD
I've been seeing the same oncologist for 4 years. It's been 2 years since my last tumor (adrenal gland). So far in all my followup appointments, I've seen the oncologist. On this last one I was surprised that the oncologist didn't see me. A PA saw me. I asked him what's going on and he said that since this is routine…
Completely confused
Hello all, I am completely confused. In September I was told I had a anatomocally abnormal kidney. At the beginning of this month I was told that I had a 5.8 cm mass in my right kidney that was suspected rcc or oncocytoma. The ultrasound report was very detailed. I had an Mri on Friday. The results came back-…
Four years after kidney removal.... it's baaaaaack...
Hi everyone. I had my left kidney removed, T1B, fuhrman grade of 3, about six cm, four years ago. (clear cell). I get regular scans for aortic stenosis and while the yearly chest xrays and abdominal ultrasounds were clear, a recent CT scan for the heart found two pulmonary nodes and some lymph nodes that were suspicious.…
Six Month Post Surgery Followup
After my wonderful time with the insurance company, I finally did get my CT scan for my six month followup. Well, technically, since I had surgery in mid-June, 2016, I guess it's my seven month follow-up, but who's counting? The outcome was nothing seen on my chest x-ray and there's no evidence of any recurrence or…
Hey guys, So its two weeks until my 1 year MRI and followup. I went back and looked at my path report again. Its nothing new but still concerns me. So, I thought I would vent on here and see if anyone else has this on report. The tumor was deep in the kidney, stage one but on the renal vein and surgeon could get no margin…
Should you listen to your wife or not?