sensitive scar question

toddzilla Member Posts: 3

I had open total neph. on right kidney 3 weeks ago and the wound site is extremely sensitive, what can I do????

I can't were a shirt w/o covering wound with bandage, I've read tapping on it constantly helps some but is there anything else I can do.  my scar is healing very well.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    give it time



    Unfortunately this is one of the free perks of getting Nephed. If real sore or seems to be infected check with a doctor..



  • Steph85
    Steph85 Member Posts: 166 Member

    I remember that that... I had my open partial in January. It was so irritating.  I wore my compression wrap the hospital gave me. That helped a lot with it. I wore soft shirts. It will get easier. Icemantoo has reminded me every step of my journey that "it will get better". Everything just takes time. Sorry you have to go through this. Hope your recovering well otherwise!  

    Take care,


  • toddzilla
    toddzilla Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018 #4
    icemantoo said:

    give it time



    Unfortunately this is one of the free perks of getting Nephed. If real sore or seems to be infected check with a doctor..




    ill try the compression wrap

  • toddzilla
    toddzilla Member Posts: 3
    Steph85 said:


    I remember that that... I had my open partial in January. It was so irritating.  I wore my compression wrap the hospital gave me. That helped a lot with it. I wore soft shirts. It will get easier. Icemantoo has reminded me every step of my journey that "it will get better". Everything just takes time. Sorry you have to go through this. Hope your recovering well otherwise!  

    Take care,



    time heals all wounds they say

  • tomt263
    tomt263 Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2018 #6

    Mine was numb for a long time.  Now 7 years down the road I have a lot of discomfort in that area which I am told is scar tissue.  Good luck with it.

  • Glidergal365
    Glidergal365 Member Posts: 93
    I had the same issue

    To me it felt like sunburn. I had a hand assist neph (so a 5-6 inch incision lower right side) and two port holes for the laprascopic equipment. I asked the DR about it because it happened about 2-3 weeks after surgery, he said it's a sign of the nerve endings reawakening and attaching themselves back together. I'm happy to say at 3 months out I have no pain, no numbness. I know others haven't been so lucky. Just wear loose, soft things for a few days :) 

  • Jeannie60
    Jeannie60 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018 #8
    Nerve endings

    My mother in law's surgeon suggested lightly  massaging the skin along the incision several times per day. She also mentioned nerve irritation. Worth a try

  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    Time and excersize.

    I agree with Iceman, but I will add that excersize seemed to help by breaking up the scar tissue.  When fully healed I started fairly aggressive excersize and now 5 years later it is not noticable except on rare occasions.  It was noticalby better by the end of the first year.  My wife jokes that I should get a tattoo of a zipper pull on my scar......not sure i will go that far but we laugh about it now.


  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    4 months after right radical

    4 months after right radical neph, and over 16" of cuts, I have a few spots that aren't even all the way healed yet. I am putting liberal amounts of liquid Vitamin E Oil the entire length of all the cuts. I get a lot of the electrical, zapping feeling type pains and I realize it's things coming back to life. 

    Personally, I think you just need to be patient. It takes quite some time for the inside to heal, even if the outside is looking wonderful. (Which mine is not, yet!) Hardest thing in the world for me is patience. Perhaps this is my test. If so, I've been tested enough now, thanks all the same, and I've failed the test miserably. LOL.

    At any rate, hang in there. And think about Vit. E oil!

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    My husband had a huge

    My husband had a huge incision for a radical nephrectomy.  For the first month they gave him lidocaine patches to place on the incision to numb it.  Those were very helpful.  After that first month he wore soft tshirts under his regular shirts.  The discomfort eventually just goes away.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Problems with Incisions

    I had 2 laparascopic surgeries. First was for the radical nephrectomy then on the same side 2 years later was for the adrenalectomy.

    The first surgery had the largest scar: a six inch incision along with 4-5 smaller ones from solar plexus to hip. On the first surgery the major issue I had was numbness on the abdomen and groin area. Eventually most of that went away but it took a long time. I still have some of it. Nerves grow slowly. I suppose instead of numbness you could have neuropathy, depending on whether the nerves were damaged or or cut. I had shingles a few months ago and found out there's very little the doctors can do for nerve pain, unfortunately. I would think you will heal with time but it might take a few months.

    The second surgery I had another 6 scars or so. I'm forgetting how many. These were also scattered from solar plexus. The biggest problem I had with these incisions were I had a very bad allergic reaction to the surgical glue they used. For some reason I had no reaction on the first surgery. I don't know if they used a different glue or, perhaps, as it was explained to me, often times the first time you are exposed you don't get the reaction but the second time your body's immune system responds negatively to the exposure. The allergic reaction was so bad that my wound took a really long time to heal. Some didn't close/stay closed. When they were healed over I went in for an MRI with contrast, and all the wounds from this second surgery turned bright red, swelled and itched as a result of the contrast. The head of radiology was called to look at my reaction and he said he'd never seen that before. I haven't had to have an MRI with contrast since then but have worried about what reaction I might get the next time if I need it.

    I'm now 5 1/2 years from the nephrectomy and 3 1/2 years from the adrenalectomy and now real problems with the scars except I have a hernia as a result of the largest scar. From what I've heard this is pretty common with large abdominal scars. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm quite overweight.

    Hoping and would imagine you will heal up with time. Hang in and be patient.

    Best to you,


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,052 Member
    A 14" scar from the first surgery,

    and add 2 inches per for the next two.  Twelve, 11, and 10 years ago.  Healing just takes time; and I didn't even get the staples out until 3 weeks.  

    Not in any order:

    -don't scratch the itch, it just inflames it more

    -soft t-shirt material to cover it-day/night/or in the shower.

    -warm showers (not hot) and finish off with cooler water.  New scars react with an antihistamine effect and swell under heated water

    -if there is no open wound, begin with a lotion.  Neutrogena winter stuff for dry hands worked well for me.  Avoid any fragrances.

    -after release to exercise, I started going into the pool to walk and stretch.

    -time to heal, and more time.

    After 12 years, my scar still itches.  And once in a while, an ingrown hair works it's way to the surface.  But hey, I'll take the scar and what goes with it anyday after being told I had 5-7 months to live unless surgery could be done.

    Good Luck,


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited July 2018 #14
    It hasn't been very long

    It hasn't been very long since your surgery and unfortunately it takes some time. I would just try to keep everything from rubbing on it and touching it until it gets better. All the best!!!