Starting out

Katpet2u Member Posts: 3

Hi, I'm a 48 female and I just had a recent complete abdominal ultrasound showing a 16x20x18 mm complex cyst in upper pole of my right kidney with subtle internal echogenicity. I know it's considered small at this time. Dr has ordered a CT scan with contrast. Went for US after complaining of right sided flank pain that my dr assured me was not kidney related. Dr ordered urinalysis and bloodwork. Urinalysis showed hematuria, leukocytes, bacteria and wbc but dr assures me it's not a UTI. Bloodwork only showed Alkaline Phosphatase was slightly raised. Hematuria in urine is something that has shown up for a while now. Pain has subsided mostly and was only felt when I move. Not sure if there is any connection between all of this and the cyst.

Back in 2009 I had an MRI for a back injury that incidently found a 1.4x1.4 cm cyst in mid pole of right kidney. Dr only concentrated on back injury.  A new MRI performed in Feb 2016 for further back injury incidently showed a right sided kidney cyst and a 3 cm adnexal cyst. Again dr only focused on back injury.

Recently saw a gyno for the adnexal cyst that has grown to 5 cm and will likely be removed soon. It is possibly an endometrial ovarian cyst despite the fact that I had a hysterectomy in 2009. There is also another smaller cyst on opposite ovary. During visit to gyno it was discovered I have a prolapsed bladder. Wondering if my symptoms which include frequent urination are from that or maybe the kidney cyst.

Not sure if the kidney cyst from recent MRI and ultrasound is the same cyst mentioned in first MRI. One reports cyst as symmetrical and located in mid pole. More recent tests give it an irregular shape and located in upper pole.

I guess we'll see when I go for CT scan.... By the way I have repeatedly put off having carpal tunnel surgery because I wasn't sure if I would need to have surgery for one of these many other problems first. Thanks for listeing. I feel very overwhelmed at the moment and not sure what to focus on first.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Get the CT behind you


    Get the CT behind you. It should show whether you have Kidney Cancer issues. If not get follow up rescans to make sure whatever it is doesn;t get worse down the road. If it is likeely kidney cancer get to a Urologist who does Kidney Cancer surgery to discus your options. Worst case scenerio, it is small and a full recovery is likely from surgery alone.



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,707 Member
    Starting out too

    Hi, Katpet2u

    This is my first post in this kidney board and just like you know little about kidney issues, but was recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) which made me to research on the matter, in particular regarding cancer. I am a frequent member in the prostate cancer board (I live with the bandit since 2000) and have decided to participate here too with the intent of learning and sharing my experiences.

    What strike me in your post are are the symptoms you experienced. An infection in the kidney could cause the pain and blood in urine. I wonder if you ever have requested blood and urine tests unique to renal function/issues. CT images are more detailed than ultra sound so that they will identify the characteristics of the cyst with more precision. The expression of "subtle internal echogenicity" names the cyst as complex, but it could be a simple cyst with just "subtle calcification". Malignancy are usually identified when they find wall thickening or nodularity, or hyper-density after injection of the contrast agent.

    It is typical to stage the cysts based on Bosniak system which is more appropriate than a simple report as those you mention. Do not forget to request it to be done.

    Please see this;

    Surely you should care about the other issues you describe above but you should investigate them separately. They involve different specialties and doctors.

    Best wishes for a negative to cancer diagnose.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited February 2017 #4


    While those of us with Kidney Cancer often have CKD issues, especially as we get older, it is unlikely from what you have posted that yours is related or arises from Kidney Cancer issues. Follow up with a Nephrologist on your CKD issues. If you do have any Kidney Cancer issues kike blood in the Urine or flank pain see and discus these with your Urologist.




  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,707 Member
    edited February 2017 #5
    Now waiting for an urologist consultation


    Thanks for the advice. I am now on the process for a consultation with an urologist. I meet a nephrologist that diagnosed CKD, commenting it to be due to my age (67 yo) but I do not think I am that old. I would see it more as a cause from treatments for PCa. However, I have several cysts in both kidneys (4 in the left kidney with two of 7.6 and 6.8 cm) which have been increasing from a size of 1.2 cm (30 years ago) but could not be CT scanned this time with contrast due to high creatinine, which made the scan unpractical for solid issues, as reported by the radiologist. The previous CT was done in 2010. In between this period (6 years) I had three ultra sounds only attesting its increase. I also once experienced blood in urine and discomfort in my flanks but prostate cancer has always been considered the culprit. I wonder how kidney cancer is diagnosed when proper image studies arenT practical. Is there any useful blood marker like the PSA in prostate cancer screening? 

    Thanks for the suggestion.


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 620 Member
    I had something just slightly

    I had something just slightly smaller than you.  My primary care physician referred me to an excellent uroloical oncologist.  He read the CT and US that I had and recommended a wait and see approach, which we did until last year.  At that time, a CT scan showed that the lesion had grown, so I had it removed.  MY CT scan also showed numerous cysts in my kidney, but no one I have spoken with on those has indicated they will cause any problems down the road.  I agree with what a couple of people here have said.....get yourself to a good urological oncologist.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    The fact that you had

    The fact that you had elevated WBC count and bacteria present in your urine would seem to indicte an infection. While I'm not a physician I would think it's unlikely that the cyst on your kidney is causing it, whether it's a harmless cyst or RCC. It could be two totally unrelated issues. Cysts are very common so hopefully that's what yours is. But as Iceman said, even if worse comes to worst and it's believed to be cancer it's so small that surgery should be the end of it. And yes, the prolapsed bladder could cause frequent urination. That was happening with my sister. Wishing you the best; yes, I'm not surprised you feel overwhelmed. Hang in there!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    While my earlier response to you played down the issue of Kidney Cancer, now that you have posted the size of your cysts Kidney Cancer is an issue that must be addressed one way or the other.
