So bummed out

yellow lotus
yellow lotus Member Posts: 15

Had my presurgery physical Monday June 25. EKG tech handed me my printout and told me to take it back to primary and wait because it was "not quite normal". Sat in my primary's waiting room for 10 minutes and nurse came out to tell me T waves were not quite right but would not affect surgery. Friday I'm in hospital, fully prepped for surgery including IV, typed and cross matched for possible blood transfusions, vials of blood taken for testing, etc, you know the drill. Just before they were to wheel me into surgery my surgeon came in and started questioning me about any cardiac conditions. None that I know of. Asymptomatic, feel great except for RCC induced anxiety. Bottom line anesthesiologist afraid to anesthetize without release from cardiologist. I told my surgeon that I managed to get 4 weeks off of work which will most likely never happen again. RNs out there, y'all will understand. Then the waterworks began. I think the poor guy felt sorry for me. He went over and above, found an extremely booked up cardiologist who most graciously will see me Monday at 2:00 after my 11:00 ECHO appointment. Then my surgeon booked me for my partial nephrectomy Thursday July 5 at 3:30 which is normally his afternoon off according to the nurse. This of course is pending cardiology release. Has this ever happened to any of you? Even being asymptomatic I am still worried about the ECHO. Requesting prayers/good thoughts if you'd be so inclined. You can check my profile as I've only posted once before. I am so worried and promise to update you Monday night. THANKS! --Jan



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Its called CYA.



    Doctors are afraid of bad results.  Hopefully you will get the clearance and the Doctors and you will have nothing to worry about.




  • yellow lotus
    yellow lotus Member Posts: 15
    icemantoo said:

    Its called CYA.



    Doctors are afraid of bad results.  Hopefully you will get the clearance and the Doctors and you will have nothing to worry about.




    Thanks icemantoo, that is my

    Thanks icemantoo, that is my hope that it is just a case of CYA 

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    The pre Op stress was the worse

    The what it's before the surgery was worse than the surgery. In a perfect world the cardiologist tells you that your fine for surgery. You have the procedure and are on your way to recovery. Sending positive and calming thoughts your way.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    I supposedly had an abnormal

    I supposedly had an abnormal EKG readout as well.  I'm a runner and, as such, I have a very low resting heart rate.  At times, it's down in the high 40's to low 50's.  So when I went for my pre-op physical, they noted that and were a little freaked out about it.  Somehow, some way, they were able to get EKG's from earlier surgeries I had at a different hospital six and twelve years earlier and compared the EKG tests I had then with what they were seeing and concluded that what I had told them was true.  As ice points out, it's a CYA kind of thing.

  • Gtngbtr58
    Gtngbtr58 Member Posts: 206 Member
    Better safe than sorry-

    What a stinky situation but just know the 5th will be here before you know it.  Try to enjoy the 4th-i really believe there is a greater plan and everything happens for a reason.  Good luck and wishes for continued good health-June

  • yellow lotus
    yellow lotus Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2018 #7
    Thank you everyone, tomorrow

    Thank you everyone, tomorrow can't get here fast enough

  • Spivey88
    Spivey88 Member Posts: 43

    Thank you everyone, tomorrow

    Thank you everyone, tomorrow can't get here fast enough


    How was your appt?  Praying it went great!